I’m trying to share a blog post via Facebook on one of our clients sites but the text that is shared is coming from the home page of the site and not the excerpt or blog post itself.
The site url is healingartsreport.com.
If you share the home page it appears to work perfectly, but when you try to share an individual blog post via Facebook, etc. you’ll see that the text displayed to share actually comes from the home page and not the post.
Is there a fix for this? Thanks!
]]>When I hover over the icons in google chrome, the text appears weird. This does not happen when I open the site in Internet Explorer.
Is anyone else having this problem and does someone know how it can be fixed?
]]>Thank you for a perfect plugin, I did make one change to open the windows in a smaller window.
Around line 333 i changed it to
echo('<a href="' . $this->processUrl($this->services[$element]['url'], $homeTitle, $homeDescription, $homeURL) . '"onclick="window.open(this.href,\'targetWindow\',\'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=600,height=600\'); return false;" ><span class="tssw-icon tssw-' . $this->services[$element]['slug'] . '"></span><span class="tssw-tooltip">' . $this->services[$element]['label'] . '</span></a>');
and on line 343 I change it to
echo(‘processUrl($service[‘url’], $homeTitle, $homeDescription, $homeURL) . ‘”onclick=”window.open(this.href,\’targetWindow\’,\’toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=600,height=600\’); return false;”><span class=”tssw-icon tssw-‘ . $service[‘slug’] . ‘”></span><span class=”tssw-tooltip”>’ . $service[‘label’] . ‘</span>‘);`
Thanks again for a great plugin
]]>Just activated the plugin and I do not see the access to the settings
i don’t understand that !
On your Widgets section (under Appearance) the Tilt Social Share Widget will be available to use. Just drag it to one of your sidebars or other widget containers and you’ll have access to it’s settings.
WTF!!!!! ??
]]>Can you please add an Email share button to your list? I am trying to add it myself without much luck.
]]>Call me new fashioned, but to have to cut and past text to set the order of the buttons seems a bit clunky to me.
]]>Hi there,
I have just installed the plugin and so far is working well. I could managed to style the CSS to match with my theme and it looks good.
I really would like to have the option to share with WordPress.com, and as far as I know, I have to write some extra lines in the .php file and add a WP icon.
Do you think it would be possible?
Your widget behaves strangely on the category, tags, archive pages, etc. Instead of posting the link/title/desc of the current page, it posts the info for the oldest item listed instead. I’ve tried turning off/on the homepage option, and the ‘site titles / tagline’ option, but no difference.
I’d like the widget to send the information for the current page. Is that possible?
]]>We love your widget, and would like to use it on all of our clients’ sites, however it does have a validation error:
& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as & amp;)
I was able to fix it very simply by going into the code editor and replacing any instances of “&” in the share URLs with its ascii character code. Would it be viable for you to include valid URLs in a future update?
(And I love your icons, but it would be really nice to have the option of using custom icons and changing the icon size if the client prefers a different style.:))
]]>This plugin caused every page including the dashboard of the site to show a “an error occurred while processing this directive” error. After some searching I decided to move the plugin out of the installed plugins folder via FTP, and this removed the error.
Not sure what the deal is, but will unfortunately have to use another plugin. Plugin looked nice too ??
First of all I want to say that I love this plugin, it’s what I was looking for because it’s a widget, and also because the icons are clean and beautiful.
I’m also glad that you updated it in order to share the homepage not the last post.
However, while it shares the correct url, the text displayed is not the tagline but the first lines from the featured page on the homepage slider. Is there anything you can do about this? Or is the problem somewhere else, not in the plugin?
My website is earthhomethailand.com, using Chameleon theme from Elegant Themes.
I will keep the plugin anyway and gave it a 5 star rating but it would be great if you could help with this!
]]>Hi there. I love the widget. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. But it seems to have a small problem. Whenever I try to share to any of the social sites from the front page of my blog, it tries to share one of my posts, instead. It’s always the same post. And it happens to be the post that’s last on my front page right now (though I don’t know if that’s relevant).
Any thoughts on why that might be? Or is it a bug with the current version?
For reference, my web site is https://www.twice-cooked.com/. and I am leaving the widget active so that you can see what it’s doing.