I have the us debt clock plugin installed on a word press site. I noticed that after a while it stops counting and reverses and starts to counting backward. After a while it will then stop and start counting forward.
Is there some way to refresh the count? The us debt clock sits at $28 trillion, yours is at $24 trillion.
OK, I tried deactivating it and reactivating it, and then refreshed the cache. The missing $4 trillion showed up. Now just the backward counting.
I installed the US Debt Clock Widget from within my WP Admin, Plugin Page. Complied with simple instructions and the plugin seemed to go fine. I activated the plugin from the Installed Plugins Page, and it is activated (currently shows “Deactivate”). When I bring up the Widgets Page, the Clock Widget is nowhere to be found. Neither in theAvailable nor Inactive Widgets list.
Some users of this plugin are noting that they consistently get an “$UNAVAILABLE” result in the widget text. I’ve been in touch with the folks who operate the site the debt data is pulled from, and apparently they’re having some infrastructure issues. They’re working on it so hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. Obviously my plugin is a little fragile in that it relies on this one data source, but it’s the best I’m aware of for now. Thanks for your patience.