Is this plugin still being supported?
]]>Hi Nate,
how to custom the function to validate user_email? cause if expired user login with username he cant login, but if he login use user_email he can.. thanks
]]>Is there any way to force User Access Expiration, that only users from certain user roles should be expired?
]]>Is it possible to have the user be deleted after the expiration date instead of merely being disabled? I’m working on a pregnancy web-app where women only would use the app during pregnancy and then no longer after the birth. Any way to delete these users automatically after the expiration time?
]]>How do I find out what the temporary username and password is? Thanks
]]>can i add an expire date (or number of days) to be imported via a csv file? if so, what would the field name be? thanks for checking.
]]>Hello, does anyone know if an update for compatibility with 3.9.1 is coming up?
]]>Hi Nate,
I have made a custom login page,which after login,redirects user to homepage.
Is there a way that this plugin work for that page,instead of default wordpress login page?
I want the majority of my users to have permanent access to my site. However,I want to restrict some of my users to 1 day logins. Is there a way to do this using this plug-in?
]]>Hi Nate
Can your plugin be configured to offer a random username and password (that expires after a predetermined time) to allow the public to test drive a particular theme?
Hi Nate,
In the site I’m building (WooCommerce), I want to prevent customers from getting into the checkout page if their account has expired (they can fill their cart, but not check out).
Expiration corresponds to the date of expiration of a doctor’s recommendation, not a number of days since activation.
To do this I need to have a date picker show up in the administrator’s ‘Users’ page (customer is not allowed to change it). Then, if order date > exp date, I guess I could just put a redirect on the checkout page (with a child theme?) to a info page that explains their recommendation has expired and give the customer our phone number.
… or, I could just lock them out of the site, once they’ve expired, by using your ‘user access expiration’ plugin.
I suppose it wouldn’t be hard to mod your plugin to use a date rather than days till expiration, but I thought maybe you already may have already done something like that.
]]>Can I use decimals in this plugin for days? For example .5 days for 1/2 a day.
Any plans to automatically reinstate users after a set time period? Thanks.
this was the plugin i iam looking for.
When i activate it, it does something with the login verification of the password.
The only thing users need to do is fill in the correct username, and a random letter as password (it does not care if it is the real password or something else, just a character) and it allows users to login.
When i deactivate the plugin it works fine again, what could be the case?
Can you make this plug in work for a specific usergroup or role?
]]>Hi! Where I see if a user is active or inactive?
]]>Hello everybody!.
I intalled this plugin 90 days ago.
(Now I can tell because that’s the expiration period that I set in the plugin).
I supposed that those with admin and super admin privileges wouldn’t be taken into account.
Am I doing something wrong?.
Thanks for your work!.
ps: I renamed the plugin in folder and I could disable it.
]]>Very cool plugin.
When you restore a member’s access, does the timer start again, or is that now permanent access until you set it to No?
]]>Nate Jacobs ,
I would like to request a feature
How about an option to disable a user who is inactive with out posts for a particular period? Such option is available for Forum softwares. but I don’t think, if any plugin is available with that functionality for WordPress