I want those annotations to be shown on the front end and be seen even by unregistered users. How do I achieve that? Thanks!
]]>Love the plugin! Thank you. Just wish it had support for custom post types.
]]>I have installed TinyMCE 4.5.2 but it’s not a WordPress site. Can I use the plugin? TinyMCE plugins are usually minified as the init function looks for the file plugin.min.js within the plugin’s directory.
See? Nothing shows up. :/
Hello im searching for a quick hack to display a background and a simple title with annotated text in the post.
]]>I install and activate the plugin, but annotate buttons is not displaying in TinyMCE pannel.
We tried many different plugins to annotate text for editorial purposes and this plugin was the best we found.
A few improvements would nevertheless be welcomed in a future version:
-Show annotation author next to his/her annotation
-Make it easier to select an existing annotation in order to delete it
-Make it possible to modifiy an existing annotation in a larger clickable textbox
In any case, thanks for the plugin!
]]>Plugin Version 0.2.2
If you enter double quotation marks in an annotation all of the text that is written after the opening quotation mark will not display in the annotation. Is this something that might be corrected in the future?