This plugin has a feature to allow or disallow users to add shortcodes in the comment form.
However, in the list of shortcodes to allow / disallow, this plugin is missing some (thus, effectively not allowing them to be used in the comment form.)
For example, in my plug-in I have
namespace myplugin
class myclass {
public function go() {
add_shortcode ('something_cool', array ($this, 'display_something_cool'));
add_action ('get_comment_text', array ($this, 'comment_text'));
public function comment_text($text) {
return do_shortcode($text);
public function display_something_cool() {
// the code from this function works without the TinyMCE Comment plugin
// but, when I turn on that plugin, it no longer runs.
I don’t know if the namespace
is causing this bug, or the use of the class (i.e., add_shortcode (.... $this, 'function')
Is this plugin still being maintained? Does someone know how to fix this issue? (Perhaps, if the plug-in no longer being maintained, I’ll be less worried about updating its code myself.)
]]>I’ve activated the plugin but the WYSIWYG editor is not appearing! What should I do?
First you should check if you are using a theme that is not following the standard design guideline. The comment box should have a id equal to “comment”. The comment.php should have the line <?php do_action(‘comment_form’, $post->ID); ?>. Check with the theme designer for that if you don’t understand.
One more place to look at is the init script generated by the plugin. You could see it by going to .In the first line find tinyMCE.addI18n. If the symbols following is ({:{, then please remove the file and load the page again. (This problem occurs when you are upgrading to 0.4.4-3 from older versions.
If I replace <?php comment_form(); ?>
in comments.php with <?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>
the filed for comments isn’t shown.
Theme is Color Mag
]]>TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor does not work in WordPress 3.9
It would be nice if it works normally again. To write the comments its presence is very necessary. WYSIWYG editor must work, It is elementary. Today isn’t no longer the 17th century.
I have noticed that this pluging doesn’t work properly in internet explorer when using the cite button.
When using this button, all the comment is quoted, instead of only the desired part. It is impossible to quote only par of the comment.
Is there any patch for fixing this?
I wish to insert image in comments.
My blog is private and there will be no problem to active this function like in posts.
I don’t know how to add this function of tinymce, available in posts, for tinymce comments.
Can you help me and tell me what code I have to add ?
Thank you so much
Don’t working wordpress 3.3.2
My Blog:
only admin editing fully work but, user comments not working good.
not support text color and other functions. Please Fix, thanks.
I tried everything that existed, and I couldn’t even find your plugin in searching for them several times. I only found years by hearing about it mentioned or a google search or something.
Through the terms I was using WordPress wasn’t finding your plugin, and yours is the only one to actually fully work.
Thank you!
]]>I’m trying to add EMTIONS to the tinyMCE Comments plugin.
It works FINE in the ADMIN PREVIEW.
But not on the home page.
Any thoughts?
Is some Javascript breaking?
link to the textarea:
click on sign guest book.
]]>Is there some way to set TinyMCE options in the TinyMCEComments plugin?
I added the following in the functions.php for my theme:
function change_mce_options( $init ) {
$init['extended_valid_elements'] = 'span[!class]';
return $init;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'change_mce_options');
This change to the TinyMCE options works when using TinyMCE to edit WordPress articles but it doesn’t work when adding comments using TinyMCE through the TiunyMCEComments plugin.
]]>Problem: Anything with a drop-down fontselect,fontsizeselect,spellchecker etc. It adds the Tango Smileys Extended button beside it. Any Ideas how to correct it without disabling Tango Smileys??
Our site is and in the comments, we’re trying to add a link to a different post on the same site: but the link comes up: <a href="../../../../../another-post">
this is getting treated as a traversal because of all the dots and slashes and thus the comment is seen as dangerous and doesn’t submit when you click submit, but rather gets blocked by FireHost.
[Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]
plugin work very nice from the “front-end”. Is there any possibility to use it for administration, too? I mean for editting of posts in “Comments” section. It would be really superb.
Thank you for some ideas, “how to”
Cheers, Joo
TinyMCEComments works great and the configuration screen is easy to use. Please would you add hooks to modify TinyMCE settings. For example, I add a filter hook to change the editor CSS class and stylesheets:
function mcecomment_getInitJS($debugMode=0) {
$initArray = array ( /* ... */ );
$initArray = apply_filters( 'mcecomments_tiny_mce_before_init', $initArray );
// ...
This plugin is exactly what I’m looking for. It’s working beautifully except for the HTML Source editing option. I’ve turned the option on, but there’s no source editor.
]]>You might find you get 404 errors for a CSS file for TinyMCE.
The fix is to specify your own CSS, within the admin interface, and put the correct URL:
there’s an issue with WordPRess 3.0 and tinymcecomments. The version check in
mcecomment_isGreaterThan($ver) is erronous. Therefore the wrong css file is going to be loaded which doesn’t exist in WP3.0 and keeps getting filling up the log.
Quick fix in lines 333 and 334:
if ($major == $Cmajor && $minor < $Cminor) return false;
if ($major == $Cmajor && $minor == $Cminor && $rev < $Crev) return false;