I updated the plugin to its latest version (1.4) but I am receiving the following notice in debug.log. Can please consider to hide this notice in a future version?
[26-Aug-2016 02:36:57 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: preview_css in […]/wp-content/plugins/theme-preview/theme-preview.php on line 43
[26-Aug-2016 02:36:57 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: preview_theme in […]/wp-content/plugins/theme-preview/theme-preview.php on line 42
I cannot find where to upload Theme Preview. I don’t know much of anything about my WP account and it’s very frustrating!
]]>I installed this and I can successfully preview parent themes. However, when I try to preview themes that are children of the parents, I just get a blank page. Is there a way around this?
]]>If I go to example.com/?preview_theme=exampletheme I see my site as if the “exampletheme” were installed. Works great!
However, if I click on a navigation link (or any internal link), I’m taken to the correct page, but instead where the “real” active theme is functioning.
Is it possible to not only preview a theme, but also use the navigation and inter nal links to visit other pages within the site without having to add “?preview_theme=exampletheme” to the end of the URL for each page?