Exported successfully using thesis/export plugin by 3DogMedia from single site using WP core 4 .8.3 with theme_16 and thesis-openhook 2.3.2. All plugins/themes display in this original site as expected/needed.
Now, trying to import using same plugin used to export from site mentioned above, with thesis-openhook v 2.3.2 plugin installed on site; as site or network active, thesis-openhook does not show in Appearance > Thesis openhook. The theme_16 is active as site or network, but does not show in site dashboard as Thesis Options
Currently. theme & plugin can’t be updated on either site, as it will break site.
1. I know the export/import plugin will work on WP 4.8.3 because it worked on the site we used to export theme & plugin.
2. The export/import plugin does not display on multi site used to import under Appearance > Thesis export / import the way it does on site used to export
3. Why is thesis export/import not working on multi-site?
Is it due to fact that thesis_16 is broken on multi-site?
Is it due to fact that thesis-openhook plugin is not working on multi-site?
Or, should Thesis export/import plugin to be independent upon install from
the thesis-openhook plugin & thesis_16 theme?
Did not help at all; it simply broke 4 lines of code in
Uninstalled immediately.
Plug-in site link brings you to the (decent) web site of developer, but not to any information on the plug-in.
]]>can crash your site. it did!
]]>import the design layout and it breaks the entire site. then i have to uninstall the entire thesis theme and reinstall. i had this problem many moons ago as well. i guess the author of the plugin has not done anything about it. Thesis version 1.7
]]>Thesis Import/Export throws an error when attempting to download settings:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Design::get_design_options() in D:\xampp\xampplite\htdocs\30mileclub\wp-content\plugins\thesis-settings-export\thesis-export.php on line 52
This happens when attempting to download any of the settings/options
WP 3.0
Thesis 1.7