Hi guys,
thanks for your wonderful plugin.
I noticed that in none of the downloaded versions of the post, nor in the printed one the name of the post author in present. I think it’s odd, so maybe it’s my fault.
Is there a way to add it?
Thanks a lot for your reply.
How can I insert pdf botton and print botton on the top left before posts?
]]>How to add alt tag for the image off PDF and PRINT? In my site there is no alt tag and I cannot find any settings.
<img border="0" align="Save as PDF" title="Save as PDF" style="padding:2px" src="https://itcsn.se/wp-content/plugins/universal-post-manager/img/upm-save-as-pdf-1.2.0-small.png">
/Rickard Svard
]]>Universal Post Manager icons to convert a download a post to PDF or HTML doesn’t appear on pages built with the Puro Theme By SiteOrigin using their Pagebuilder. The icons do appear (and they work fine) on a page that is built without using the pageBuilder.
Is there a shortcode that can call the UPM that we could include on our PageBuilder pages?
]]>I’m running into an issue where I see the following error message in Chrome when trying to save a post as a doc:
Duplicate headers received from server
After digging in to the issue I’ve discovered that it only happens on posts with a comma in the title. The issue is that the filename that the plugin ends up with for the doc file contains commas if they are present in the post title, because there is no logic to strip them out. I’ve fixed this by making this change on line 734 of functions.php:
$file = trim( str_replace( ' ', '-' , $doc_title ) );
$file = trim( str_replace( ' ', '-' , str_replace( ',', '', $doc_title ) ) );
A simple str_replace to strip out commas solves this issue for me. Do you think you can include this fix in the next version of the plugin? The issue might be present in other type of exports but I’m only using the doc exports, and the issue only surfaces on my staging server, so it might be related to server configuration, but it seems like a safe replacement to be done in the filename string always.
]]>Hello !
I’ve tried to migrate my wordpress site on a new server with PHP 7…
All is OK, but with this plugin, i’ve an error:
Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/universal-post-manager/main.php on line 691
It appear also in line 709 !
I’ve comment the break command in theses lines and it looks OK now…
Do you think to output a new version soon to correct this problem ?
Thank’s a lot
]]>PDF exported file has “?” in text, instead of specific romanian characters like “?”, “?”, “?”. Works great in Word documents. Any clue? Thanx
]]>Been trying hard to get the plugin to work, but it doesn’t show up. I guess cos i am using a custom post type. So I just wanted to know how soon the new update will be released
We use Latex formulas on our website using this plugin:
Whenever I try to save a post as a word doc the formula appears ok, hoever when I try to save the post as a PDF I get the following error:
FPDF error: Unsupported image type: php?latex=+%5cfrac%7bnumber%5c+of%5c+cases%7d%7bpopulation%7d%5ctimes100&bg=ffffff&fg=000000&s=4
This is a typical Latex shortcode used:
[latex size="4"] \frac{number\ of\ cases}{population}\times100[/latex]
Your plugin renders other shortcodes ok.
Have you seen this error before?
]]>Is it possible to set the font in the PDF?
]]>I am using another plugin that allows me to create different post footers for different categories. When I use your plugin (which I love btw) it places the save/print bar above this content. But I want this content to be printed along with the rest of the post. Is there some way I could alter this placement to be at the bottom of the post content, taking in the content from the other plugin? I hope this description makes sense.
I would like to use your plugin on a production website. I see that some support queries have gone unanswered for 2 months.
Is this plugin still supported?
]]>when i try to save pdf my custum fields dont print, my custom fields are shortcodes that gerate some base64 images… can someone please help?? tks
]]>Might it be possible to add a hook or filter to change the header and footer of the generated files?
Since there is a standard header and footer which can’t be changed, the plugin becomes useless in production websites.
I am waiting for your reply, thanks in advance…
Hi there.
I’m having trouble with the plugin. For some reasons, when I export my pages in DOCX or PRINT version, all the text is aligned to the right.
Originally, there is nothing aligned to the right in my content.
I was able to fix this in the print version with CSS, but I have no control on the generation of DOCX document.
Anyone experienced this before?
Any fix for this?
I would like to display the icons at the top of posts instead of bottom, in a vertical row.
I thought that unchecking the ‘At the bottom of posts” i the general settings would do just that, but no, all icons just disappear…So I dont understand what this option is for (this is a detail)
But is there anyway I can change the icons location ?
thanks for your help
]]>Does this plugin provides an option to open pdf’s in a new window/tab?
]]>Hello !
I’ve tried your plugin and it’s nice…
But i have some problems with page that use “crayon” plugin ! Universal Post Manager write something like that in the word or PDF export : [crayon-551bed459f17f084204434/]
Do you have a solution for that ? Dos it exist something to do in order to have real text and not [crayon-551bed459f17f084204434/] ? ??
I do not find womething about this problem…
Thank’s again for your hard work, very fabulous to have a plugin that permit to export my work in PDF or MS Word
]]>When saving as html the body copy TD is defined as text-align:center;. Can that be changed?
Is there a white label version of this plugin available without the gvector footer?
The txt file option does not include the html markup. Is there a way to include this?
]]>Hello, Is it possible to grab the subtitle as well when printing? Also, can you adjust the spacing on the page?
The website menu is printed (and in PDF / Word) (and I did not try with sidebars yet, but afraid this will be the same.
Any easy way to get rid of both ?
Thanks for your help
]]>Is there a way to include the print button on the private/draft post pages?
]]>Posted this on an older issue/closed topic, so thought I would start a new topic. I am using the Inovado theme and none of the shortcodes are being parsed using the PDF export or print page options. They are returned as plaintext.
]]>It would be nice to have the option of adding our own CSS class name to each string or at least a default class supplied to assist with styling links (upm-pdf-link, upm-print-link, etc.). Also, the ability to set a link target. Right now I am using PDF and Print. ‘Save as PDF’ opens the document in the same window (on Chrome/PC) while ‘Print this Post’ opens a new window. In the PDF, I have to reveal the default PDF viewer buttons to actually ‘save’ the document and in the Print Preview page I have to click the printer icon at the bottom. There are not consistent options for displaying the icon or button at the bottom of the generated page for actually triggering the save/print actions.
Your plugin is really great it’s what I want. But when it converting to PDF from Arabic language it generates question symbol. Like this ????????.
Please help. Thanks
when i log-in to the WP back-end over ssl i get this in the firefox console for ‘security errors’:
Blocked loading mixed active content "https://[my-domain]/wp-content/plugins/universal-post-manager/css/pppm.css"
for reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/MixedContent
]]>Is there a shortcode for this plugin. It works well, I only want to insert it specific posts or pages.
Thanks for all of your hard work!
]]>PDF export doesn not work with texts written in UTF-8.
Plugin does not save post information created via custom fields. Is it possible to fix this problem?
Sorry for my English, I do not know English well(
Hi Tom,
nice plugin!
But when I print pdf from page, the images has got a black background.
Article from my website:
Generated pdf (please download):
Is there a solution?