I encountered a problem in the settings. After I set up each page, but when testing, it was normal to enter the personal profile page after logging in. However, when I want to return to the home page, it is still the profile page, while the other pages are normal. I don’t know how this problem should be solved.
I have a problem with authorization on the site, from different devices the system indicates that I have to confirm that I am human, although the confirmation is successful, anyway that is not the question.
I purchased the add-on for Woo and it works great, thanks!
However, I need to make some minimal changes to the css of the main UM and plugin, but even after making and saving the changes to the main template css in the WP editor, I still see the old versions of the css. Could you please advise me what could be the problem?
Thanks for your time!
Hi Team
Currently our profile form has 6 fields but only non empty fields are shown in the public profile of the user.
Is there a way to show all the fields in the profile even if they are empty?, (a filter or action would be nice too) because that’d entice the users to enter more details
Best Regards
We have detected that since we updated to the latest versions, the plugin is making all access to the WordPress admin panel very slow, very slow, around 20 to 30 seconds. The curious thing is that access as an ADMINISTRATOR is normal and quite fast, while all other access that is not ADMINISTRATOR is slow. Can you help?
I have an eCommerce site running. I use the ‘Cart Bounty Abandoned Cart’ plugin to see abandoned cart. This item was only available to the Shop Manager role which comes with Woocommerce.
After installing Ultimate Member, without editing any roles, this menu option is no longer available for the Shop Manager role and can only be see by admin users.
I tried assigning a priority to the role through UM, but it makes no difference.
Any clues on how to solve this issue?
]]>I’m having a glitch where I can’t change the icons. When I look at the icons that are already set, they work fine, but when I save a form that has an icon, it gets overridden and the icon disappears.
But ultimately, the form dropdown for the icons doesn’t work. I thought that maybe it could be something with the select2 functionality, but I’m not getting any js console errors, I did find some errors on php that I will put below as well as screenshots of the console.
[Tue Oct 01 10:02:20.412103 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3303616:tid 3303733] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “um-faicon-building-o” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/includes/admin/core/class-admin-metabox.php on line 1584’, referer: https://biltpros.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1951&action=edit&classic-editor
[Tue Oct 01 10:03:58.655881 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3303673:tid 3303742] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “um-icon-android-mail” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/includes/admin/core/class-admin-metabox.php on line 1584’, referer: https://biltpros.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1951&action=edit&classic-editor
[Tue Oct 01 10:05:56.100854 2024] [autoindex:error] [pid 3303616:tid 3303639] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up-pro/assets/icons/themes/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,default.php,index.html,default.html) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: https://biltpros.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpassetcleanup_assets_manager
[Tue Oct 01 10:06:29.777719 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3303673:tid 3303793] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “HTTP_USER_AGENT” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/themes/Starkers/functions.php on line 385PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “HTTP_USER_AGENT” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/themes/Starkers/functions.php on line 437PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “HTTP_USER_AGENT” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/themes/Starkers/functions.php on line 385PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “HTTP_USER_AGENT” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/themes/Starkers/functions.php on line 413’
[Tue Oct 01 10:10:00.423282 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3303616:tid 3303669] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “” in /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE/home/1188745.cloudwaysapps.com/csrdbgqcvd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/includes/admin/core/class-admin-metabox.php on line 1584’, referer: https://biltpros.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1951&action=edit&classic-editor
Hi, whenever I update the login page and tried to activate it, the design looks broken.
When I preview from Ultimate Members Form, the form looks okay but I think it’s not working properly.
How can I adjust the layout and design? The button Register is not showing properly,
“forgot your password” should go down..
When I look to the member list it says 11 members with all status approved.
However in the Dashboard of Ultimate Member I see 11 members, only 1 approved and the other options all 0 (zero). How is that possible ?
I have 2 memberships: Member and Board Member. When I used this code as a greeting on different pages, it has different outcomes:
[um_loggedin]Welcome {first_name}. [/um_loggedin]
It should display the logged-in user’s first name but that’s not what’s happening. On the Board Member page, it has the correct name using this exact code and it displays the correct name. On the Member page, it shows the Admin’s first name (Alice) which is me. How can it be displaying a different name using the same code on 2 different pages? I copied the working code over to the page where it is incorrect, and it still shows the Admin’s name. Really stumped on this one. And I’ve used this code before without problems. It may have just happened because I think someone would’ve reported it before today.
