I think, I’ve found a bug in column order handling in complex tables. If you take a look at the page, I’ve provided a link to, you see what I want to accomplish. This is a complex table with merged cells in the first column and alternating row colours with separate “rhytm” for alternation in the first resp. the remaining columns.
The code that produces the table is:
[vtftable cols=”{0}0-3:009900;{/}{2}0-3:eee;{/}{4}0-3:eee;{/}{6}1-3:eee;{/}{7}0:eee;{/}{8}1-3:eee;{/}{9}0:eee;{/}{10}1-3:eee;{/}{11}0:eee;{/}{12}1-3:eee;{/}{13}0:eee;{/}{14}1-3:eee;{/}{15}0:eee;{/}{16}1-3:eee;{/}{17}0:eee;{/}{18}1-3:eee;{/}” fols=”{0}0-3:ffffff;{/}” mer=”5,0,6,0;11,0,13,0;” wid=”0:22%;1:20%;2:18%;3:40%:” st=”bt:5;”]
kazo;;;en singularo;;;en pluralo;;;klarigo;nn;
nominativo;;;talo;;;talot;;;domo, domoj;nn;
akuzativo;;;talon;;;talot;;;domon, domojn;nn;
genetivo;;;talon;;;talojen;;;de domo, de domoj (posedo);nn;
partitivo;;;taloa;;;taloja;;;parton de domo, domoj, ne en tute;nn;
esivo;;;talona;;;taloina;;;kiel domo, domoj;nn;
{f120};;;tiistaina;;;–;;;(?i-)marde, je mardo;nn;
translativo;;;taloksi;;;taloiksi;;;igi a? i?i (al stato de) domo resp. domoj; rezulto de a?o a? ?an?igo;nn;
inesivo;;;talossa;;;taloissa;;;en domo, domoj;nn;
elativo;;;talosta;;;taloista;;;el, ekster domo, domoj;nn;
ilativo;;;taloon;;;taloihin;;;en domon, domojn;nn;
adesivo;;;talolla;;;taloilla;;;?e domo, domoj;nn;
{f120};;;p?yd?ll?;;;p?ydill?;;;sur tablo, tabloj;nn;
ablativo;;;talolta;;;taloilta;;;ekde, el (stato estate ?e) domo, domoj;nn;
alativo;;;talolle;;;taloille;;;?irka? domon, domojn;nn;
abesivo;;;talotta;;;taloitta;;;sen domo, domoj;nn;
instruktivo;;;taloin;;;taloin;;;per domo, domoj;nn;
komitativo;;;taloineen;;;taloineen;;;(ri) kun sia domo, siaj domoj; kunhavante;nn;
The table is likely to be changed and therefore I thought to rearrange the colouring alternations to more manageable (at least for me) order:
That is, I first have the first column and then the remaining columns. Logically those two colouring schemes are identical. But this later scheme doesn’t produce the same effect. Please, test yourself. My guess is, that the looping of the column codes is one-pass or something along that line.
I can live with the working solution. I just wished, it would have been a little easier to make the upcoming changes. This is complex enough table anyway.
]]>Hi how to remove column and row line? i wish the table columns and rows doesn’t appear in the page
]]>Hi George,
Nice plugin – I really love it. You implemented a few great ideas.
But: The number of use cases for the plugin would increase dramatically if there were a few additional formatting capabilities that are being used in almost every table like e.g.
– aligning by cell/by column (right, left, center)
– merging cells together/combining cells (and of course unmerging again) at least in a row, in order to create centered header rows and footer rows.
And: I also have the problem that the lightbox that is opened by Visual Table doesn’t show a vertical scroll bar. I.e. I can’t reach the ‘Insert shortcode into Editor’ button any more if the table becomes longer than only a few lines.
This problem has already been mentioned in an earlier post. It might well be a collision of the plugin’s CSS code with another plugin or even the theme (in my case Catch Evolution Pro). Maybe it makes sense to use more unique names in the plugin’s CSS.
Thanks — Ralf
]]>I created a table with the two heading lines coloured grey, one for the WOMENS cell and one for the MENS but when I view the site the cell above MENS is grey and no matter what I do I can’t change/fix it.
I would like to know if it is possible to edit a table that you have already made with VT? For example I have made a table, but I want to change a row color.
]]>Hi GeorgeIron, thank’s for this plugin.
I need to add a div with a css class around tables.
I proved to modify the visual-table-formatting.php file but it give me an error.
Can you suggest me a solution?
Can I adjust the cell width? , I like 3 columns with 33% width each.
thank you
]]>Hi with both versions when the plugin window opens I can only see 1/2 of the items, and I cannot scroll down. I have tried zooming out but by the time I see the whole page the text is to small to read. This problem is particularly a problem with the pro version, trying to access the Advanced options.
]]>Can you use the tinymce editor itself?