Just a question about the pluggin. How can it be added instead of in the front panel of the WP site, in the dashboard right next to the WYSIWYG editor? Anyone knows? any help would be great cause i’m getting crazy no finding solution
]]>Hi there,
I have the following shortcode with the most recent version of the plugin:
[uploadify buttonText="Include File(s)" inputName="files" metaType="user" path="/home/example/application-files/"]
Console is giving me an error like this when the page loads:
“NetworkError: 404 Not Found – https://example.com/cbdc/applications/loan/false”
The files are uploading but adding multi-file capability doesn’t work. can you think of why this GET request for “false” is being triggered?
]]>I have a template with several custom post types. They all return 404 after install, because of the flush_rewrite_rules()
call in Uploadify_Model_Posttype_File::registerType()
To reproduce on a clean install:
add_action(‘init’, ‘create_listing_post_type’);
function create_listing_post_type() {
register_post_type(‘listing’, array(
‘labels’ => array(
‘name’ => ‘Listings’,
‘singular_name’ => ‘Listing’,
‘add_new_item’ => ‘Add a listing’,
‘edit_item’ => ‘Edit listing’,
‘new_item’ => ‘Add a listing’,
‘search_items’ => ‘Find a listing’,
‘not_found’ => ‘No listing found’,
‘not_found_in_trash’ => ‘No listing found in the trash’
‘public’ => true,
‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’)
The listing will not appear.
Hoping the author can address.
The listing will appear if the init
call has a priority lower than the default, e.g.
add_action('init', 'create_listing_post_type', 5);
but I’m a little concerned there may be other side-effects of the flush_rewrite_rules()
]]>Warning: require_once(/var/samba/sviluppo/traduzione/wp-content/plugins/uploadify-integration/Uploadify_Action.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/samba/sviluppo/traduzione/wp-content/plugins/uploadify-integration/uploadify-integration.php on line 36
]]>This is a feature request question.
I would like to know if it is possible that the files will be uploaded to a folder based on the logged in user so i can distinguish them.
eg. the files uploaded by the logged in user Robert will go to this folder https://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/year/month/Robert
alternatively if it’s possible to add a dymanic prefix to the filename with the username of registered wp user.
So if the logged in user Robert that will upload the file example.jpg will be stored as Robert-example.jpg
I found that it the Uploadify forum, so maybe it could help https://www.uploadify.com/forums/discussion/7699/add-a-prefix-to-the-uploaded-file-name/p1 but i don’t know how and where modify the plugin.
]]>I recently updated to 3.3.1 as well as switched to multisite. Not sure which one cause the problem, but this plugin is not working anymore.
Now it goes through the full upload process, but then instead of listing the file below, once it’s completed, it just shows “-1” in text and that’s all. Any chance there’s a fix coming?
]]>I unchecked the appropriate setting to allow users who are not logged-in to upload files. However, it doesn’t work. Instead of the “Upload File” flash button, I just get a Browse button. The browse button works, but after selecting the file, nothing happens. This seems to be the same whether I check the option or uncheck it.
I’d really like a super simple method for clients to send me files. This would be perfect if non-logged in users could upload, and if I could set a separate folder just for these files. But I’d at least like the non-logged in user option, as it’s part of the plugin’s settings, but doesn’t seem to work.
]]>What exactly do you mean by: “See the shortcode generator in the settings page to modify the default settings.”
I can’t find any shortcode generator. Can you clarify?
]]>After a file completes an upload the page is redirecting. I have my wordpress site in a subfolder (www.figdesginers.com/submit) but the page refresh is send the site back to https://www.figdesigners.com. I’d also like to be able to display the image that was just uploaded and am curios about the best way to do that. Thanks,
]]>I’ve installed this plugin and so far so good, but… the files aren’t to be found anywhere. Isn’t this plugin missing a “folder” variable like in the regular non-WP Uploadify script?