]]>I have been using Ultimate Member since 2017, and we have recently launched a new website. I was surprised to find that I had to rebuild all of the UM forms etc, but I’ve done that and have meticulously checked that everything is identical to what it was on the old site. The only thing that is different about the new site is that it has a custom theme using the Gutenberg block editor. But the problem I have been struggling with for several weeks is that the member profile will not display in the directory. I have verified that the member database has been imported and we have data in all the fields. The member directory lists all the members, but when I try to edit a member’s record only the profile photo field is shown and nothing else. If I try to edit a record I get a message to say that the member has not entered any data. This is demonstrably untrue. I am actually a paying user as we have bought one of the extensions, the Mailchimp one, but I find that the official technical support is very unhelpful. They take several days to answer a question, and have not provided any solutions at all.
]]>Previously, this code worked fine on our site to display a progress dial in our header for logged in users:
[um_loggedin show_lock="no"]
<div class="gamipress-header-progress">
[gamipress_progress from="current_rank" rank_type="level"]
[gamipress_user_points label="yes" type="wip" inline="yes"]
The blue progress dial around the percentage text (e.g. 90%) would show as displayed in the below code:
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar" style="background-image: linear-gradient(10.8deg, #0098d7 50%, transparent 50%, transparent), linear-gradient(270deg, #0098d7 50%, #eeeeee 50%, #eeeeee); width: 100px; height: 100px;">
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar-overlay" style="background-color: #fff;">
<div style="display: inline; color: #000;">78%</div>
We aren’t sure if it was an Ultimate Member update, a Gamipress update, or both, but this same code no longer displays the progress dial, and we aren’t sure when it broke. We are running the latest versions of each plugin. The exact same code with all plugins updated currently displays the percentage text, but now there is no blue progress circular dial around the text. The HTML element is now this [note the lack of the circular progress dial styles]:
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar" style="width: 100px;height: 100px">
<div class="gamipress-progress-radial-bar-overlay" style="background-color: #fff">
<div style="color: #000">78%</div>
However, removing the outer wrapper of UM shortcode – e.g. if we delete the [um_loggedin show_lock=”no”] – then displays the progress dial again. So this code displays the dial fine – and it seems to be the outer UM shortcode that causes the progress dial to not display:
<div class="gamipress-header-progress">
[gamipress_progress from="current_rank" rank_type="level"]
[gamipress_user_points label="yes" type="wip" inline="yes"]
So it seems that the Gamipress progress isn’t working when rendered within an Ultimate Member shortcode.
]]>Any way to Export & Import Forms ???
]]>Having an issue on mobile when users are trying to upload a profile picture. Works perfectly on desktop however the mobile upload appears to heavily zoom and crop the photo.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
]]>Hello Team
I’m trying to add multiple tabs to the accounts using the sample code provided in the doc. but apparently only one tab gets added. Please help us to test this.
Also may i know what is the index used in the $tabs array e:g 9999 in $tabs[999]?
/* add new tab called "nxltab" */
add_filter('um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'nxl_tab_in_um', 100 );
function nxl_tab_in_um( $tabs ) {
$tabs[9999]['nxltab']['icon'] = 'um-icon-log-out';
$tabs[9999]['nxltab']['title'] = 'Logout';
$tabs[9999]['nxltab']['custom'] = true;
return $tabs;
/* make our new tab hookable */
add_action('um_account_tab__nxltab', 'um_account_tab__nxltab');
function um_account_tab__nxltab( $info ) {
global $ultimatemember;
extract( $info );
$output = $ultimatemember->account->get_tab_output('nxltab');
if ( $output ) { echo $output; }
/* Finally we add some content in the tab */
add_filter('um_account_content_hook_nxltab', 'um_account_content_hook_nxltab');
function um_account_content_hook_nxltab( $output ){
$logout_url = wp_logout_url(home_url());
<div class="um-field">
<p>Are you sure you want to logout?</p>
<a class="um-button" href="<?php echo $logout_url; ?>">Logout</a>'
$output .= ob_get_contents();
return $output;
/* Another custom tab with form */
* Add custom tabs.
* @param array $tabs Account tabs.
* @return array
function um_account_custom_tabs( $tabs ) {
$tabs[ 10000 ][ 'custom_tab_01' ] = array(
'icon' => 'um-faicon-plus',
'title' => __( 'Custom fields', 'ultimate-member' ),
'submit_title' => __( 'Save', 'ultimate-member' ),
'custom' => true,
return $tabs;
add_filter( 'um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'um_account_custom_tabs', 99 );
* Add custom tab content.
* @param string $output Tab content.
* @return string
function um_account_content_custom_tab_01( $output = '' ) {
// List of fields you want to display.
