I have found the plugin extremely easy to use as a someone with very limited technical ability.
I am trying to add excluded pages, but it is not working.
I am unsure which exact line I am suppose to add the pages to and I am unsure about how the ‘ ‘, should be.
For example this is the plugin at the edit mode:
class WPVerySimpleSitemap {
function WPVerySimpleSitemap() {
/* Add pages to exclude here.
* e.g.: $this->exclude_pages = ‘101,102’;
* will exclude pages with ids 101 and 102.
$this->exclude_pages =
$this->sitemap_xml = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.’sitemap.xml’;
$this->robots_txt = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.’robots.txt’;
$this->cron_event = __CLASS__ . ‘cronevent’;
The pages and 1 post I want to exclude are:
492, 289, 429, 442, 843, 1652
Which line should they go and where should the ” & ,; be?
I have tried various combinations and lines but I can’t get it right.
Please advise.
Thank you
I have installed the plugin and added the excluded pages, as well as created the Site Map page.
How long does it take to generate a site map?
Nothing is showing.