You know I’ve been a customer of yours for a year now & every time I email you with all of your bugs, not only do you rarely fix them, but then you ignore my emails.
The polls still work, so when I got an email saying it’s renewing, I wrote you & AGAIN no response back.
Thank gawd I even remembered that I wrote you about the renewal otherwise I would have forgotten & there would have been a problem AND I would have wasted more of my time.
Why do you treat me this way???
I’ve bought the Pro version of TotalContest.
I’m trying to retrieve the average rate variable for each submission in a contest in order to display something in PHP in my WordPress page.
How would I be able to do that?
In my country, the universal time is +3:30
My country does not have Daylight Saving Time
I set local time to UTC+3:30 in WordPress settings
When I set a poll to 18:00
That poll will start at 19:30
It means an hour and a half difference in calculation
I wrote you an email on the 8th of last month, no response. Then I wrote you again on March 18th regarding another bug (so many bugs with your plugin) & again NO response.
Is there a reason why you are ignoring me?
I paid a lot of money for your plugin that has bug after bug after bug & instead of fixing it, now you are ignoring me? WOW
]]>We were running a voting contest and one of the participants shared with us that when people accessed the link via a video he shared on SnapChat, they could not vote when the opened the link inside of Snapchat. They selected an item, but when they pressed the vote button, it just spun forever and would not process.
Has anyone experienced this?
]]>Is there anyway I can display the chosen or voted question of the user on the results page?
]]>I conducted a poll for Senators wherein the user can vote up to 12 choices. The result is wrong because it was divided by the number of choices. For example I choose 12 persons, all have 8.33% instead of 100%. Please advise how I can display the correct results.
]]>Hello, I have found an incompatibility with the WooCommerce Memberships plugin. It only happens in the “My Membership” area belonging to the Memberships plugin. In the excerpt column, if an excerpt isn’t set, it leaks out the Json structure of the poll. But in the polls archives, there is no such leakage.
I have two polls in a widget set to show a random poll. The poll I haven’t voted in shows the “vote” and “results” button below the choices. The poll I did vote in does not show the “results” button, just a message at the top saying “you cannot vote again” and the list of choices to select (it does not show the results or percentages).
Voted Poll:
Not-Voted Poll:
I want the first (voted) poll to have a results button like the second (not-voted) polls, or to just show the percentages instead of the choices once I have voted in it. How do I do that?
Does that plugin generate video preview itself? Or do I have to make it myself?
Hi, any ideas why my poll’s content always get delete randomly?
Is there any settings that make this happen?
It doesn’t delete or disable the poll, but the content (questions and fields) is deleted
I’m gonna try again.
Download the latest version from and re-install it doesn’t work. The extension “Duplicate Poll” does not appear. I only have 3 extensions :
Old message :
I’ve had TotalPoll for a few months buying it on Code Canyon. For some time I was able to duplicate surveys without problem, until the last update. Before I had a second button to duplicate which would allow me to duplicate without problem, but it has since disappeared. When I duplicate with the basic button, the poll does not work because when someone votes, the voting does not work. Having to create the style of my survey each time is tiring, which is why I prefer to duplicate it. I would like to know if there is a way to correct this since I paid a lot for this extension, and since it is quite complete, I would not want to get rid of it.
There is an update and it says I need a license key.
Why do I need one all of a sudden?
I don’t see a reason why a poll plugin needs one nor communicate with third-parties.
I want to create a poll with either radio buttons or checkmarks, & then at the end give them the option to type in text with an “Other” text field.
Can I do that?
I’ve had TotalPoll for a few months buying it on Code Canyon. For some time I was able to duplicate surveys without problem, until the last update. Before I had a second button to duplicate which would allow me to duplicate without problem, but it has since disappeared. When I duplicate with the basic button, the poll does not work because when someone votes, the voting does not work. Having to create the style of my survey each time is tiring, which is why I prefer to duplicate it. I would like to know if there is a way to correct this since I paid a lot for this extension, and since it is quite complete, I would not want to get rid of it.
I have a problem with the log output
Rejected records are not in the CSV output file
I want
Anyone can participate in the voting, but only members can see the results!
I want to disable the vote button until 3 options have been selected could you please assist.
]]>Why don’t you include the short codes in the list of polls wp admin > polls > display of the polls shows titles, votes, entries, log and creation date… but where’s the shortcodes for easy copy/paste (you should add a box in screen options so admin can enable/disable display of the shortcodes in the polls list if desired.
]]>New poll > add text answer options > each time new answer field appears with “Choice #1”, then “Choice #2”, etc – which is fine to help clueless users. But at least make the cursor be ready to type in the new answer field and text placeholder dis-appear as the user begins typing. Every time you open a new answer option you can’t even double-click and select all text “Choice #1” do delete it. Each time you have to put mouse cursor at end of Choice #1 text and then backspace until the Choice #1 text is deleted.
Considering how good most of your other design and UI is…. I’m surprised you overlooked this simple UI improvement to be made for adding text answers to polls. Maximize efficiency and remove un-needed actions which detract from user focus and workflow.
]]>Other poll plugins say they play nice with cache plugins like WP Fastest Cache, total cache, etc… but we have not found that to be the case. How about TotalPoll? Is it easy to exclude TotalPoll polls from the cache? The problems usually occur because of “live update” vote counts via Ajax JS… so WP Fastest Cache has a few ways of excluding content as you can see, so one of those methods would have to be compatible with TotalPoll…
Please advise… thank you.
]]>Hello everyone. I am just upgrade to the pro version.
Is their any option like Range selection like user can select range between 1 to 10
like :
]]>Hello. I wanted to upgrade to the pro version. Whether prompt a conclusion of fields it is possible to make too in the schedule as well as questions. For example, I created a survey with questions and at the end of the field what school he is from. I would like to know if it is possible to display in the pro version as a percentage and fields?
]]>how can i make the choice text bold?
]]>I am looking to display only the amount of accumulated votes
I searched a lot where the information is located but without success
I dug into the code and found this line
return number_format_i18n( array_sum( $this->pollRepository->getVotes( $id ) ) );
But I didn’t understand what the variable THIS is
The other field option for user to submit another text choice is really good, but one could see how it could get abused by spammers. So, if admin wants to prevent that situation, is there a setting for “other” field where admin can specify if the answer must be approved by admin/editor/role before it’s posted publicly?
If not yet a feature, you might add this on next version release.
What do you think?
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
So I’ve been looking for a poll plugin that will rotate or where there’s a next link at the bottom so people can take multiple polls one after the other. Otherwise, there’s nowhere to put all of these polls that I want to make.
Does your software have that?
]]>Good afternoon. When voting, there are only statistics for each question. No entries (Nothing. Nada. Niente. Nickts. Rien.) I don’t know how to turn it on. There are no hints or descriptions in the settings. HOW IT WORKS?
Tell me. Thank you
hello, I would like to know how it is possible to remove in amp pages, because it is defective in amp pages.
I want to select single or multiple polls by start and end date, how to achieve that?
Thanks in advance