I have two playlists, General Music and Tribute Music. I want to add a widget to the sidebar for just the Tribute Music playlist, but the only playlist that displays in the WP widget dashboard is General Music.
]]>I’m interested in applying custom CSS to the skins, specifically the light skin. I’m using a child theme, so I’ll be putting it in my child theme css. Is there a css stylesheet I can reference? I’m using Safari Developer Tools as well.
Thanks in advance
I would like to know if there are toggle options for full screen and/or an extension to use standard youtube toolbars for the videos.
The latest videos are not appearing on the sidebar, the template is there but the space for clips are just blank… Also I have some issues with the loading speed of the videos with the plugin. Is there any suggestions to make it ‘lighter’ to make my webpage faster?
]]>I really like the Vidsy.tv system and how easy it is to use, but my WP site is closed and content can only be viewed by members. Because this plugin is really a “portal” to the Vidsy.tv site, it appears that my videos cannot be secured from the public. Is that the case or is there a setting that can be enabled to only allow traffic from my site to reach my Vidsy page?
Can you please help me.
I have installed your plugin successfully on other sites but for some reason cannot get it to work on this page. https://acousticmeditation.com/videos/
Can you advise me on how to fix.
I did chat with my hosting customer service and this is what they said: acousticmeditation.com – [10/Jul/2015:00:38:15 +0000] “GET /wp-content/plugins/vidsy//images/vidsylogoonly_16.png HTTP/1.0” 200 3035 “https://acousticmedi…cmeditation.com/wp-admin/”; “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.78.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.6 Safari/537.78.2”
There is a double // before images
I think that is the issue
6:04 pmshould just be
That was in your error log
that is in the code
6:20 pmThe path on the server does not have that, it is correct
So I am not sure why it is adding the extra /
This plugin looks awesome but how do i import a video to my gallery? Collect button does not work!
I registered and created an account, however, when I add my sub-domain text area of the setting page, after few second, text area displays “api error”. My site is running from SSL server.
vidsy.tv dashboard is blank.
Please advice. I really want to use your plugin.
Thank you.
]]>Hi …. great looking plugin
Is it possible to have a playlist running “live” … as in based on time of the day rather than beginning when a user clicks on a post? Like a tv station
Many thanks in advance
I try to collect seconde video to my playlist and it doesnt respond.
please help
]]>Please help me and guide me how to configure sidebar videos. It is askinng me to confgure and I don’t know how to do it.
]]>Want to share a video I took on my iphone. Will this do the trick?
great plug in!!
I’ve only a problem with mobile view… only with portrait view
The list of video are all on the right and i can’t navigate them
Can you help me?
There is a css to edit?
Thank you
I like your plugin but there are a few things not working very well.
When I add a playlist, the video on the left doesn’t show full size.
Also, the text on the right goes on top of the thumbnails.
password: vidsy
I’m using firefox and wordpress 3.9.1.
I hope that we can fix this.
One more question: would it be possible to show the videos as a slider?
Thank you.
Is there any SEO value in implementing this? The entire plugin is embedded and cannot be seen by search engines correct?