Hi the plugin is not updated and does not work properly. It is full of errors. In “progress” it is not possible to display the graph, in “enter data” if I insert an incorrect date format and click send a blank page is loaded without reporting the error, in the tab “advice” it shows incorrect values, section “achievement” does not work, leaderboards doesn’t work. Will you update the plugin or I must look for another one? tested in safari.
Thank you so much, have a nice day.
]]>Hi folks,
I’m creating this site for a civil initiative, where volunteers have their running, jogging and cycling kilometers converted into donations to social institutions in need.
I need to transform the Kilometers informed by each volunteer into an absolute total amount (sum of Km of all users since day 1) and total amount by month (not the last 30 days, but for each individual month.
The problem is I am not a programmer and I’m doing this pro bono.
Can you help?