Does this still work for Oxygen 3.6?
Any plans to update it anytime soon since its been a year till last update?
I employ Query Monitor (QM) plugin to check my WP sites.
Now, QM shows PHP error msg at locations wp-content/plugins/toolbar-extras/includes/admin/tbex-addons.php:96 & 97 with error msg of “Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated”
I just wanted to tell you, thanks.
I still appreciate your toolbar plugings
Hi David, does your plugin disable the toolbar for non admins?
I couldn’t figure out how to make it work using a piece of code provided by WPBeginner and Code Snippets.
Thx for this great plugin!
There’s a major issue though, with templates edit links:
It seems you add “&ct_inner=true” to the edit links, but this should only be done for content, like page or article, not for templates.
Result is you can’t edit the template in the builder window (you can’t click anywhere ini the template structure), and worse, if you save, you save an empty template ?? Hopefully you can recover your work with shortcodes revisions.
Note that it is OK for reusable parts (no ct_inner=true in edit link).
Oxygen version: 3.1b
Plugin: 1.2
Hey there,
Just thought I’d give you a heads up. When editing an Oxygen template, I can’t click Back to WP > Admin. It just doesn’t have a URL assigned to it when the toolbar is enabled. Works perfectly normal when the plugin is disabled. All the other links work.