Is it possible to let the user choose their own password during registration? Thanks.
I’ve installed User Frontend and am now looking forward to adding a field on the registration form: I’d like my members ton verify their email address on registration so as to avoid any mistake. Any idea on how can I do this?
Also, where can I find the User Frontend pages (I’d like to add them to my menu but can’t see them anywhere in the propositions when I modify the menu…
]]>Thanks for the great plugin!!! Works pretty much like expected.
I got one problem though: I am using your plugin in conjunction with a child theme. I put your template files intoe child theme folder but they are overruled by the plugins template files. A quick fix was to copy my template files into the plugin folder, which is less than ideal.
Any chance of fixing this?
Thanks a lot!
]]>Hi. I added some translations that were missing for German (confusing, since you seem to be German :)) but they did not show up. It seems that the _e()-calls miss the user-frontend-td-parameter (I changed it in the source and then it works).
]]>Hi, I have followed some online documentation and finally able to work it out! But the products which we are adding as downloadable are not secured
When we added from backend, the woocommerce uploads will go woocommerce_uploads folder, whereas they are secured and when we enter the URL in browser it shows 404 Error.
But when we upload file from frontend, the file is being uploaded to normal uploads folder, making it unsecure.
Also I noticed another bug, When we add product, they are not showing in shop page. when we go to backend and then edit and publish it again manually, they are showing in shop page.
I am looking for woocommerce secure downloads solution as soon as possible
]]>If you are using a child theme, then you will find that the custom templates do not work. For a quick fix see the issue I reported here:
Hopefully, the change can make it into the main distribution.
Also, thank you for the hard work on this plugin.
]]>I just updated this plugin and now none of the member pages are pulling from my theme folder…please advise I have a walkthrough with a client today and everything looks “broken”.
]]>I can easily change the login error messages in the ‘action-login.php’ file, but I would really like to avoid editing the plugin files. Is there anyway to change those error messages without modifying this file?
I would like to have a different error message if the username OR password is NOT filled out. Currently the message ‘We need some input values to handle the login.’ is present. I would like it to say “Please enter your username” or “Please enter your password” to be more specific. Is this possible?
]]>I just updated the plugin and got this error:
Call to undefined function get_plugin_data() in …/wp-content/plugins/user-frontend/inc/action-handler.php on line 18
I comment out that line and I can log in, albeit now with some lag.
Weird error.
]]>Excellent plugin, thank you for your work. It just may save me some much needed time.
I’m wondering if the plugin has the ability to display user profiles too?
]]>Hi! One more time
I have a big questiuon!
How can I add recaptcha to the register form.
May be some filter mast be applying on the registration view to provide other plugins that add something to default login form
I add following line to uf_register_new_user() before returning
apply_filters('uf_after_register', $user_id);
and it provide me to add other fields to registration form.
Or is it another way to add additional fields?
]]>I’m testing a variety of cases and have found that I’m not getting the correct error messages for the conditions.
Whether I try leaving the username empty, or using an existing username, or too short a username, I only ever get “Invalid username”
Same issue with email address — already registered, illegal characters/formatting, or blank, I just get “Invalid email address”
I think the fix needs to be in user-frontend/inc/action-register.php but I can’t seem to figure out how to change it.
]]>Something you ought to consider when you do the next update is renaming your CSS classes and id’s. Using generic names such as description can (and did for me) cause some issues with existing plugins and theme. Your classes should have unique names like ufe_description.
That aside, thanks for an excellent plugin I am in the process of ‘prettying up’ the user-profile.php for my own use because it looks horrible with my themes CSS styles due to the above.
]]>Hi There,
Is there a way where a user registers with username and email. It goes to the administrators email inbox alerting that someone wants to register. The admins can then activate that username on the website. Once activated an email will be sent to the user with their password.
]]>Hi There,
If I don’t want members to register onto my website. How can I make the register page not work or even not be visible?
]]>Hi There,
I am trying to install the files into my theme which i have done (copy and paste). But when I type in the url or example /user-profile it doesn’t appear with anything.
Any idea what I have done wrong?
]]>I need the redirection to go back to the home page. I have all of your template files in my theme and have made customizations, on the user-login.php file I tried changing this:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
wp_safe_redirect( home_url( '/user-profile/' ) );
But it’s still sending me to the profile page every time I log in. How can I fix this??
