This is now WordPress version 5.8, and this plugin really needs to be updated.
I tried to use it and I get this appearing at the top bar of the page:
VSRP: No data available
No matter the settings, I get the same error display.
I deactivated all plugins except this one, same error.
I changed to a WordPress default theme (twenty-nineteen), same error.
I looked at the Console report in the browser inspector, no script errors.
First update the plugin to work in WordPress 5.8. then please answer the posts here about the issues people are having, especially this post of mine.
]]>The plugin was working before and suddenly crashed.
The admin page of all scroll has crashed and no scroll could be display. I try to create a new scroll but I cannot click to the tabs on top toolbar and no scroll was saved after submit.
Please help!
Screen Shoot:
hii gopi!
1st of all, thanks for great plugin that works out of box! i m using it for one of my client. works good..
while creating new scroll of posts, i tried “Exclude categories” in display options. This does not work. Tried multiple combinations but all fail. So checked code. You have not considered this option while building $args array of get_posts() in vertical-scroll-recent-post/class-vertical-scroll-recent-post-widget.php on line number 117.
It says ‘category__in’ => explode( ‘,’, $vsrp_select_categories ),
while it should check if Exclude option is provided then set category__in or category__not_in .. just 2 mins jobs for you! Kindly do it to make this plugin better..
I also made small changes to CSS :
.vsrp_div{font-size: 18px !important; clear: both; line-height: 1.6;}
.vsrp_div img{float: left;}
.vsrp_div{height: auto !important; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}
This makes it look very good.
Check on right side.
Thanks a lot for this awesome plugin.
First of all, thank you for great plugin, it works perfectly, as designed.
However, I was hoping to more options regarding the autoplay controls.
Is there a way to disable autoplay and place arrows at the top and bottom so that the users scrolls freely through post titles?
Thanks in advance
With this plugin activated, avada tabs are not working correctly. It hides the first tab.
You can fix this temporaly by commenting these lines in vertical-scroll-recent-post.js
if ( jQuery( “.fade” ).length >= 1 ) {
jQuery( “.fade” ).delay( 1500 ).fadeOut();
I really like your plugin. But how can i show thumbnail beside title of posts in scroll?
I see: Please select if you want to display post’s thumbnail.
You may add a CSS rule to class vsrp_thumb to style the thumbnails
by default the size is same as post title’s height
I write the code as follows .vsrp_thumb{ in CSS :
float: left;
margin-right: 12px;
padding-top: 4px;
width: 65px;
height: 65px;
But do not run. Please help me!
First of all awesome work.
I planning to use your plugin in some of the projects.
but there is some kind of bug while using with Visual Composer(frontend), elementor or Any front end Live builder.
They render in the left top for no reason.
can you guys fix it
It would be very helpful
PS: the screenshot is in the link below for both on visual composer and Elementor
]]>Is it possible to add post date instead of number bullets by using any hooks?
]]>Hi. Just found your plugin. Exactly what I wanted but the font size is too small. Do you have a css snippet I can use to change make the font larger?
I have your plugin activated and it works via widget. But I’d like to include it via php and it does not work: function_exists( ‘vsrp’ ) returns a FALSE.
bug? THX!
]]>I assume it’s on purpose or not, but i can’t have that…
The point of scroller is that it can scroll continuously not go down the post one by one and stop for 2 sec in between each post.
Is there a way to change that?
]]>Hi! VSRP works well with one small issue. The last item on the scroller shows a bit of ‘ghost writing’ just beneath it – this looks odd. Is it possible to get rid of it? It looks like it is showing just the top of the characters on the next line of text on the blog post. Changing the height of the space between posts does seem to help.
To see what I mean see the “Blog – recent post” widget at:
Thank you.
]]>Hoping you can help… the plugin is loading but the posts aren’t scrolling. I’m not getting any errors that I can see. I installed an older version, but that didn’t display posts at all, so I’m back to using the most current version. Any help would be greatly appreciated! You can see the plugin here, below the nav bar:
]]>Nothing is shown when I using the shortcode
]]>Hi there – first off, great plugin! Never had any problems until now, but I recently upgraded and unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be scrolling any more. It will show the first post in the selected category, but it never moves past that.
