How can I insert the TG code into the front page blocks for the Zenon theme. It does not have an HTML viewer like the pages and posts do.
Please advise, thanks.
My twitter avatar and name are not lining up correctly. Here’s a link (it’s on the right sidebar)
Anyone know how to fix this? The Twitter widget page here: is what I want it to look like (avatar and name aligned
]]>Does it bother anyone else that there’s no changelog for this plugin? I like to know what is being changed when I’m prompted to update the plugin. There is a “latest changelog” here, but it’s never updated, it just always says,
]]>1. Admin panel update
2. Bug fixes
Hi, anyone have an endless loop problem with their Twitter Goodies Search Widget? I’m running WP 3.3.2 and BuddyPress 1.5.5. I have 15 plugins, (mostly BuddyPress) that I guess would be nuts to name here. Here’s my plugin list in a google doc. My hosting service is BlueHost.
]]>The twitter profile widget was working flawlessly, but suddenly just disappeared, the entire widget. Verified, to the best of my ability, that there wasn’t a cache issue. I have attempted creating new pages with <!–wp_twitter_goodies–> with the same effect. Please advise. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
]]>It was working flawlessly, but suddenly stopped working. Please advise. Thanks. in the footer.
]]>Tried to install this on the new Rogue Mage RPG blog for our Kickstarter project so our twitter updates would be available for everyone to see.
We are currently using the Cherry Truffle theme from Elegant Themes. When place in the right widget sidebar, the plugin displays *way* too far to the right and out of bounds (instead of in the sidebar with everything else.
The plugin is working (tweets are rolling by and all) but its jsut not in the correct place.
]]>Version 7.0.5 of Goodies. Installed it, included the tweet button. When I tried to remove the tweet button, or change it’s position, not only will it not remove it, but it also leave the character ‘{‘ after the button. You can see here:
I installed twitter goodies and I cannot remove the default wordpress search
The current version of the Twitter Goodies plugin seems to generate an HTML validation error using the W3 validator:
‘required attribute “type” not specified’
Basically it looks like the JavaScript source include needs to be changed to explicitly include the ‘type’ attribute (line 154 of twitter-goodies.php).
Just mentioning as it would be great to get that in an update so everyone can happily validate their sites!
]]>Thank you for this plug-in. Very appreciated! Only issue is that on some posts, it cuts the title off after the first word or two. Can’t figure out if it is an issue with quotations, caps lock, or what. Seems to only like to post the first word or two on some posts.
The titles that get chopped down to one-two words seem to be long titles. Is there a way to force the tweet to post the first 40 characters or so of the title? People have no idea what the blog post is about with one-two words followed by a link. It makes for a sad tweet. Thanks for your help, in advance.
]]>Twitter Goodies 7.0.3
$icon_url is not defined before used in $new_icon and $tweet_button (lines 413-414 of twitter-goodies.php). Since my blog is located in a subdirectory ( ) the images were broken. Replacing lines 413-414 with the following resolved the issue for me:
$new_icon = '<img border="0" src="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-content/plugins/twitter-goodies/new.gif" /> ';
$tweet_button = '<img border="0" src="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-content/plugins/twitter-goodies/twitter-goodies-tweet-button.jpg" /> ';
If your post name contains some punctuation, especially apostrophes, then the Tweet button will break because the associated URL is not properly encoded.
This little patch fixes it and I hope you will be happy to include it in the next version!
[Apologies for not using pastebin]
]]>Great plugin – thank you so much!
The “Join the Conversation” link is missing in the profile widget area. Any suggestions?
– Andrew Heller.
Right now I dl & installed the ‘Twitter Goodies’ plugin (under WordPress 3.1). At the first view everything looks fine. In the ‘profile widget’ I see my latest tweets scrolling down… very nice. BUT… under the tweets you can click on ‘reply’ (works) and ‘time’ when I made the tweet (doesn’t work correct). Pressing ‘time’ opens a window at with the message: Sorry, page doesn’t exist.
For testing I made 5 tweets. 4 tweets got a wrong status number, so I got the message ‘Sorry, page doesn’t exist’, but one tweet was corret (right status number).
Very strange… maybe someone else can confirm this problem/bug?
Hello, regarding, how can I squeeze the widget with all my tweets (search widget?) in between the “Latest News” widget and the Facebook Like Box on the sidebar?
I tried doing what’s on the FAQ but that looks like comment code instead. I can customize the plugin myself but I’m not figuring out how to place the code properly in the sidebar.php. Thank you.
]]>I’m using the search widget to create a combined feed of all the twitter accounts related to my site. Problem is, the widget grabs the latest tweets then piles older ones on top of it so eventually the user just sees really old ones. It would be handy if we could reverse the order so it gets older ones first and puts newer ones on top.
As an aside, it would also be useful if you provided the embed code for the widgets so that we could integrate them into the theme instead of having to use the widgets interface in WP.
Great plugin though, thanks!
]]>This is to the developer of Twitter Goodies,
I was wondering if you would consider adding support for the Twitter Friendly Links plugin that provides shorten links using the website domain.