Rating: 5 stars
i just want display only review rating on my hotels page.
Rating: 4 stars
By the simple fact that this plugin exist, this is GREAT!!!
Extremely simple to use even for WordPress newbies.
I just had the idea: “would be good to have the reviews from TripAdvisor on the Testimonials’s page”. I google it, few minutes later it was done. Thanks this plugin.
Now, as a constructive comment. It would be good to have a little bit more options such as display of the rating (e.g.). Currently, on the top left, you have the TripAdvisor logo, it would be good to have on the top right the rating, number of Stars, %, etc. But no complain because at least the plugin exist and works just fine…
I hope than eventually, the dear and generous author will take consideration of these comments and update it accordingly.
I give it 4 stars well deserved and would give it 5 if more option(s).
Greeting and regards, Remy
Rating: 3 stars
Great to see that someone cares about WordPress users that depend upon TripAdvisor for their businesses. This app simply displays a list of the last 10 reviews from TripAdvisor, with the same formatting that your page’s css would apply to the rest of your pages.
I do have a few issues: the ratings bubbles don’t display, instead you get a tiny icon that is basically unreadable. The overall rating isn’t displayed, and the “ratings in other languages” parts shows some undefined characters (that little square with a question mark) for words with accents or letters that aren’t in the English language.
Looking forward to updates, as this could be a great plugin!
]]>Rating: 1 star
what is the advantage of this plugin over the stock TA widget? Just more review extracts?
It has the potential to truly excel by making links nofollow and extract the full review (though that might be against TOS), sorting reviews by language and including the pictures of the profiles.
As long as this is not the case, I will use an RSS importer to do that job…