Here’s the only JS error I am getting:
TypeError: n.indexOf is not a function
if ( n.indexOf( ‘vsrp_id’ ) > -1 )
Any help would be greatly appreciated – just let me know if you need any more info from me. Thanks!
Great plugin, if only it would show inside the content.
For some reason it is located at the top of the page content – it pushes down my website content .
Any hint on this?
link to page:
Link to page where the news show on top of page content.
]]>I updated last night and then this morning noticed the plugin was gone…before I did anything I wanted to see if this was intentional as part of the update or anything other sites have experienced…should I have to re-install the plugin on my sidebar, or did I mess up somewhere else? Our site is, and it should show in the white space directly between the “Search this Site” box and the “Our People” and “Contact Us” elements. (Old version of page from wayback machine:
After the last update, The posts stop scrolling when stopping on any post by mouse.
What could the problem be?
]]>Everything on my site is at it’s most up-to-date and the posts will not scroll after I have setup everything in the settings area. It will just list the amount of posts I have set in the total amount of posts to scroll through. I currently have it changed to 1 for the site display but it should scroll through 10, but instead it just lists the 10 posts.
Site is Using Widgets on Pages Plugin and have VSRP Widget Setup for the Home Page.
In previous updates, I have also noticed that all of my settings get reset to default. Will this not occur anymore since the new setup a scroll feature has been added?
]]>I recently changed the theme on my site. In the process, the plugin no longer scrolls. It simply shows a static list of my recent posts. Can you help me correct this issue? I am not sure what code needs to be adjusted to make it work correctly. It is placed in the sidebar on my site. The web address is
Thank you.
]]>Hi !
I have a problem to display only specific posts categories on the website.
When I open “Vertical scroll recent post” widget settings and enter posts category that I want to be displayed in the widget on the website, it keeps showing all posts from all categories.
For example – I have 3 posts categories (news, announcements and conferences) but I want to show on the website only announcements.
When I enter “announcements” as category in widget settings it still shows all posts on the website.
Can you please help me with this ?
Thanks !
]]>It would be nice to have the option to choose how you want the date formatted. Is this a feature you might consider adding?
]]>FYI – anyone wanting to change the timeout delay between scroll movement:
Edit this file:
Look at the second to the last line:
setTimeout("vsrp_scroll();", 2000);
Change “2000” to another number. (1000= 1 second.)
]]>Are you still available?
]]>I was testing out the beta version of WP and it breaks Vertical Scroll Recent Posts on my development site.
It gives me this error. “mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user ‘lwmedia’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/lwmedia/public_html/dev/ysnews/wp-content/plugins/vertical-scroll-recent-post/vertical-scroll-recent-post.php on line 59”
Obviously this isn’t a critical issue at this juncture but I thought I would let you know in case you are working on an update.
If you need any further information, let me know
]]>i was looking on how to exclude.
just add the cats id’s in the admin area where it say “Enter categories”
that way:
with a minus before them
I have a question, my vertical scroller won’t show letters “?” and “?”. It’s strange becouse it shows all other letters like “?”,”?”,”?”.
my charset is set to “UTF-8”.
Thank you in advance
]]>I ve updated your plugin to 11.1 and a lot of plugin ( nextgen to 2.07) and WP to 3.6
The scroll dont ‘work well !
I ve downgraded to 10.2 and its also the same !
So I suppose is an another plugin … (I ve desactived all the plugion and its the same !
Can someone help me ? ( the vertical scroll appears after 5 seoncds…)
]]>hello everybody.
this plugin to those who aren’t familiar with it, is showing the resent posts in a vercial way at the side-bar.
my problem is how it works, i want it to:
1) to stop moving when the mouse just floats over it.
2) when it scrolls it wont stop but keep moving endlessly until we move our corser over it
3) slow it down a bit
your help is needed please help with atleast one of the above ??
]]>Need add special rel tag, its very urgent! i have used the plugin on: on every post the recent post data shown on google search and landing page was just disaster.