$fields = array(
foreach( $fields as $key ) {
$data = UM()->builtin()->get_a_field( $key );
echo UM()->fields()->edit_field( $key, $data );
return ob_get_clean();
add_filter( 'um_account_content_hook_custom_tab_01', 'um_account_content_custom_tab_01', 20 );
* Validate custom fields.
* @param array $post_args Input data.
function um_account_errors_custom_tab_01( $post_args ) {
if( ! isset( $post_args[ 'um_account_submit' ] ) ) {
// List of fields you want to validate.
$fields = array(
foreach( $fields as $key ) {
$data = UM()->builtin()->get_a_field( $key );
if( empty( $post_args[ $key ] ) && ! empty( $data['required'] ) ) {
UM()->form()->add_error( $key, __( 'This field is required.', 'ultimate-member' ) );
add_action( 'um_submit_account_errors_hook', 'um_account_errors_custom_tab_01', 20 );
* Save custom fields.
* @param int $user_id User ID.
function um_account_update_custom_tab_01( $user_id ) {
// List of fields you want to update.
$fields = array(
foreach( $fields as $key ) {
if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) && ! UM()->form()->has_error( $key ) ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, $key, wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ) );
add_action( 'um_after_user_account_updated', 'um_account_update_custom_tab_01', 8 );
Best Regards
]]>it would be really helpful to be able to easilly enable/dissable all emails defined in UM/settings/e-mails
thanks in advance!
]]>All of a sudden my code on posts is not showing up between my [um_loggedin][/um_loggedin] tags. This was working. Other content shows up fine. I tried to submit a ticket as I am a paid member but it wouldn’t let me. The <iframe> content shows up fine when not surrounded by [um_loggedin][/um_loggedin] tags.
]]>I recently updated users in a row, setting them in UM as “pending for aproval” , and aftter it I discovered that I can’t access as admin to wordpress, as the system says me “user pending for aproval”.
As far as I know, it was suposed that admin user was no able to be banned for access in any case.
Does anyone can help me to gain acces again?
Thanks in advance
I have multiple private member areas (pages) for communities that people live in. They all have the same settings, once they login after registering and being approved as a member, they are automatically redirected to their private member page URL within the website to access private documents for their community.
PROBLEM: One of my communities after logging in is being sent to the correct URL but the content of the page is not displaying. They can only see a login screen as if the content is being blocked from view.
I cross checked the user role settings for all of my communities (private member areas) and they are the same settings. The only thing different per each user role settings is the URL where a member gets redirected to once logging in. Any advice? Thank you.
]]>Bonjour, J’ai des commentaires (bloc commentaire de DIVI) sur mes articles. Lorsque l’on clique sur “se connecter” de ce bloc nous somme rediriger sur la page de connexion de WordPress et non sur la page “login” créer par Ultimate Member. Est-ce possible de le faire et comment ? j’ai le même problème si un utilisateur est connecté et qu’il vas sur “Modifier votre profil” de ce module, il arrive sur le “profil” de WordPress.
Hello, I have comments (DIVI comment block) on my articles. When we click on “log in” in this block we are redirected to the WordPress login page and not to the “login” page created by Ultimate Member. Is it possible to do it and how? I have the same problem if a user is logged in and goes to “Edit your profile” in this module, he arrives on the WordPress “profile”.
I have implemented Ultimate Member and it allows me to edit the mails related to password reset etc. The only mail I can’t edit is the mail a user receives after I create their account on the website. Can this be done in Ultimate Member? If not, is there a plugin that can do that which does not cause problems running with Ultimate Member?
Kind regards,
]]>Hi Ultimate Member Support,
I have a website with three subscription plans, each corresponding to different user roles:
I’ve created all the user profiles using Ultimate Member (UM) and assigned the correct roles to each type. Now, I want to implement a subscription and payment process before account creation, where the user selects their plan, makes the payment, and then gains access to their corresponding account type with the appropriate features.
I have tried using Paid Memberships Pro (PMPPro), but I’m finding it difficult to integrate it smoothly with UM.
My specific questions are:
At this stage I do not have any SEO plugins installed, I did initially try SEO framework to keep it simple, that is now not installed.
In the UM settings under General > Users > SEO I have set it to be;
Avoid indexing profile by search engines: No
User Profile Title: {business_name} | {site_name}
User Profile Dynamic Meta Description: {business_name} is on {site_name}. Join {site_name} to view {business_name}’s profile
But neither work. All I get is title: Profile – My website name
There is also no meta description.
]]>I am trying to get a members directory to sort members by random, however setting this does not appear to work. Page reloads are not displaying a different random order, each page shows no changes.
Is there a way to fix this please?
