]]>I changed the slug for a custom taxonomy from months to month and it gave me this error. I then went to the database and changed the taxonomy for all the existing terms to month from months. I also changed the json for the container fields that use this taxonomy for select term fields. And I changed the post name for the taxonomy. But I am still getting the error. Why? I can’t see anything else that can be changed in the database. There are few records as of now so I don’t think I missed anything. What do I do?
]]>Hi, it would be nice if the pages field was made more flexible so it can be used to add related posts of any type. E.g. I would like to add a list of posts on pests to a post on a plant, both of which are separate custom post types.
]]>Ran the update to 0.3 and this happened. I’m running MAMP on a local multisite test. These are showing up in the WP admin above the menu bar.
Please help!
Notice: Undefined index: slug in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 35
Notice: Undefined index: name in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 89
Notice: Undefined index: singular_name in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 90
Notice: Undefined index: fine_tune in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 113
Notice: Undefined index: hierarchical in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 128
Notice: Undefined index: public in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 129
Notice: Undefined index: show_ui in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 130
Notice: Undefined index: show_in_nav_menus in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 131
Notice: Undefined index: show_admin_column in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 132
Notice: Undefined index: rewrite_enable in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 140
Notice: Undefined index: singular_name in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 165
Notice: Undefined index: slug in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 167
Notice: Undefined index: slug in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 168
Notice: Undefined index: slug in …/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 180
Notice: Undefined index: post_types in…/testing/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-post-types/classes/UPT_Custom_Taxonomy.php on line 180
]]>I am using Ultimate Post type with Ultimate fields, and trying to add repeated fields in my custom post type.
Inside repeated fields, I am inserting my custom taxanomy dropdown using taxonomy select.
But there is an error occurs when I saving the post:
“Invalid taxonomy! Please check if you’ve spelled the name of the taxonomy correctly and that the taxonomy is already registered!”
When I looked ultimate-fields/classes/UF_Select_Term.php file’s 9th line, there was a function named set_taxonomy. I changed function to this and it worked.
`function set_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) {
//return $this;
//if(!taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) {
// uf_die( __(“UF_Field_Select_Term: Invalid taxonomy! Please check if you’ve spelled the name of the taxonomy correctly and that the taxonomy is already registered!”, ‘uf’) );
$this->taxonomy = $taxonomy;
return $this;
If I’m not wrong, this function is working fine on native taxonomies, but not working even I created and checked custom taxonomy term.
Please review it thanks, also please let me know how can I purchase premium version of Ultimate fields plugin.
Kind Regards
]]>Hi ??
Could it be possible to handle tags like %category%/ when using URL Rewrite for Custom Post Types ?
Let’s say I create a post type named “Artists” and I use taxonomy to have musicians, painters, writers, etc.
I’d like to have URLs like this :
or maybe is it not possible (or harder) to display only one “category” and it would be like this :
What do you think of that ?
]]>Hi, it’s me again ??
I’m looking for a ay to not display the settings postbox div on the edit form when the custom post type has no additional field…
Can’t figure out where it is displayed… Found a template (post-meta.php)in Ultimate Fields, but it’s displayed within a higher level div container.
Not sure whether it’s in UPT or in UF… :/
at first congratulations for your great plugin Ultimate Fields. Looks very promising in combination with Ultimate Post Types.
I would like to use Ultimate Post Types at first for an events section to display my bands gigs.
Maybe I am doing something really wrong but when I view the post of the post type I created, only the content of the selected template is showing but it is not wrapped within the theme’s header and footer.
I am using Virtue by Kadence Themes. The site I am working on is not yet published, so let me know which further information I need to provide.
Thanx for your time.