Rating: 5 stars
I don’t know why people are rating it low but I love this plugin, it works perfectly all the time. and the best thing is you can put any html code you want.
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin will re-active itself and make your web page grey. de-activating it did not fix it. I had to de-activate and then delete the plugin entirely.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
I can type my message in the HTML box, but it was supposed to have options for making my “away” page look good. They were there on the first run, but I after the first save, they disappeared.
]]>Rating: 1 star
It provides this nice error message too:
AG Custom Admin caught a JavaScript error on this site:
ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable background_color
This error prevents AG Custom Admin plugin to work properly. To fix this, please navigate to the link above in your browser and open the source of that page (right click -> view page source) and find the line in code where it fails. In most cases this error should be fixed there.
As an alternative solution, you could analyse the link above to find the plugin/theme where it was thrown. You can try to disable it or to report this error to their support.
If you’re unable to fix this issue by yourself, you can also report it to AGCA support. Please select the content of the error first and press Ctrl+C(Win) or Cmd+C(Mac).
Confirm this message to redirect to AGCA support page, or press Cancel to exit.
Unfortunately, I’m pushed for time at the minute but I’ll probably try the plugin again at some point and give a new review.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I installed this plugin and it broke the front page on my website, I could see my favicon and that was about it. Deactivated this plugin and it all worked again. There are no other plugins arguing with the entry point and I’m using a WooCommerce theme (Wootique).
]]>Rating: 2 stars
My site is slower when this plugin is activated and the problem comes from this page:
]]>Rating: 3 stars
The plugin is named ‘Ulimate Under Construction page’ in the wordpress plugin list. You might want to add a t. The browser console gives several errors if you are logged in as admin, that seem to be caused by the count-down-clock code, even if you don’t have the countdown clock on.
For the rest it works fine!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Like many WP site builders, I used to use Maintenance-Mode by Michael W?hrer for my holding/maintenance/coming soon pages. Now it’s no longer supported, I searched in vain for a similar plugin that would allow the use of a distinct, fully-coded, custom html page instead of a range of pre-designed options.
This is a super simple, really effective plugin. You can either choose
This is great news, and fills a huge gap in the market left by the demise of Maintenance-Mode. It’s the only such plugin I have found.
Many thanks indeed!
]]>Rating: 3 stars
The plugin is good, but has some drawbacks with it’s main feature (in my POV):
– The countdown timer only has day, month and year, so, you can’t specify an hour (in our case, we wanted to put it to 5pm the next day, but we couldn’t set the hour)
– The countdown timer is always based on UTC time, not the server time…
So, in our case, I wanted to set it in the the middle of the afternoon for 5pm the next day. So, the timer would need to say 1 day and around 2 hours… but instead it was almost 4h…! Big difference! So, I had to deactivate the timer and maybe I’ll look for another one for the next time…
]]>Rating: 1 star
The plugin installs and works as expected… except for when you need your site back. I unchecked “Enable Under Construction Page” and “Enable Countdown Timer” and saved the settings, but nothing changed. Deactivated the plugin… Still getting the under construction page.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
The plugin does what is supposed to, however when not enabling the home page for under construction it keeps adding some HMTL code which make facebook to break when showing previews.
Basically is kkeeping meta and head code on top of all the real wordpress HTML.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I had a lot of trouble finding something that would work on an installation that is on a Microsoft server, and still liked slick.
This ticked all the boxes.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Sorry – but this plugin doesn’t work in IE and IOS ??
but in Forefox looks great ??
can you fix it?
Rating: 5 stars
If you are looking for under construction plugin. This is a million times better than all those available in repository. And the best part
“It’s free”.
Thanks for the hard work.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I install this plugin on all sites that I update. Very quick and easy, and you can enter raw HTML (which is why I chose it)