Hi Team, this is Moumita, Product Manager of MultiVendorX (Formally known as WCMp).
Most of our users are asking about the compatibility of MultiVendorX with your variations radio plugin? Can you please help us here?
]]>When I select a swatch its keep faded untill I click on any other space in screen on my website. Please fix that. Also swatch ui is not accurate. It needs Almost 1 second to change the selected swatch. It reduce time when I uninsalled asset cleanup pro. I think there ia a java script deffer problem. Please solve that too
]]>On the right side there is a triangle, how can we remove this?
Thank you in advange.
Hi, I am testing this variations plugin, it seems to work fine on the desktop, however when looking from tablet/phone it does not change the variation picture.
Any idea how we can fix this?