Can you please make plugin translatable and enable GlotPress for this?
Hello and thanks for your great plugin.
I have to delete unnecessary key of 15858 users from 2013.
Would you please add a bulk delete button to it? It can even be on the base of year too.
I think it would lighter the database too.
When a new user sets up an account and before they activate the account I can see nothing listed in the ‘User Activation Keys’ or the ‘Unconfirmed’ links in my Network/Users admin links.
The plugin is installed and activated. The links in the Network show up fine but I never see any new (but not activated) users listed in the Unconfirmed links.
I deleted a user, then look after deleting the key. However, the key is not listed here.
I guess I should have firstly delete the key, then only after that delete the user (in Network->Users), right?
Just to be sure if it’s a bug or a feature ??
Best Regards
]]>I’m using the most recent WP and under Network>User> (there is not place to see activation keys) even after I’ve installed the plugin in the MUplugin area.
Please advise.
]]>Is there something that will do this for a single site, or a way to easily accomplish the same thing for a single site…? In setting up a new site and experimenting with various things I’ve used up my email addresses, along with some user names I’d like to leave free for others…
I’ve searched everywhere but to no avail…
when I approve a user, I get this ugly page:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in
*/wpcms/wp-includes/ms-settings.php on line 111
Your account is now active!
Username: blahblah
Password: hqgAtm4nhX2n
Your account is now activated. Log in or go back to the homepage.
is that normal? A nice fancybox would be better. But it worked still.
When I installed, I got:
Warning: fileperms(): stat failed for
.../public_html/wpcms/index.php in .../public_html/wpcms/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 871
]]>Hi SIr
I just activate the plugin of
1)mu-plugin tool
Would you please tell me where is the said “Network Admin->Users->”User Activation Keys” page
and do i need to put the “user-activate-keys” from plugin folder to mu-plugin folder by using file manager moving it!
]]>just installed this but clicking the delete uncecessary key doesn’t actually delete it, just refresh the page?
I do to agree with the previous Topic.
Surprise, surprise – another awesome plugin from Dsader ??
This is exactly my experience with plugins provided by Dsader as well.
So it must be something I am missing here.
My issue is this. After correctly placing the plugin (v3.0.4) in the mu-plugins folder, the new sites cannot be immediately created/registered by the user because an email registration is not sent (to the user). The user sees the screen that the site was successfully created when it is not.
I need to manually approve the user. After that 1) the email is sent 2)the site is created and the user without the need to press on the site activation link can log in.
From the plugin’s description:
Delete a key to allow the username to (re)signup and bypass the “couple days” it takes WP to free up its hold on a user name.
You can also manually approve users that for whatever reason have not completed their activation.
I read “(re)signup, also, for whatever reason”.
Well… They cannot create a new site or complete their activation for the reason that the email does not get sent and we need to (not also but) manually approve them. Hmmmm…
Is this how this plugin should work or am I missing something?
If it is could there be an option to automatically approve new users?
Please enlighten.
Thank you in advance
ps: Glad to see you back. ??
]]>Surprise, surprise – another awesome plugin from Dsader ??
I haven’t seen any issues yet, just wanted to say thanks and that this was exactly what I needed. 5 stars – keep up the good work!
]]>Is it still necessary to put this in the MU-Plugins folder? or can it now go be installed into the regular Plugins folder and be network activated?
Where is the User Activations Key plugin link located as the new version of WP doesn’t have a Super Admin section, but a Network Admin section.
]]>Hi, I have the latest versions of WordPress and your plugin. I have just noticed that when I click “Approve” on an activation key I am redirected to the homepage of my site. When I return to the plugin section in admin nothing seems to have changed for the user.
Its NOT something I am truly worried about I was more curious than anything.
Will there be a time when you create a check box / bulk deletion function for the plugin? Yesterday I got 217 spambot signups and it takes forever to delete them one by one. I could probably wait and use the delete after 30 days function but that means I’ll have 6,000 keys floating in the system all the time. Yikes.
Just to let you know on line 26 you are using the older level based system which was depreciated in version 2.0 of wordpress, it would be worth while switching over to the roles & capabilities system, a simple fix would be this:
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3321
Perhaps you would push out a point release for everyone…
Line 26
add_submenu_page('ms-admin.php', 'User Activation Keys', 'User Activation Keys', 'edit_users', 'act_keys', 'ds_delete_stale');