]]>Currently using version 2.8.9. I’m not sure which version this happened in because this isn’t a feature I use often, but we have a members-only website which is used as a member portal for an offline organization and is used as the official source of truth for a lot of the membership data. Some of our members are not particularly tech-savvy, and periodically in order to have smooth operations we need to log into the website as one of the users to do something on their behalf because they can’t figure out how to log in and do it themselves, and the website isn’t the point of the organization, just a tool to support it.
My normal way of using this feature was to view the member’s profile, then click on the gear, then right click on the “Log in as user” option and pick “Open in new private window” or “Open in new incognito window” (depending on which browser is being used) because doing it that way allowed me to remain logged in with the administrator account in the original window without having to log out and back in again when I’m done doing the task for the user. It would prompt me to log in with the administrator account, then immediately switch to the user in question after logging in, and it worked nicely.
In the current version of Ultimate Member the above workflow now results in a “The link you followed has expired.” error after logging in.
I have confirmed that following the link in the same window instead of opening a private browsing window does still work (except that I obviously get logged out of the administrator account doing it that way).
I’m guessing this is probably an attempt to stop a cross-site request forgery avenue, in which case, the old workflow probably can’t be restored without also restoring the security problem that was being solved with this change. Oh well.
A good workaround for this is to do the “open in private browsing window” one step earlier in the process… when you look up the user, instead of going to their profile page first, right click on the profile link, and open THAT in the private browsing window. Since it’s a members-only site, I get prompted to log in (as the admin) then it shows me the user’s profile after logging in. Then I can click the gear, and click “Log in as this user” leaving it in the same window.
Hope this is useful to anyone else that was using it that way.
]]>I just integrated the plugin. The new users are coming in well, but we would also like to see the address on the registration form. We can’t get any further with just a username and password. Now I am not a professional and would like to know if that option is available.
I don’t think a shortcode can be used on this page. Because the data must also remain visible in the user profile.
Is there a way and if so how is this done?
Thanks in advance
On the login page, if the user is already logged in there is a link to ‘Your Account’. However the link is just going to the current page, is there a way I can change this, either manually or just have it default to the user profile page?
]]>Is there a way I can set a default image for an image upload field?
]]>Admin notifications are received but users do not receive emails.
The issue after upgrade to 2.8.8 with Ultimate Member plugin where users don’t receive emails, while admin does, usually would have stemmed from email settings, server configurations, or conflicts with plugins. These are common problems with most plugins. We are trying to resolve this since 30 hours without any solution.
What we did in a brief, not listing other stuffs:
I tried to Callback UM Roles in Role Dropdown, but get some issue.
What I did ?
function role_select_choices_callback( $has_parent = false ) {
// choices array.
$all_options = array(
"Membre de bureau" => array(
"Direction" => "Direction"
"Bienfaiteur" => array(
"Etudiant" => "Etudiant",
"Bienfaiteur" => "Bienfaiteur"
"Entreprise" => array(
"Donnateur" => "Donnateur",
"Sponsor" => "Sponsor"
// get values from the parent field, sent via the AJAX post.
$parent_options = isset( $_POST['parent_option'] ) ? $_POST['parent_option'] : array();
if ( ! is_array( $parent_options ) ) {
$parent_options = array( $parent_options );
// get related options for the parent field choice.
$arr_options = array();
if ( empty( $parent_options ) ) {
foreach ( $all_options as $k => $opts ) {
$arr_options = array_merge( $opts, $arr_options );
} else {
foreach ( $parent_options as $parent_option ) {
if ( isset( $all_options[$parent_option] ) ) {
$arr_options = array_merge( $arr_options, $all_options[$parent_option] );
// Optional. Display this if there are no related options for this choice.
if ( empty( $arr_options ) ) {
$arr_options[] = 'No role found';
return array_unique( $arr_options );
After checking Console I found this error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'default')
at d (um-scripts.min.js?ver=2.8.8:1:10530)
at Object.success (um-scripts.min.js?ver=2.8.8:1:11647)
at c (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:25304)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:26053)
at l (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:77782)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:80265)
To make sure callback and parent options works good:
I added a simple Dropdown with the same settings (callback + Parent Option) and it works fine. But it can’t register user with the choosen Role.
System Info :
I’m not sure if this is an Ultimate Member issue or not, but I have scoured the internet and chatGPT to no avail.
We have a completely membership-only website (55&up residential community, only residents can see the site). I am getting lots of complaints that people are checking “keep me logged in” but they claim they have to log in every time they go to the site.
Is this a setting or feature of UM? Googling tells me that they should remain logged in for up to 14 days, but they aren’t (site’s only been live 8 days so far).
Any idea why these users aren’t remaining logged in?