Hi. I installed this to try it a long time ago. Now that I am working on my site again I noticed your website is not there – it is now like a website/parking page. Are you still in existance or is this plugin abandoned?
I want to check some things.
First, the configuration page on the dashboard is blank (wp-admin/admin.php?page=vantagepoint), I think it should not look like that, right?
Another thing, when a video is recorded, it records the entire purchase process? Because orders are locked into a single screen/page. Also there is no way to summarize the videos to skip some parts? (some purchases seem to be very long).
I will look forward to your help!
Thank you! ??
Checking de-bug I find this issue
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/chris/www/lunagrown/wp-content/plugins/vantage-point-friendly-fraud-protection-for-woocommerce/VantagePoint.php on line 213
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/chris/www/lunagrown/wp-content/plugins/vantage-point-friendly-fraud-protection-for-woocommerce/VantagePoint.php on line 214
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/chris/www/lunagrown/wp-content/plugins/vantage-point-friendly-fraud-protection-for-woocommerce/VantagePoint.php on line 215
I have not seen this before but now after recent WP update is there. Any thoughts?
]]>Seems to be completely inactive from developers. I have important recordings that I can not access. Have sent 3 messages and phoned both numbers. If not, please use basic courtesy and inform us.
]]>I’m using WP 4.4 and the plugin doesn’t seem to work properly. Once I enter my details to create an account, I get to the welcome page but nothing happens and there’s no way to click anywhere.
]]>Ok after stumbling upon this plugin i am really very confused about it.
Although i have watched your video and read about this plugin it does seem like a neat idea, but i have a lot of questions about the validity of this plugin for use in a commercial environment due to legalities.
Ok we all know data protection is a very serious issue but what legal complications could come of using such a service, i dont know about the country you are from but here in the uk it can be an offence to record someone without their consent, lets use this as an example, alot of customer service centres when you first ring any customer service centre in the uk you will notice that if they are recording you they always have to state the fact before they answer the call via an automated message stating that these calls are recorded for training and various other reasons and if you disagree you can hang up the call.
Now is this not kinda like the same thing? If we have recordings of users placing orders with credit cards directly and we have full screen captures and even device ids they used are we not in danger of invasion of privacy?
Also how would customers react if you was obliged to tell them first before they continued with a purchase? My guess is you would lose alot of customers, Also how would customer be sure that you guys are infact storing their data recordings in a secure mannor and free from missuse? there seems to be alot of doubts in my mind as to wether or not this would be strictly legal.
Could you please clarify? I am genuinly interested in this and how you have managed to tackle any of these issues or if you have even bothered to check the legalities of such recordings especially of people who will be unaware of these recordings. Have you looked into all this?
I’m getting a fatal error following registration of my account
Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/austra37/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vantage-point-friendly-fraud-protection-for-woocommerce/VantagePoint.php on line 323
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
]]>Hello. Just a quick note.Version 3 of this plugin conflicts with Woocommerce Booster. It causes a fatal error and can lead to crashing a website. Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
]]>I installed and activated the plugin. However, upon registering the Vantage page on WordPress went blank. I disabled and reactived the plugin to no avail. Not sure what’s going on.
My website is using SSL sitewide. Perhaps that may be causing the issue?
]]>I have tried to contact you twice via getvantagepoint.com/dashboard/support.php about an issue with my account but no reply from you, nothing. Not even an acknowledgement of receipt.
]]>We have today updated the plugin to address some issues:
-Plugin Image not showing issues fixed in SSL wordpress admin
-Fixed issue where websites have embedded images using inline CSS
-Fixed conflict with Sharethis.com buttons reported by a client
If you have issues or bugs that causes your website to break or the recording playback is not accurate please lets us know.
We will work quickly to resolve the bugs.
]]>Hi Guys!
Looks like a pretty intuitive plugin. Welcome to the WordPress Repository. ??
I installed, and tested on my site, and I have one suggestion, and two bugs to report:
1.) Bug – Images within the wp-admin dashboard do not load. Example: https://www.getvantagepoint.com/wp_dashboard/images/logo_dashboard.png — My sites wp-admin panel is entirely SSL (as is the front-end, too for that matter). It appears your server does not load images over SSL. Let’s get that enabled! ??
2.) Bug – Order is marked as “Completed”, but I can not view the “video” on your dashboard. It just tells me recording in progress. Is this a bug, or does this take a while to complete on its own?
3.) Feature Suggestion: Your website shows all the great meta data it collects, such as all of the IP and GeoLocation information. But when I’m looking at an order, it doesn’t show me any of that. I have to go to the Vanatge Point area of my website, and then go to your website, and from there I dont really see any of that either. Perhaps it’s in the video that is still recording? Either way, it’s not readily accessible.
What would REALLY be KILLER if you guys did, would be to create an order meta box within the Edit Order page of WooCommerce. When I load the order, let’s show all the useful information such as IP, Location, etc… within a box there. A plugin called FraudLabs on www.remarpro.com does that now, and I find that indispensable. I also pay out the nose to them for this service. I’d rather pay you, you offer more, if you’ll show me the information I need to see.
Without the useful fraud meta data on the Edit Order Page, all this does is show me a video (that I can’t access yet) AFTER there is a problem. Showing me this information BEFORE it becomes a problem, as a preventative measure, would be much more useful to all of us! ?? Show me the IP! Show me the GeoLocation! Show me if it’s a Proxy! Highlight it in red if it’s not the same state as the customers billing address! ??
That’s all from me! ?? Thanks for the plugin, it’s a great start, and I hope you can incorporate those few fixes and my feature suggestion to make it useful to activate it again. You’ve got a customer if we can make the data easier to read on the Edit Order page!
I am intrigued by your service, but MalwareBytes firewall blocks your site, meaning it is on their blacklist.
I bypassed and your site looks legit, but I found many spelling and grammar errors.
Also the only review other than this one is by your company’s WP profile.
Sorry, these red flags has my radar is going off. I’ll have to wait to try it out.