We’ve used your Gallery for quite a while and it was working fantastically.
Recently its disappeared though it shows properly in the back-end and the shortcode is correct.
We haven’t changed our theme and were curious why you may believe this could have happened?
]]>The search input field on the gallery is very small on IE 11. Small issue hopefully an easy fix.
]]>Ultimate gallery master is playing good on chrome and mozilla but not properly working at internet explorer???
How can fixed it.
Can you help me anyone????
Thank You
]]>i installed your plugin. while use of shortcode in posts, i have found one bug on posts single page pagination prev next links. i customize twentysevnteen theme.
suggest you to implement wp_reset_postdata() after your posts loop.
]]>The plugin is not working for visitors to see the gallery. It only works in the font-end if you are logged in the back end. Once you log in and visit the page it records some cookies, and those cookies allows you to see it properly. The visitor is not getting those cookies.
Please take a look to this screenshots:
Logged out (normal user view): https://prnt.sc/eubyok
Logged In: https://prntscr.com/eubz3l
Check the website: https://beemediapr.com/portfolio/
]]>I have a feed of products in JSON that i’d like to display as a gallery and am wondering if I can feed the images into your plugin using something like the JSON Content Importer?
]]>Preview changes just shows me the pages and an “Edit” link.
If I create an empty page with the shortcode, it displays correctly.
Displayed photos do not seem to honor EXIF orientation data. Any solutions (other than resampling the jpeg rotated?).
]]>I love the way the gallery looks and functions on the page, however, the rest of my page stopped working.
The gallery causes the hero to display only it’s bottom half, the page won’t scroll unless I use the slide bar on the edge of the screen, and all other images not related to the gallery won’t load. When I take out the gallery, the page works again.
]]>how do I open the link on the same page, because when I insert a link to an image is opened in a new tab.
Its open on the same page?
I can see the images as thumbnails only. When I click on the photo i can see a black picture only.
Can you help me?
Best Regards
I have some lengthy labels for the images in a gallery that I am creating using the free version of the Ultimate Gallery Master Plugin. Can I add css through the editor to prevent text wrapping from breaking up words during the hover function? If so what should I enter?