the plugin does seem to not work anymore!? I’m getting HTTP ERROR 500 straight after activate the plugin. WP 4.9.2, BP 2.9.2, bbP 2.5.14
It’s a pity, because it looks like a very good solution…
Is the plugin still maintained?
thanks in advance?
]]>When using the shortcode to display most popular posts, is there a way to show the number of votes next to the title?
]]>Is there a custom field I can use to sort the post loop by votes? In the below example ‘meta_key’ would be the custom field. Thanks.
$posts = get_posts(array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => 'votes',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'DESC'
Hi team,
I am using voter plugin to display likes. Using do_shortcode function to display likes in pages(index.php). In Ajax repeater template do_shortcode is not working. So please help on this..to get it work.. In normal page it’s working, only in ajax page it’s not working.
Thanks in advance
]]>1. Don’t show voter buttons in ajax loaded (“load more”). The source of the problem is is_admin() in begining of the function aheadzen_get_voting_link. Need to check DOING_AJAX.
2. If shown, votes don’t work (return 0) in ajax loaded activites. The source of the problem is function aheadzen_get_current_page_url(). It returns /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php as current page instead of real current page. I don’t know how to correctly fix it. I make return '';
. It’s bad but works.
IMHO this is the best plug-in of its type, but I found two serious bugs:
1) The login and register links are reversed – I had to swap around the following piece of code in voter_functions.php:
?redirect_to=<?php echo urlencode($redirect_to); ?>
2) Your plug-in overwrites the user description field, which it most certainly should not do – I had to comment out the following piece of code in voter.php:
add_filter('get_the_author_description', array('VoterBpMembers','az_display_author_total_votes'), 3, 10);
Hi there,
I have used this plugin on custom post type detail page. I have selected Custom HTML and used Font Awesome icons. It displays the icons everywhere except the detail page of the custom post type.
Help please!
]]>When a Buddypress member received a Like for an item, say his post or his profile, he’ll receive an email notification reminding him that a certain member “like” this item of his.
But the links in the email were linked to the wrong page.
Here is a screenshot of an example:
In this case, newbuddy2 received a “like” for his profile from newbuddy1, but
the first link “Click the link” ends up being linked to 404 page,
the second link is correctly linked to newbuddy1 profile,
the third link “member settings” ends up being linked to newbuddy1 profile page after newbuddy2 logged in.
I can’t find the email template anywhere from the plugin setting page at wp / admin, and even if I can find it I don’t know how to correct them.
This is my first WP experience so I hope this is not too complicated.
Another question is can we add ad banner, like Google adSense to the email template? Can how if we can?
Thank you so much if anyone can help.
plugin works fine, i am displaying the voter lists, i want to make the listed users as hyperlink, and clicking on the voter should show the posts written by that voter, please help on this issue
Thanks in advance.
This plugin looks very promising. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into it.
I installed it today, but it’s not working on my site.
On a Post, if I click “Like”, then reload the page, the like resets.
When I load my BuddyPress Activity stream, the following php errors are output on the page:
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method VoterPosts::aheadzen_post_content_voting_links() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 235
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPosts::aheadzen_content_voting_links() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 1138
Profile picture of Mike Bolton
Mike Bolton (@mikeb)
active 4 seconds ago
Communication Division
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method VoterBpMembers::aheadzen_bp_member_voting_links() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 524
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPluginClass::aheadzen_get_voting_link() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 1285
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPluginClass::aheadzen_check_voter_page_disabled() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined index: result in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 175
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPluginClass::aheadzen_get_current_page_url() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 201
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPluginClass::aheadzen_get_total_votes() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 202
Strict Standards: Non-static method VoterPluginClass::aheadzen_is_voted() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 204
Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 90
Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 210
Notice: Undefined variable: votetype in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 224
Notice: Undefined variable: votetype in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 225
Notice: Undefined index: rtype in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/voter-plugin/voter_functions.php on line 366
Let me know if you have any insight!
All the best,
Mike Bolton
]]>Hi, thanks for this great plugin. I have the problem, the voting is not showing up for guests. Only registered user can see the voting.
I like that only registered users are able to vote, but i like to show guests the voting too with the option to login.
