when you accept a translation ? i was translate almost 200 words.
]]>Unfortunately, when the plugin is installed, a fatal error occurs on the subpage where the shortcodes are used.
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: RT\FoodMenu\Models\QueryArgs::buildArgs(): Argument #1 ($scID) must be of type int, null given, called in /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Controllers/Frontend/Shortcode.php on line 160 and defined in /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Models/QueryArgs.php:52 Stack trace: #0 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Controllers/Frontend/Shortcode.php(160): RT\FoodMenu\Models\QueryArgs->buildArgs(NULL, Array, 0) #1 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): RT\FoodMenu\Controllers\Frontend\Shortcode->render(Array, ”, ‘foodmenu’) #2 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #3 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(foodme…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘</p>\n<p>[foodme…’) #4 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/cmsmasters-content-composer/inc/shortcodes.php(968): do_shortcode(‘</p>\n<p>[foodme…’) #5 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Cmsmasters_Shortcodes->cmsmasters_text(Array, ‘</p>\n<p>[foodme…’, ‘cmsmasters_text’) #6 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #7 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(cmsmas…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘<p>[cmsmasters_…’) #8 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/cmsmasters-content-composer/inc/shortcodes.php(940): do_shortcode(‘<p>[cmsmasters_…’) #9 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Cmsmasters_Shortcodes->cmsmasters_column(Array, ‘[cmsmasters_hea…’, ‘cmsmasters_colu…’) #10 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #11 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(cmsmas…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[cmsmasters_col…’) #12 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/cmsmasters-content-composer/inc/shortcodes.php(713): do_shortcode(‘[cmsmasters_col…’) #13 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Cmsmasters_Shortcodes->cmsmasters_row(Array, ‘[cmsmasters_col…’, ‘cmsmasters_row’) #14 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #15 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(cmsmas…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[cmsmasters_row…’) #16 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): do_shortcode(‘[cmsmasters_row…’) #17 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘[cmsmasters_row…’, Array) #18 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/post-template.php(256): apply_filters(‘the_content’, ‘[cmsmasters_row…’) #19 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/themes/hotel-lux/page.php(41): the_content() #20 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include(‘/home/kasztel/d…’) #21 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/home/kasztel/d…’) #22 /home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/index.php(17): require(‘/home/kasztel/d…’) #23 {main} thrown in?/home/kasztel/domains/kaszteluniejow.pl/public_html/kasztel/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Models/QueryArgs.php?on line?52
]]>In the responsive view, the font color of the categories is black or grey, but I need white font, cause of dark background.
How can I change this?
Greetings and many thanks.
]]>Happy New Year to You Sir.
I do wish you a great 2024 ahead of You.
I’m trying to create a Food Menu that looks like this– https://prnt.sc/rg8uu7Q8kFQj
1.) It has Regular Price and Promo price.
Regular price is struck through, and greyed, while Promo price is clear.
Can I achieve something like that, with your plugin?
The situation is that I don’t have the time to always add the Menus. I need my User(the owner of the website) to add these Menus herself.
But I need her to be able to upload these Menus from the Frontend–-because She complained that uploading from the WP Backend is quite confusing to her.
Do you have Frontend Menu Submission feature, with this plugin?
Needing to hear from You soon.
the sort order of the foods does not work.
Could you fix it?
]]>Not all my food items have images, is there a way to specify on the food item to not include image so that the default placeholder doesn’t show and it just make the item full width?
]]>How do I change the Add to cart text ?
No mather what I do, it wont change ..
]]>There is some kind of bug .. I addet the ordre number to my food items (1-6) .. In the Shortcode Generator?-> ‘Filtering’. I set?‘Order By’?parameter to?‘Menu Order’?and?‘Order’?parameter to?‘Ascending’
And it still sort them the wrong way ..
]]>Has a look at my string translations and I do not see the menu items to be translated to a second language. It is presumed that WPML is not compatible with this plugin, or is it?
]]>We have a restaurant menu that offers Short Rib, Fish, etc. al at “Market Price” and I wonder what needs to change for the price field to accept alpha characters. Anyone?
]]>Is there a way to disable the opening closing time ? Because i got a plugin with a bought theme which does that job and i would like to use both plugins
I just activated food menu plugin (free)
But i cant see any option that i can to cart or buy
do i need to buy pro version for that ?
]]>General Question: Assuming that we use shortcodes for display, does the plugin have any compatability issues with Divi Builder and/or a theme using Divi?
