Hi there,
I juuust got your nice plugin working ..or so I thought.
When I post a comment on my blog, I receive an email as I should.
Problem is, that the comment attached is the first comment made on the post!
Am guessin that this is something in code getting the comments “the wrong way round”, but I don’t know.
Hope you can help!
Thanks in advance…
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>“This plugin will only work if you have Facebook Social Comments box already installed on your blog…”
What does this mean? If it’s referring to some other WP plugin what is the plugin’s name or page url on www.remarpro.com?
]]>Hi colleagues! this was exactly the plugin I was looking for but I cannot make it work. I am not receiving notifications when new comments are sent. Any idea how can I solve it?
Thanks in advance!
]]>When comments are > 25 (default json limit) email notification and wp saved comments also returns the 25th comment.
Is there a way to change the 25 json limit?
page: https://www.isocial.it/aggiornamento-ios-7-beta-iphone
has more than 100 comments.
all new comments email notifications contains data about the 25th comment
take a look:
last one is “id”: “200887803397611_694657”
and all email notifications contains this data.
how to parse comments with higer limit?
]]>Since 2 days (nothing changed in my installation) all comments generate same email and wp-admin comments data:
always the same user seems to comment the same author with the same message, but if I check the pages, all comments match with real messages but from different authors and different text
]]>Hello Shashank, I ‘dont’ get email notification when ‘post to facebook’ is checked. But ‘Do’ get emails when it’s unchecked. Any ideas? Thnx
]]>Getting this error and not sure why ‘FB is not defined’. I’m using the Facebook Comments plugin and everything is working.
Here is a link to the site livingaveda.com
]]>Hello and thanks for making this plugin.
I would like to know if there’s a filter for the cc, bcc address.
I don’t want the admin email with the author email in the TO field.
]]>Hi, I’m not receiving notifications for thos comments made in my website. I’ve readed in this support forum that others had the same problem, and after a while they ended receiving the email. Well, me not.
The emails will be sent to the WordPress admin or the Facebook admin?
Help please ??
]]>Thanks for this great plugin!
I get the notification, I see it in the wordpress comment admin, but the comment is not available anywhere in the site itself.
I disabled wordpress comments in the website, so I have only facebook comments. Do you know why it behave like this?
Thank you!!
]]>Does this plugin still work with Facebook for WordPress 1.3? On my site it doesn’t. And I guess it would lead to double comments, one in the Facebook comments box and another in the regular wp comments thread.
Plugin is working great in the sense that it’s notifying me of comments. But the post it associates it with, is wrong. This is also wrong in the actual Comments section of the admin. So my guess is this is more of an issue with the site, than the plugin…but hoping you can help!
I installeded everything and then changed to a different URL. Is this something that may have triggered this issue, or something else? To confirm comments are working and showing on the correct post, just in admin and this plugin that it doesn’t tell me the correct post.
I would really love to have this plugin work also from the home page.
I am using this theme, timeline-wp, and as you can see it comes with integrated facebook comments in the home page (posts page).
If you click on a post and comment from the post page I receive the notification emails, but usually people just comment directly from the home page, and in that case I/they don’t get the emails.
I guess because the post->ID is null…
For now I disabled the Facebook comments that came with the theme and installed the Facebook plugin so the comments are available only in the post page.
Do you know how to make it work also in the home page?
Thanks, otherwise the plugin is great!
]]>Hey I just published the website https://www.mjimenez.es and have been trying to get your plugin to work, it won’t send mail notifications nor add the comments to wp native system.
FB comments are working perfectly tho, don’t know if I’m missing something ??
Thanks for your work and help.
test: url
]]>Is it possible to setup a daily digest? To receive one email with all comments for the day?
]]>Hi Folk,
The official FB WordPress plugin does not seem to work with the existing Ultimate Facebook Comments Email Notify. I would be grateful for it to be updated.
Thanks for an excellent plugin.
]]>The email notifications are for the wrong posts — this is happening on 2 sites that I installed the plugin on.
]]>Upon activation of 2.x version, I get error in the admin panel:
“The plugin generated 3 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
Then if I leave the plugin activated, the admin panel is broken and I cannot write to the database anymore:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/kenanoff/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-facebook-comments-email-notify/ultimate-facebook-comments-email-notify.php:1) in /home/kenanoff/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881
Deactivating the plugin brings everything back.
]]>i have insert this cose on single.php of my theme
<div id=”fb-root”></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/it_IT/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=MY APP ID”;
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));</script>
<div class=”fb-comments” data-href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” data-num-posts=”2″ data-width=”470″></div>
Installed the plugin, commented for test but nothing.. why?
]]>HI. I have just installed this, activated it and done a test comment on my blog. That was half an hour ago and so far I have not received any email notifications and it does not appear in my comments section on wordpress. Is there a delay before this happens? Or do I need to something else to make it work? Thank you…