Last plugin version 2.0 and above breaks all my sites.
Forced to rollback and downgrade.
Problem happened with last WordPress version.
]]>Hello when you add <span> some text </span> to heading it’s not working and breaking.
When the “UICore Animate” plugin is enabled, the Elementor “Optimized Control Loading” feature is suddenly disabled. When trying to reactivate it, it does not work.
Disabling the “UICore Animate” plugin solves the issue and the feature is enabled again.
Please fix it!
The Background animation of the sections is working good in the preview page. But once I travel to another page or come back to the previous page the animation gets disabled. It’s not working either.
It’s working after hard refreshing the pages(sometimes).
Would you please check and let me know what is the solution.
When we are enable animation showing this error at frontend https://prnt.sc/UqQqjBj9LhnF
Please try to fix it asap we are stuck.
]]>Tried to use with Elementor Pro version, but the front end is not loading, it just stuck and nothing. Only safe mode is available. When I disabled the plugin, everything was ok.
So each time I want to use “Slide” animations within UI Core Animate, they are simply disabled.
It happens when I chose a different style than “Default” in UI Core settings, for example “Creative”.
Why is that?
Thanks in advance for you help.