Подскажите, если знаете, может есть готовый плагин шоркода для отображения тем имеющихся на сайте с названиями, ссылками на страницы превью, скриншотами? Или просто вставить код в шаблон темы.
Как вы использовали этот плагин на своём сайте? Как вы показывали посетителям темы на выбор? Если не прописывали ссылку на каждую тему то как сделали это автоматически?
Как я понимаю, надо сделать список папок и вывести имямя папки и картинку screenshot.png или screenshot.jpg . Ищу что-то готовое.
Tell me, if you know, maybe there is a ready-made shortcode plugin for displaying themes available on the site with names, links to preview pages, screenshots? Or just paste the code into the theme template.
How did you use this plugin on your site? How did you show visitors the themes to choose from? If you didn’t register a link to each topic, how did you do it automatically?
As I understand it, I need to make a list of folders and display the folder name and picture screenshot.png or screenshot.jpg. I am looking for something ready.
Today I was creating a local site to test and removed all but one of the themes. When I did this I got a PHP notice:
[01-May-2017 18:48:12 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: ts in /srv/www/themereviews/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme-test-drive/themedrive.php on line 293
I was able to remove that by simply moving that line inside if the theme count check on here:
Yes, very edge usage case but odds are there may be another person who may encounter it. ??
]]>Hi, when a theme is active, the other theme AJAX requests are being held by that active theme, not the second theme.
Is there anyway to fix this?
]]>Can I add additional themes to test other than those on the drop-down list?
]]>Is there a way to test drive the sidebars too? When I’m test driving a theme, it doesn’t look right because the sidebars aren’t showing. When I activate the theme normally, the default sidebars do show up. So it isn’t possible to fully work on the theme.
]]>Hi! I’m working on a new responsive design for my WordPress site with the higly flexible Headwaythemes using “Theme Test Drive”.
Now, I would love to be able to test on various devices in a browser emulator (in this case I have tried it in Sauce Labs) before making this new design public. Is there a way I can do this? Because when trying this in Sauce Labs, what I get is the public version of the site. Do you have a way to get around this so I can browser test the new design?
In Sauce lab or other platform. All tips will be highly appreciated.
]]>It’s almost like there is caching going on but there isn’t. Does your plugin do some caching? I have to wait a few minutes before I can see my change to the css file take effect.
]]>Hi i activate the plugin and all i see for my current site is a white screen? No point testing it if the old one isnt working.
Danny Kirk
I have installed the plugin and successfully uploaded the theme and was able to choose it from the dropdown menu in settings.
But now every time I click on a link in the left side admin panel such as “Pages” or “Dashboard” I get taken to the current live website and kicked out of wordpress.
This seems like a bug and how can I fix this?
would like to use this plugin but dont want to take a risk
please update
Only one question from me. Our client has an Admin access to the website. Currently we are working on a redesign and would like to use Theme Previewer plugin.
Is it possible for us to limit theme previewing for cpecific Admin User IDs?
]]>If there any plans or timeline on an plugin-update to the newest WordPress version?
]]>The question is in the title
]]>I’m just getting started with my project of changing themes and learned that the theme-test-drive plugin is what I need to make changes to the site before taking it live.
I’m confused by the Save & Publish button. Will this activate the new theme? It sounds like it, but that defeats the purpose of the test drive.
]]>Please help. I activated test drive theme. Now all my content on my old theme and activated website is gone. How can I restore it?
]]>When I activate test drive and start making changes normal viewers can see the changes I make on the old theme.
For example, if I was running theme big brother with a blue background and then activated test drive for theme twenty thirteen with a yellow background, everyone would see the big brother theme with a yellow background.
Also when I save the changes to the theme via theme test drive (say a yellow background) when I disable test drive and then activate the theme it reverts to the original theme settings (a white background). I see there is a disclaimer for this though, any update on that issue?
]]>I just installed a new theme I wanted to test on my charity’s webpage. After installing, I clicked “enable Theme Test Drive”. Now all I get is a blank page.
If I’m not logged in, I see the website as usual with our current theme. But if I log in, I get a blank page and can’t access the admin dashboard at all – so I can’t disable theme test drive!
I need to somehow fix this before Wednesday, as I need access to the backend by then. I have a backup copy of our website, but that’s no good if I can’t access the dashboard, is it?
