Hi, I do not have a lot of experience with the plug in but I got a common issue.
When I try to enter to the wp admin area dashboard, the plug in redirects me into the dashboard for the admin of the vibe bp.
How can I enter into the dashboard again?
I’m building my website and at the begin (week ago) the fields did sync. Now (BuddyPress is updated to 6.0) it is not working anymore.
I have downgraded to 5.2 but for some reason it is not working as well. Do you have any idea what this could be?
I have been trying to delete some fields in the admin settings but the fields keep reappearing again without deleteing.
Some fields do not sync automatically after buddypress registration. Once a new buddypress account is created and all profile fields are filled and saved successfully, after visiting the checkout page some fields are not synced automatically.
I noticed that all fields are synced correctly only after I resave my buddypress profile detals again.
Users should not have to save their profile details twice since it was already saved during the registration process.
Please can you add support to sync the default wordpress/buddypress registration email with the default woocommerce email.