when i give ban IP i take some error:
Warning:fopen(/home/mysite/public_html/.htacces)[function.fopen]:faild to open stream:Ppermission denied in …..plugins/visitor-maps-extended-referer-field/visitor-maps-extended-referer.php on line 217
Warning fwrite()expect parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in … /visitor-maps-extended-referer.php on line 218
Warning:fclose()expect parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in … /visitor-maps-extended-referer.php on line 219
i dont need problems with internal error from .htacces and now plugin is deactivate.
i dont know what is this errors and what can i do
]]>Our site, rockchurchradio.com is experiencing the error below. [I host with Wpengine. Plugin = Visitor Maps Extended Referer field (v 1.2.3)]
The error is :
– – – – – –
Visitor Maps Extended Notice
/nas/wp/www/cluster-1673/mwhelan4/.htaccess could not be copied. IP and referer banning have been disabled. To enable those features, be sure /nas/wp/www/cluster-1673/mwhelan4/.htaccess exists, then reactivate the Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field plugin.
– – – – – –
Here’s the reply from Wpengine after I sent them the error:
Jason Stallings, Jun 06 02:28 pm (CDT):
Hey Marc,
I can confirm the .htaccess file is there, I’m not quite sure why the file can’t be copied though. Unfortunately we can’t change permissions, and usually that isn’t needed.
I’d contact the plugin developer, looks like the issue is found around line 347:
if(!@copy(ABSPATH . “.htaccess”, $htbackup)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
Let me know how this works.
Jason Stallings
Twitter: @octalmage
– – — – – –
Any help would be much appreciated,
]]>I don’t get what it’s supposed to do…
]]>Hi there
I think my problem is related to others that have posted, but Im not sure. I have the latest version of WordPress (3.5.1) and Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field (1.2.2).
Basically, when I try to ban an IP address by clicking the button next to the IP address, my site goes down giving “Internal Server Error” message. Ive narrowed the problem down to the .htaccess file. When I ban an IP, it adds the following code:
# BEGIN Visitor Maps Extended
# BEGIN banned ips
<Limit GET POST>
order allow,deny
deny from
allow from all
# END banned ips
# END Visitor Maps Extended
I can simply edit the .htaccess file (no need to uninstall the plugin) and remove the code above to fix the issue. But of course, the plugin does not work.
Any idea how to fix this? This is a great idea for a plugin and would love to get it working.
]]>I’ve been getting several entry attempts by anonymous ip addresses. The first 6 digits, xxx.xxx.x are always the same and the last few digits change. Obviously, this person gets another spoofed id and tries again. How do I ban the range? Can I just enter xxx.xxx.x and leave the rest off?
]]>After latest upgrade of the plugin, I am seeing error message in WP Admin Panel. Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field plugin complains that .htaccess file is missing. I checked, it is there. I had tried deactivating, then reactivating, uninstalling and re-installing the plugins. Nothing help. I downgraded to the previous version, which works. There seems to be a bug in the latest version, which was released 2 days ago.
]]>Love this plug in. But what do I know, in trying to ban a referrer for the first time, I made the mistake of entering the entire url, https://thenameofthesitexxx.com. It caused an internal server error and brought the site down. With the help of my host provider, went into FTP, deleted the plug in and had to rename htaccess. The site went up fine after those measures, so I thought I could just reinstall the plug-in. When I activated it, same thing happened. Internal server error. So had to delete the plug-in again and rename htaccess again. My guess is, somewhere in the site, my error is still in the memory or something. How do I clean this up so I can reinstall the plug-in?
Getting this error message, although I have .htaccess with right permissions.. can you please help?
/home/owlsporc/public_html/.htaccess could not be copied. IP and referer banning have been disabled. To enable those features, be sure /home/owlsporc/public_html/.htaccess exists, then reactivate the Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field plugin.
Thank You!
Thanks for your useful plugin
it’s works for me except for the links “banned ip adresses” and “unban all” as show in the screenshot-3.png ” picture of the Banned-IP Address manager, which eases IP-banning. “
I would like to know how much i ban IP and managing Baned IP too.
Thank you
]]>If you experience problems with your website after updating from older versions, simply restore the .htaccess file from the file .htaccess.backup, which is locate in the root WordPress folder. Then, deactivate/reactivate Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field. There was a bug which may have caused htaccess to be improperly written.
If you continue to experience problems, contact me for help.