I just installed WP 4.4.1, and BP 2.4.3. Created my own page based on theme Twenty Sixteen. But I couldn’t get BP forum editor. Please kindly help.
]]>I’m still having problem to show text editor in the topic replay and form. after changing the wp-includes/css/editor.css to editor-buttons.css
reference here
Please help me I’m using everything are latest version
]]>I am unable to activate this plugin. It used to work fine, but for some reason now it is not. I am wondering if there is a way of adding an entry to active_plugins in the wp_options table of the database, i.e. manually activating the plugin? I can enable other plugins in the admin area, so not sure what the issue is with this plugin. I have tried deleting the plugin and reuploading, but still no joy.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in —/wp-content/plugins/u-buddypress-forum-editor/u-bp-forum-editor.php on line 90
Can’t activate plugin
]]>I just tried to activate this plugin on another site of mine (have used it for bp in the past on other sites) and I got this error. Any idea what it could be?
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /var/www/mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/u-buddypress-forum-editor/u-bp-forum-editor.php on line 90
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi !
It seems U BuddyPress Forum Editor does not comply with PHP 5.4, regarding call-time pass-by-reference : in u-buddypress-forum-editor.php, could you please change line 90 :
$ext_plugins = $this->get_external_plugins(&$plugins, $mce_locale);
$ext_plugins = $this->get_external_plugins($plugins, $mce_locale);
Thanks in advance, best regards!
]]>Can anyone tell me what can i do to make this work? I installed it, activated it and nothing has changed. My buddypress forums still have the same editor.
Without wasting any time I will jump straight to the issue:
a. Create a new topic in a buddypress Group.
b. Embed a video using HTML tab of the editor.
c. Click submit to publish the forum post.
d. The video does not appear.
e. Refresh the page, the video will appear.
Can anyone please help me out?
The plugin looks very promissing. However I encounter an error. Anyone encountered this before?
Kind regards,
]]>I’ve activated the plugin but nothing is happening the editor doesn’t show.
I’m using wp 3.4.1 and bp 1.5.6
]]>I am just wondering if anyone has has any luck integrating this with bbpress? This is an absolutely beautiful looking plugin much better than another bbpress compatible one. So, just wondering if it would be easy to inplement?
I do a lot of dev stuff myself so any guidance at all might set me on my way.
Thanks, Eliott
]]>Hi, thx, for your work!
I’d like to translate your plugin into russian language. Pls, add .pot file to plugin or send it to me at zigzag.mcquack[at]gmail.com.
This plug in is not running well
the translate code {} is ok, all htm code are ok but the final translate is not running.
Sorry for my basic english.
Thank you.
]]>Hello all,
This plugin seems to suffer from the BuddyPress Multisite conflict issue so many others have.
In this case, I can see the admin menu fine under BuddyPress Multisite with Buddypress enabled on each site – but I can not see the uploader on any Group Forum besides the default site Group Forum.
In other words: domain.com/groups/sample-group/forum/topic
will show the file uploader
while: domain.com/subsite/groups/sample-group/forum/topic
despite being the same group, will not show the file uploader
Anyone interested in putting out heads together to try to uncover why that might be?
]]>Plugin don’t work in my BP1.5RC1 , installed on subdomen https://friends.exay.name . Base Worpress MS site installed in https://exay.name. On other sites plugin works fine. In what may be the problem?