Doesn’t work for me, even when I have listed the email addresses with a comma. is the domain in question
]]>Hay…Currently This Plugin doesn’t support custom post type posts for ranking. Can any one find a solution for this ?
]]>I love this plugin, but I was wondering if it’s possible to also show the latest article from each contributor next to their avatar instead of the count or perhaps as well.
Has anyone else figured out a what to do something like this?
]]>wp_enqueue_script( ‘jmetc-dim’ );
It’s in
That line of code conflicts with a plugin I use:
and also with a widget that displays featured posts with images. When I remove that line of code, everything is fine, I’m just wondering what it’s used for, and if it will affect this plugin by removing it?
]]>Hello everybody,
if you guys using jQuery over the Google API
you might to get an error for an undefined function called “curCSS” which is deprecated since version 1.8.
To fix this error you can use an older version of jQuery (e.g. 1.7.+) or you can just fix the following line of code in the jquery.dimensions.js
which is located in the plugin folder (/top-contributors/js
OLD Line: 116
return parseInt($.curCSS(el.jquery?el[0]:el,prop,true))||0;
NEW Line: 116
return parseInt($(el).css(prop,true))||0;
Stefan Berntheisel
]]>Hi there!
A newbie needs your help. I’m using this great plugin on my blog and it’s almost working fine. Except the tooltip thing. The avatar image is displayed like this:
<div class="top-contributors">
<div class="gallery">
<img width="50" height="50" alt="avatar" title="<div class='tc-user'>admin</div>" /> ...
I’m still tinkering with the to fix the title tag, but without success. Can someone please help me with this?
]]>I run a big site with a lot of activity and 150k+ registered members. I use this plugin and recently had to add someone to a list of members excluded from display in top 10.
Then I noticed that a MySQL query examines 150k+ rows each time it’s used, completely massacring the database. I was wondering is developer of this plugin could fix it. It will not have an impact on sites with only a few members, but when you get into 6 digits, that’s a significant strain on the processor:
# Time: 120703 3:20:01
# User@Host: @@@@@@@[########] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 0.709128 Lock_time: 0.000086 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 153969
use %%%%%%%%%;
SET timestamp=1341310801;
SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) AS <code>comment_count</code>,
FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_approved = 1
AND comment_type = ''
AND LOWER(comment_author_email) NOT IN('[email protected]')
GROUP BY comment_author_email
ORDER BY comment_count DESC
How do I set it up so that you can click on the username of a top contributor in the list and see all of their posts? This is a feature in the “Top Authors” plug-in, but I prefer the look of this plug-in so I would like to keep using it if I can get this feature.
Thanks for this great plug-in…
I would like to know how can I translate it to other language?
]]>I started using this plugin recently for my site. This plugin is great. But i could not get user avater with the author list.
What might be the reason?
I updated the plugin today on 4 of my websites and I get the same problem on all of them.
This error message is showing in the recent comments widget and in the comments area in the backend. When I uncheck “Top Contributor Icon” the errors are gone again.
The error:
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/piccaz/domains/ on line 555
Had to disable the plugin on my live sites for now, so here’s a dev site where you can see the error in the right sidebar.
Thanks for this great plugin though, I’ve been using it for a long time and I’m sure this will be fixed somehow.
]]>Is it possible to add the author’s website/Twitter link next to their name on the Top Contributors list?
]]>this is a great plugin. however it just can show either top author or commenters.
i want to show both top authors and commenters. how to do this?
Liked you plugin, changed it to distinguish top contributors by adding different number of stars depending on the contributor rating.
here’s the code (used around line 876 in top-contributors.php)
if($jmetc_options['show_icon'] == 1) {
$stUser = strip_tags($user);
$haystack = $jmetc_options['toplist'];
if(in_array($stUser,$haystack ))
$nStars = count($haystack);
$string= $user;
$string .= ' <img class="tc-icon" src="' . JMETC_PLUGINPATH . 'images/' . $jmetc_options['icon'] . '" alt="" title="Активний дописувач" />';
//$string = $user . ' <img class="tc-icon" src="' . JMETC_PLUGINPATH . 'images/' . $jmetc_options['icon'] . '" alt="" title="Активний дописувач" />';
I had a problem with the plugin and the creator of the plugin went through and figured it out.
I can’t say I know anyone else that would do this.
Great plugin.
Great support.
Get it.