Same problem as virtualdaisy. Users with ie cannot log in to WP. All other browsers work fine. My website:
I have wordpress multisite V3.5.1, Everything works like charm except:
When user register on Vbulletin, It’s added (USER)twice to wordpres DB. (Duplicate Account)!!!
Please any idea or fix?
Thank you
When im logged and klick on logout button in wordpress page i will be redirected to white page (url=………) and nothing happening.
Login redirection works.
What can be a problem?
]]>i try this plugins but i think there is some issue, i try to log in from vbulletin 4.1.5 but not logged in my wordpress, when i try login from wordpress it direct me too my vbulletin forum page (not login page), and when i try login from widget (using login widget plugin) it stuck at redirect page, can’t stop directing from that page.
when i am logged in, in my vbulletin and i go to it keep direct me to redirect page that can’t stop directing and stuck again in that page
Status :
Wordpress : 3.2.1
vbulletin : 4.1.5
Wordpress plugins : just sidebar login plugins & vbsso plugin (i try disable sidebar login plugins too, that mean just vbsso plugin that active)
Vbulletin vbsso version : 1.4.2
Wordpress vbsso version : 1.2
Plugin Source :
the result just still the same, anyone happen like this? i need a solution