Hi, first thx for your great plugin.
The problem
Most of our pages are running on https.
The problem of https is that most browsers only support iframes src attributes with https.
The reason is mixed content blocking
when we use the plumwd_twitch_stream shortcode e.g. [plumwd_twitch_stream channel="beyondthesummit"]
the iframe src attribute use http which triggers a mixed content blocking.
The fix
This issue should be quite easy to fix.
therefore edit the function display_plumwd_twitch_stream in index.php line no 189
$display_stream = '<iframe src="https://www.twitch.tv/'.$channel.'/embed" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"></iframe>';
should be
$display_stream = '<iframe src="https://www.twitch.tv/'.$channel.'/embed" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"></iframe>';
The reason
twitch itself support http and https.
when on a http or https page an iframe src attribute with https is used you will not get a mixed content blocking.
The stream on the mobile version of my website is cut in half, I have to change anything in the settings to get a correct visualization?
P.S. Currently I had to disable the plug-in to avoid this problem.
I’ve got the stream and chat both wrapped in an individual div, which is wrapped in a div as well, to make it all responsive.
I gave the stream a width and height of 100% and it works perfectly: it is automatically adjusted to the size of the div.
But I can’t do the same thing with the chat. Percentual values don’t work with the height. Pixel values work, but they destroy the responsiveness.
Any solutions?
]]>I would love that if nothing from the plugin would show if the stream is detected as offline. Can this support be added?
]]>This plugin seems to break the backend so that you can’t edit any pages or posts. I have been using it for couple months on my website but since last two WP updates it has unusable currently.
]]>With the plugin installed the post content does not load in the visual editor. Switching to the text editor and back load the post but any edits made will not be saved. I see that you have recently updated “blizzard-quotes” due to a simular issue.
]]>I am having a issue that the plugin in making a conflict with my theme Brooklyn:
See more at themeforest:
The plugin messes up configuration settings in post and pages:
It should look like this:
But once i enabled the Twitch plugin is looks like this:
I understand that this is a very specific case, but i hope that there maybe could be a solution to this. I talked do the theme publisher and they cant of course do anything about it as it is not their plugin.
FYI I’m using WP multisite.
I have tried increasing the height within the settings section, but it stays stuck at the 378px default. If I change the height on the chat it does change. Any tips?
Just installed the plugin, go to Twitch Embed in dashboard menu and the only options it gives me is to set the stream and chat sizes. no options to set up channel or any other customization.
]]>Hi admin, please can you fix it?. The plugin Twitch TV Embed Suite don’t work with more that 2 channels or don’t show chat in post. I Think is a problem with “iframe”, wordpress don’t support more that 2 iframe for post?.
Example 1, When put +2 channel, Only show the first channel (channel1), but no show channel2 and channel3:
[plumwd_twitch_stream channel=”channel1″ width=”600″ height=”360″]
[plumwd_twitch_stream channel=”channel2″ width=”600″ height=”360″]
[plumwd_twitch_stream channel=”channel3″ width=”600″ height=”360″]
Example 2, When put 1 channel and Chat, Only show the channel, but no show chat.
[plumwd_twitch_stream channel=”channel1″ width=”600″ height=”360″]
[plumwd_twitch_chat channel=”channel1″ height=”400″ width=”600″]
Thank you for your help.
]]>Not sure if its just me but since the latest update the custom size options for the embedded stream just don’t work, previously using 1226×720 but now its just default no matter what I do.
]]>It makes my other plugin P3 Plugin Profiler not work.
]]>Dear Dev-Team,
your Plugin is not Up to date right know.
I have a coding errors at the Widget on my Webseite.
See Screenshoot:
please fix it!
]]>Aloha nui!
Love your plugin and we’ve been using it on our site.
We made the decision to utilize the Streamlist shortcode for our staffers instead of the status widgets due to site layout changes.
We _want_ the streamlists to appear below the video & chat sections. We’ve coded it that way – but the streamlists ALWAYS appear above all other content of the page, even when fudging with the CSS – with both wrappers and using the assigned classes of the shortcode. Is getting our staff pretty frustrated!
Is there something in the CSS of your plugin that is preventing us to custom? Part of the reason for my implementing your plugin is the flexibility of the CSS but for some reason, no matter what we do, the streamlists will always appear at the top of everything.
You can view a test page at https://stratics.com/test-2
]]>Hi there I’ve just started trying to use this plugin. I had a strange issue where whenever I try and put short-code in for a stream it always puts the steam as the stream of null on twitch.
However if I do a short-code for chat or stream list it uses my user correctly. had this issue before upgrading to version 4 wordpress only upgraded to it hoping it would fix the issue no luck.
]]>how to make it responsive ?
]]>I understand that you need a widget for each stream you want to list, but I don’t want a title on them, but if I don’t supply a title then they won’t line up in a straight line.
I also tried adding this shortcode to a page.
[plumwd_twitch_streamlist channel="twitchchannelname" display="horizontal" videonum="5"]
It still listed the streams vertical and put them above the embed video I had instead of listing it below where I posted the shortcode.
