Rating: 5 stars
Thank you !
]]>Rating: 2 stars
It did update all empty ALT-tags but it doesn’t used chars like ?, ? and ?. It replaced them with a and o.
This plugin use the filename to create ALT-tags, not the post title.
Rating: 5 stars
Beautiful Plugin, Just updated all my alt tags in just 2 secs… Time Saviour…
]]>Rating: 3 stars
actually it broke my site
]]>Rating: 3 stars
Could definitely use some improvements through an update.
The good part, it updates your empty alt tags.
The bad parts: the list it generates isn’t clickable so you still have to go search for the images to tweak their content, the alt tags often have spaces removed, so a post titled “My Summer Vacation” seems to throw “mysummervacation” onto associated images as the alt text, and finally, instead of placing this in Settings or Tools (like the screenshot shows), it adds a whole new “Maui Marketing” area to navigation bar in WordPress, which is unnecessary.
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Rating: 1 star
I was wondering why my SEO rating for some articles was going down…until I discovered this plugin had decided to chance the alt tags for the featured images of my articles to the name of the file, instead of the CAREFULLY selected and filled keyword alt tags.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Dangerous plugin for does not have a simple remove feature to attribute ATL!!!
I have several websites, and I used a plugin to rename thumbs, and the one to create alt attribute, and one of the websites, I forgot to apply the plugin to rename the images before firing the action of this plugin here, moral of the story, it Alt alt 015144fkdjvadf512dadnab in all images of this website, and I was calm, because I imagined that there was a tab with the remove feature attribute alt, and to my surprise there is, a simple thing to do, if the developer does, I will face this Plugin as smart and give it 5 stars it deserves.
???Thanks to the developer and I hope you apply the suggestion.
Best Regards.
Rating: 5 stars
Great helper, once. Should have deactivated after the first use because the latest update broke my wordpress admin login. Had to call GoDaddy and get them to restore the database
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I wonder why such a plugin is not a million+, or why such a function is not integrated into WP core long time ago. It is such a work to set alt tags in each image individually, sigh. Thanks for this sweet little helper.
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fast and lightweight
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Happy to start with this version