Rating: 5 stars
Just what I needed. Non-logged-in visitors: you can’t see this. That’s all.
As I often say, sometimes you are just in dire need of a simple and to the point plugin.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thanks for created this plugin
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very good and right what I need … To facilitate management should create:
1, Create a button to open the Form specifies the right to view the post or the page (at the bottom of the post or page) and will only show up when the Admin login.
2, If no group or member is selected, everyone can view by default.
3, Options will not affect the permissions of the group and the Admin member.
Rating: 5 stars
Using on WP 5.6.2 PHP 7.4
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Working fine
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Simple and effective plugin with brilliant support.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
? Hi, I installed your plugin and when I worked with it, I was very surprised. This is a great and good plugin. I ask you,please the developers of this plugin, to continue developing and improving this plugin, and add more features, because the future is very bright for this plugin.and finally I recommend it to everyone.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
FR :
Simple et fonctionnel !
Merci pour la création de ce plugin
Plugin très bien et important, quand on veut créer un espace client à part entière professionnel et digne de ce nom.
Plugin très bien et important, quand on veut personnaliser des onglets, ajouter des fichiers uniques, ou une barre de progression unique pour chaque membres.
EN :
Simple and functional!
Thanks for creating this plugin
Plugin very well and important, when you want to create a full and professional client space worthy of the name.
Plugin very good and important, when you want to customize tabs, add unique files, or a single progress bar for each member.
Rating: 5 stars
Il est souvent difficile de faire simple et efficace. Ils ont réussi. Cerise sur le gateau, ils sont réactifs !
It’s hard to do simple and efficient. They succeed. More than that, they are quick to react.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I really like this plugin and it’s easy to use.
Previously, when I use with WP YouTube Lyte plugin, it works e.g.
Content for guest.
Content for member.
[lyte id=”ZB3SPInPzzk” /]
But today it does not play YouTube video, I don’t know why?
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very simple to use.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Used to use an overly complicated plugin for this feature (s2..) this is way better.