Hi! I’ve been using your Random Post plugin for quite a few years. Recently, I installed ‘WP Fastest cache’ plugin to speed up my site. My site is now much faster but when I click on the random post that’s generated it loads really slowly as if it’s NOT using the cache. Can you offer any advice? If it’s NOT using the cache plugin, can I force it to do so? Thanks, Steve
]]>Hello, thank you for the plugin, i have an issue on some thumbnails, there aren’t visible. I don’t understand, i try to regenerate them but some still not visibles, have you an idea where the problem come ? TX
to see the site here, on right side bar (hasard = random)
Does it work with wordpress 4.6.1 ?
Can i set the date order to be reversed so newest post will show in Menu in top ?
Now its showing the new in the bottom of the menu
Thank you
]]>Hello, I would like to plug did not do new graphics
When I set her thumbnails 107 to 190 pix it to each entry you make it such a new graphic.
whether it is possible to disable the creation of thumbnails by this plugin?
I’m talking about turning off the Resizer that it did not make new graphics only used the already added as thumbnails
]]>First of all, this plugin is great! I used to have 5 random posts hard-coded onto my sidebar. But this coding now produces 5 identical posts. I really like that the post dates can be added. But I couldn’t quite figure out what CSS to change to put the date inline with the title.
I would like to display the titles only and put their post dates after each anchor tag, like this: title of random post, date
Knowing only enough about PHP to get myself in trouble, I tried the following in my theme’s functions.php. I don’t know why I was surprised that it threw a blank page. Clearly, I have added incorrect coding.
vi random posts add date after anchor tag for post title
add_filter('virp_get_random_posts', 'virp_add_date-to-titlespec');
function virp_add_date-to-titlespec($virp-add_date) {
$html .= '<a class="virp-title" href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" title="' . sprintf( esc_attr__( '%s', 'virp' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) . '" rel="bookmark">' . esc_attr( get_the_title() ) . '</a>, ' . esc_attr(get_the_date(l, j F Y));
return $virp-add_date;
Thank you for any help you can offer
E Morris, etherwork [dot] net [slash] blog « purposely unlinked in attempt to keep spammers at bay
Here is the coding (gleaned from the codex) that was on my sidebar and no longer works:
<!-- start random post links -->
<h2><?php _e('5 randomly chosen posts:'); ?></h2>
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 5, 'orderby' => 'rand', 'category__not_in' => array(9, 10, 11) );
$rand_posts = get_posts( $args );
foreach( $rand_posts as $post ) : ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- end random post links -->
This seems to happen on every widget post I have tested I like yours so I figured I would post this here. I was hoping you could help me out here is a link to what I mean…
Seems to happen on forum pages the most is there any quick fix or ideas please help me and thanks.