]]>Hi! Thank you for your plugin! It works very good!
Just a question,
there is a fast way to add extra custom field (ex. phone number – Age – Others ) to the user profile page that works with your plugin?
Can I do it whith wordpress action (show_user_profile, personal_options_update)?
Thanks a lot
]]>Hello, Thank you for the recent update.
I have installed in my site and have been testing and it appears that the user login redirection issue still exists. Once the cookie for the users login has expired, when the user tries to login again, they get sent to a blank page with the path
Also, if a plugin is used that hides the backend of the site using htaccess redirections, the user, when trying to logout, is presented an error page from wp that asks if the user really wants to logout.
In the file action-login.php line 83 is an error message for disable user accounts plugin. The error message is presented on the wp login page, but not on /user-login/ page on the front end. it continues to show username/password is incorrect error.
Thank you for your help and I will continue to test the new version.
]]>For some reason when i login it brings me to a random post, i would like to make it bring me to the homepage
]]>Hello, awesome codes, thanx!
now, i got it all working and everything seems peachy.
Sadly, every once in a while, I get a odd redirect when I try to login. after I get this path, I am stuck in a thing where I cannot login unless I force to login into wp admin path.
The offending url I get is:
any clues, hints to help me trace this down?
OK. first, this plugin works exactly as I want. Simple and easy. Plug it in, except it does not show the Google authenticator fields. Google Authenticator is the plugin even WordPress staff use and recommend:
Also needs to support these 2 addon plugins for Goggle 2FA:
Then it would be great. Then all I need to do is figure a way to make these pages modal popups for mobile phones!!
can I use it in a multi wordpress installation?
I created po/mo for the languages folder but they do not work after moving the templates to theme location. Any idea?
wp-login-php still not redirects to user-login.php
]]>When i add template to my theme, it seems that the head title not displayed.
Is there any way to add the page title on each template page?
Hi, there.
I read your plugin source code and found some miss, maybe..
At line 77 and below on helpers.php,
All actions are actually filter, so all do_action() may be changed to apply_filter() .. I think.
Is it just typo? Well,.. Would be updated ..
Thank you for this very useful plugin!!
]]>Wonderful plugin i think. Thank you.
Do you have any idea how to add Logout features to my theme easily?
I looked your plugin code, but found any way to implement logout feature.
Thank you in advance.
I’m trying your plugin and I wanna congratulate with you for the good job!
I have a little question and some tips to suggest ??
First the question:
I’ve see that you have localized many phrase on the plugin, but I haven’t see any translation file in the plugin. Are only a future feature or can I download from somewhere the language file?
(Are the phrase different from the original wordpress? If it was the same, you could use the default translation that there’s inside wordpress…)
I really need to have translation in the major languages on the site where I’ve put the plugin (like French, Spanish, Italian and some like that)
And now some suggestion tip:
-Would be awesome have an administration panel where I can choose which url to overwrite. If for example I only want to overwrite the user profile page, and leave all the other the default, at the moment I have to remove your filter on the hook (that is not pratical…)
Same thing for other stuff like the permission to use for hide the admin bar or the default redirect on the logout.
-At the moment your url rewrite only work with the permalink enabled.
Why not make an universal way to recall that?
I, for example, am using the /index.php/ style of permalink at the moment (don’t have htaccess and stuff) and have to hook into home_url filter to fix the url.
I suggest to you to create a function that generate the url the right way. In this way, it will work with all the permalink structure (even the disable permalink, like index.php?uf=user_profile)
Here’s and example in the helper file: (haven’t tested in htaccess case, but it should work)
add_action( ‘edit_profile_url’, ‘uf_edit_profile_url’ );
function uf_edit_profile_url( $url ) {
if ( is_admin() )
return $url;
return uf_create_url( ‘user-profile’ );
function uf_create_url($to) {
global $wp_rewrite;
if (get_option(‘permalink_structure’)) {
$link = home_url(user_trailingslashit($wp_rewrite->root . $to, ”));
} else {
$link = home_url(‘?uf=’ . $to);
return $link;
Bye ??
]]>so I installed this plugin, saved the permalink and copied the templates to the theme folder. WHen I visit any of the URLS like I get an error saying “Nothing Found for “user-profile”. So I have no idea what is going on. Do I need to manually create the pages in wordpress?