Any ideas? Thank you so much!
I recently obtained a theme called Magazine Pro for my college newspaper’s website. Magazine Pro is a child theme of Genesis. I can work on Magazine Pro in Theme Test Drive just fine, but when I’m ready to publish it and I hit ‘disable’ in Theme Test Drive, WordPress doesn’t give me the choice to enable Magazine Pro. Any ideas how to work around this? Vladimir?
]]>I just tried to update my wordpress installation to 4.2 – but was hitting a blank page. I guessed it was something to do with permissions or something – tried that but still nada.
Read elsewhere that someone was able to get it working by disabling the theme – then obviously by using this plugin, my setup is a little different. I disabled Theme Test Drive and voila – it works.
It should be noted that I can’t verify whether it was this plugin, or the theme I’m test driving causing the issue… But the test theme is a fork of the current theme with only cosmetic changes – no modifications to functions.php or.. anything really, apart from page templates and css. So I think it’s justified to assume it’s the plugin.
So my update has worked now, so I am not in need of a solution – but has anyone else experienced anything like this? Could the plugin require a bit of tweaking to stop this issue?
Symptoms were:
I’m currently using the Canvas theme from Woo Themes and wanted to test drive changes before rolling them out on my site. When I set canvas and enable test drive changes I make happen immediately on my site.
In my wisdom I decided to upload another Canvas install using the ‘easy theme installation’ box, which was a bad idea. The new install just replaced the existing installation overwriting all of my changes. Awesome!!
How should I have done this instead, and, is there anyway of recovering my original canvas installation complete with all previous edits?
Many thanks,
]]>Hi support team,
I am running a multisite and when I activate your Plugin, then I get the message shown – “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” and I need to remove the plugin folder into a sub-folder plugin-off to be able to use the site again.
Looking forward to hear any suggestions.
Regards, Alex
]]>There are multiple administrators on this website I’m working on. Is it possible that I’m the only administrator who can see the test theme while the other administrators still see the default theme?
]]>After installing and activating the plugin I choose a theme to test for my site and when I clicked enable and tried to start changing the layout of the chosen theme I only get blank pages. I can’t access anything anymore. This is not what I thought to get out of this. Can someone help me get this sorted?
]]>I have been working on some themes behind the scenes but how do I save these customizations without it affecting the live site that visitors see?
I try to customize but when i go to save it, everything on my coming soon static page disappears.
Does anyone have an idea of why this is happening.
]]>I know this has been addressed and there is currently no patch or otherwise but I want to ask a specific question.
Where in the database does your plugin create the temp widget settings?
I’m not as interested in a patch as I am retrieving the temp data and manually replace in the database.
I really appreciate your response.
I love the ability to preview various themes by adding “?theme=xxx” to the url. I’m currently building a site to showcase different template options, and this gives me an easy way to show clients multiple templates with a single WordPress install. My one minor complaint is that I am unable to navigate through the site easily to see additional pages (I can manually append the “?theme=xxx” to the url each time, which is fairly minor, but still likely beyond the understanding of non-tech-savvy clients).
Does anyone have any idea of an easy way to keep in theme?
]]>Unfortunately Theme Test Drive still does not work properly with my WP and my Theme
Using WP 4.1 and Highend Theme but unfortunately Theme-Options Page shows only blank page
Luckily now all other features of my site are still working….;-)
Also it would be great if options page would work as I could setup some features without using some testserver
]]>I installed Them Test Drive yesterday for my website –
Today it was pointed out to me that other than my home page, all the other pages on my website are broken, showing the message Error 404 – Not Found on my website.
Any ideas? I have tried uninstalling Theme Test Drive, but it doesn’t help.
]]>I am completely locked out of my WP CMS after installing the plugin “Theme Test Drive” – every time I log into the CMS I get a white screen. I’ve reached out to my hosting company and they’ve restored my site to a prior date and they can access it, but i still can’t. I’ve cleared my cache, browser history,and still no luck.
Having this issue on any computer I use . . . HELP!!! I’ve also reached out to developer here last week & no response. I am on deadline with a major brand for a project and have to get access to my CMS.
THANK YOU – Rachelle
]]>When I activate my theme some of my changes are not transferring over such as my logo, font colors, etc. How do I remedy this?