I use the hueman theme. My site: https://www.dealn.eu
is it possible to enable a buddypress notifications with Voter?
This time I only get an email if somebody votes my stuff.
Thank you!
This is a great plugin ?? works great. i want to display users who are all liked the post. it should be displayed recent 5 username who all liked and more option should come clicking on more should display remaining users name.
please give some solution on this. Thanks in Advance
I would love the ability to change the default display settings and code through some sort of template that can be updated in the interface. This would be updating the code, not a WYSIWYG editor. That way we can customize it and have it match our theme without having to update the actual plugin. (maybe make this available through some paid version).
]]>Ability to view a list of all posts with their ratings, and even show the users that have rated on each post.
How can I vote for the author by the Post ?
Have eventually the plugin statistical features to see the number of votes and who voted?
]]>Do you offer professional version or will you add the ability to disable login? Our site is a paid members sites but profiles should be voted on. Your plugin is the closest one we’ve found for the project but ideally would like to disable login and just track votes by IP or Cookie.
when I active the plugin, all Javascript does not work and I get the message
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).dialog is not a function
The proplem occures here in the voter.js?ver=4.4.2:40 File
jQuery(function() {
dialog = jQuery( "#aheadzen_voting_login" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 350,
width: 350,
modal: true,
open: function() {
jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').bind('click', function() {
close: function() {
jQuery( ".aheadzen_voting_add" ).click(function() {
jQuery( "#aheadzen_voting_login" ).dialog( "open" );
Thank you!
]]>Here are 2 quick bug fixes which currently throw up errors if using WP > 4.3 and BP > 1.9
WP_Widget is depreciated:
voter_widgets_shorcodes.php: Line 23
$this->WP_Widget('aheadzen_voter','Top Listings Voter Plugin', $widget_ops);
$this->__construct('aheadzen_voter','Top Listings Voter Plugin', $widget_ops);
bp_core_add_notification is depreciated
Line 249 Replace
if(!get_option('aheadzen_voter_disable_notification') && function_exists('bp_core_add_notification')){
if(!get_option('aheadzen_voter_disable_notification') && function_exists('bp_notifications_add_notification')){
Line 251 Replace
bp_core_add_notification($_REQUEST['secondary_item_id'], $post_author, 'votes', $action_str,$_REQUEST['item_id']);
bp_notifications_add_notification($_REQUEST['secondary_item_id'], $post_author, 'votes', $action_str,$_REQUEST['item_id']);
Hey there,
Getting an odd issue where the voting links disappear from the activity stream if it’s filtered at all. For example if I click to only show Group activity items or even just filter using the drop down to only show Profile Updates etc. then the voting links disappear completely.
Any ideas on this?
I’ve tried across 3 different themes including twentytwelve and twentysixteen on a fresh install and the problem persists.
]]>Hi. I need visitors to vote, without having to register. Is this possible?
]]>“Mixed Content: The page at ‘[HTTPS://MY WEBSITE]’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘https://MYWEBSITE…&secondary_item_id=4660&action=up&_wpnonce=d715a84be4&user_id=1&rtype=ajax%5D’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
So the ajax won’t work. This is the exact plugin I need. Please help me address this!
]]>Is it possible to have comments sorted by most voted? If not currently possible, would it be possible to add this feature to the plugin in an upcoming update?
]]>The plugin was working fine when using a premium theme, I’ve now switched to using BST-Plus as it’s much lighter but the AJAX for voting seems to have stopped working.
Instead of the nice ajax preloader it now refreshes the page.
Any ideas of how to fix this?
Thanks for this plugin.
I want to use the arrows style but I really can′t find a way to give arrows a correct position inside the circle (centered).
Can you help me with this?
This is a link for you to see the test site: https://bit.ly/1PMthFR
Thanks in advance,
]]>Hi Aheadzen! I wanted to see if I can pay you to customize this voter plugin for my sites specific needs? I tried to go to your websites Contact Us page but it gives a 404. If you can get back to me asap that would be great!
]]>Hi team,
While clicking like button it’s keep on loading,
]]>what is the shortcode to display like button??
]]>Hi, on activity page from buddypress when I click like she loads some kind of an iframe with same page again, crazy css all over the place