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 3 passed to RT\FoodMenu\Helpers\RenderHelpers::loopArgBuilder() must be of the type array, bool given, called in /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Controllers/Frontend/Shortcode.php on line 178 and defined in /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Helpers/RenderHelpers.php:407 Stack trace: #0 /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Controllers/Frontend/Shortcode.php(178): RT\FoodMenu\Helpers\RenderHelpers::loopArgBuilder(Array, Array, false, 1014) #1 /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(355): RT\FoodMenu\Controllers\Frontend\Shortcode->render(Array, ”, ‘foodmenu’) #2 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #3 /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(227): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(foodme…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[foodmenu cat=”…’) #4 /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/helpers/h in /home/infinitycafebarl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tlp-food-menu/app/Helpers/RenderHelpers.php on line 407
Is there any solution to this error? Please check.
]]>How can i remove “.00” (decimal place) from price
]]>Hi team,
I want the food menu to show up according to my menu, which starts from ‘Vorspeisen”, but it shows in descending order way, how to set the category according to my choice, In the tab Filtering – categories, I try to add the category acc to my choice but it is not working.
]]>Is it possible with this plugin to create a catering website with 3 different menu options (Basic, Regular, Premium) with up to 8 dishes included, and additional ones at an extra cost. Without the single dish prices. People ordering a menu shouldn’t be able to pick dishes from other ones.
There also should be a possibility (mandatory) to confirm orders before clients pay for them to make sure there is enough capacity that day.
Please, let me know if it is possible to implement these functions with the plugin and how?
Thanks in advance,
I really like your Plugin and I’m trying it out right now. I have integrated it with WooCommerce to make custom lists based on Category. However, items with no stock are still appearing your lists (with no add to cart button). Even when the Out of Stock Visibility is enabled.
To Reproduce:
– have woocommerce products, some with stock and some with zero stock
– go to WooCommerce / Settings / Inventory
– check the ‘Out of Stock Visibility’ box to hide out of stock items
The woocommerce default pages filter out the items with no stock.
But FoodMenu still shows the items, just with no “Add to Cart” button.
Would it be possible to have FoodMenu filter the items out just like WooCommerce? This is the free version, btw.
We have three prices but there is only one price option is allowed so we have tried to add the price in the content using HTML tags. But it reverts to the default content when saving the menu item. Can you please look into this?
Thank You
I want to change the sequence of the items on the menu. Currently, it shows the last one added at the top. Is there a quick way to do this?
I have been using your plugin for a while now and it’s been great.
However, I just noticed that the product description is hidden on mobile. We list our weekly specials using this plugin and have always typed in the quantity in the description.
Do for instance, you’ll notice that we have ‘American Cheese at $3.99 per pound’.
When you view this on mobile, ‘per pound’ does not display.
Can you please advise on how to correct this?
I have a situation, where the menu has been built and products created first to Food Menu. And now my client wants to start selling them online. So I got the Pro version, but I didn’t find how to transfer already created items to WC. Is there a way to export Food Menu -products?
]]>Hi it would be awesome to let directory business owners to add their nemu items (if available) does it work like that? if not, can you guys make it work like that? thanks
]]>Is there any chance that in each page we have a metabox where we can add one simple menu with some items.
What i’m looking for is that each page of my wordpress is a Bar, and i want to add the Drinks in a menu for each Bar, but i want it directly from the Edit page of the bar, so i can restrict who edit that page so each owner can edit all his info from his and only his page on wordpress as a role of author.
]]>I am currently working on a website for a Brasserie, the customers can place there order on forehand, and pay when they pick it up.
So I am using WooCommerce to handle to ordering, however, I want to show the menu by category bassed of the WooCommerce data. When I select “Food item data source: WooCommerce” and set the category, I get the notification that there isn’t any data to be shown. But when I select a product ID, then it does work, but only shows that one product.
How can I have the menu show the layout like on the plugin demo ? :
I would love to hear from you soon, I have a deadline in 1 week from now, so a quick response is greatly appriciated!
]]>When I click any food in the menu the page not found error appears. Any solutions?
]]>One of the sites I’m working on suddenly had all the of categories deleted so their menu’s no longer appear bc it was showing based on category.
When I look at the DB all of the categories are still there, but do not show up in the plugin categories. Is there a way to get them back?
I have an issue with your plugin since update to 3.* (I believe) (free version).
When I generating shortcodes, I’m unable to retrive results if I choose to order by price.
I took the liberty to look the plugin’s code and if I’m correct, it’s because the name of the post meta field you use in your code, don’t match the one in database.
In database I have 2 metadata relative to a food content that correspond to the price :
– price
– _regular_price
But, in the preview code (class FmPreview, line 100), you refer to:
– _price
Same in class FmShotCode (line 109).
And I guess that’s why the order by price doesn’t return any result.
Can you check it and deploy an update?
It feels really odd to order foods by name and not by price.
]]>When I use styles like Bold in the description box, they do not work on the front end.
Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BFohXQEJIBKJ3L26Foc2aw3auyAHRxDw/view?usp=sharing
Is there a way to fix this?
]]>Does this plugin work with wordpress multisite?