Im adding the following codes to my Main Index Template (index.php)
echo do_shortcode(‘[plumwd_twitch_streamlist channel=”mytwitchnamehere”]’);
echo do_shortcode(‘[plumwd_twitch_chat channel=”mytwitchnamehere”]’);
but the stream and chat are not appearing, could you please tell me how to fix this issue?
Also the template theme is NewGamer.
]]>Hi there!
I’m a beginner wordpress user and i’d like to use your plugin but i’m not able to add the following code:
echo do_shortcode('[plumwd_twitch_stream channel="twitchchannelname" height="400" width="600"]');
on my template…can you explain exactly where i should paste this code?
Hello I’m trying to have a side by side stream and chat on my site but I have no css knowledge. I was wondering if you could help me with this.
]]>Hi! how are you? Hope you are doing well ??
First of all, thanks for all your hard work on the development of this amazing plugin!
Now, the question, I’ve read that this plugin has support for multistream in this version, but after tinkering for a while Im still being unable to figure out how to create a list using the widget.
Basically what I want to do is, using the widget, to create a list of 5-10 different twitch channels and put that into a sidebar.
I did find a workaround by just placing several widgets one below the other with no title and did a list using that but I was wondering if there is a way to do that with just one widget.
Sorry if it is a n00b question but Im not really proficient at coding ??
I’m more of a functional side guy haha.
Thanks a lot in advance and keep up your awesome work!
So I’ve made a page with 3 links (streams), and I tried to add the widget. However it shows some other random channel, not any of the 3 that I’ve added on my site.. What gives?
]]>The output of the stream and chat has been altered a bit to allow for better placement of the shortcodes. However, there was nothing in any prior versions that would inhibit you from placing them side by side as shown here: https://evaclive.com/ (note this site is still using the prior version).
To make one go to the left and the other go to the right, you must wrap them each in their own div and then apply css rules to those divs.
For example, on the EVAC site, the player is in an 8 width column that is floated to the left, and the chat is in a 4 width column floated to the right. I purposely left out any styling on the items so that you can make them match your website without much conflicting styling.
<section id="stream">
<div class="row">
<div class="large-8 columns" style="padding-right: 0 !important;" id="streamwindow">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://evaclive.com/wp-content/plugins/twitch-tv-embed-suite/scripts/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.flashvars = "hostname=www.twitch.tv&channel=evac&auto_play=true&start_volume=25";
var params = {};
params.allowfullscreen = "true";
params.allowscriptaccess = "always";
params.bgcolor = "#000000";
params.wmode = "window";
var attributes = {};
attributes.id = "live_embed_player_flash";
swfobject.embedSWF("https://www.twitch.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf", "myAlternativeContent", "100%", "525", "9.0.0", "https://evaclive.com/wp-content/plugins/twitch-tv-embed-suite/scripts/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
<div id="player">
<div id="myAlternativeContent"><a href="https://www.twitchtv.com/evac"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10" alt="no-flash" src="https://evaclive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/offline_blue.png" /></a></div>
</div> </div>
<div class="large-4 columns" style="padding-left: 0 !important;" id="chatwindow">
<div id="chat">
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" id="chat_embed" src="https://twitch.tv/chat/embed?channel=evac&popout_chat=true" height="490" width="100%"></iframe>
<div class="row"><div class="large-12 columns" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;"><button class="large button round" id="toggleChat">Show/Hide Chat</button></div></div>
Each column is floated individually and also has a width set to it. Make sure you set floats properly. When defining a float it is best practice to also set a width, or the browser may not know what to do with it.
All About Floats.
Hope that helps.
]]>An updated version with multi-stream support is coming later today. I’m in the final phases of bug testing and will push it out this afternoon. Thanks for all your patience and support guys.
It would be great if the 100% setting would actually work for the height, too. It would be easy to adjust the height of the player object dynamically to the width of the parent element. Here is a function for js to do that:
var aspectHeight = function(width, aspect_w, aspect_h) {
var height = width / aspect_w * aspect_h;
return height;
Would be great! Nice plugin btw! I would implement this feature myself but I don’t know how to fork a plugin. It’s far easier with git and github. =/
]]>When I activate the widget online status on my sidebar. The page will be loading extremely slow. I deactivate the widget, the loading speed goes back normal.
]]>Hi guys,
I appreciate your patience while I move and get readjusted to life on the East coast. I am going to be moving into my permanent house this week and will be back to having reliable Internet. Yay!
What this means for you guys is that I will finally be able to work on the plugin and hope to have multistream capabilities for you next week.
]]>1. The ability to embed a mini stream in the widget if the stream is live. A Drupal mod allows this (https://drupal.org/project/media_twitch)
2. The ability to define a page that the link goes to. It currently goes to the stream on Twitch but I’d like to keep them on my site.
Thanks for a great plugin!
]]>Can someone assist me in reducing the size of the Screen Capture images that appear when you use the menu widget? I would love to use that to list the online streams, but need the size of the photos much smaller.
]]>It doesn’t work.