HI I am unable to view videos within account. I am getting errors within WordPress page section when attempting to add content. Client has just added an extensive video libray with Viddler and it would be great to have this working. CURL is installed on server.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.website.com/aawep2014/wp-admin/<strong>undefined</strong>/viddlergateway.php?m=viddler.videos.prepareUpload
Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.website.com/aawep2014/wp-admin/<strong>undefined</strong>/viddlergateway.php?m=viddler.videos.prepareUpload
]]>When using the recording interface on an SSL/HTTPS connection, as in the admin panel for a new post, the swf will not load due to many browsers now restricting insecure elements (like Chrome). Attempted to change the “https://cdn-static.viddler.com/” URLs in viddlercomments.php, but that didn’t seem to do anything.
I can get the recorder to load by allowing insecure items in the page, but for end users this is a very tiresome and distracting solution.
]]>Plugin throws the following error:
Notice: Undefined variable: post in /{wordpress path}/wp-content/plugins/the-viddler-wordpress-plugin/viddlercomments.php on line 172 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /{wordpress path}/wp-content/plugins/the-viddler-wordpress-plugin/viddlercomments.php on line 172
Issue adding “$post” to the global declarations on line 169 like so:
global $viddler_player_type_posts, $viddler_download_source, $post;
]]>Connected it to my viddler account – it claims there’s no videos in my account, but I’ve logged in and we definitely have some….
]]>I have an error after activating plugin when I went to use in comments:
jQuery is not defined
on facebox.js (line 209)
Any suggestions?
PD: I don’t have any other plugin installed
]]>Two complaints:
with “Show link to download source?:” set to yes, the next post receives the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Viddler_V2 in /wp-content/plugins/the-viddler-wordpress-plugin/phpviddler/phpviddler.php on line 10
Also, regardless of settings, it breaks Gravity Forms Total price calculations, even on pages without viddler.
Thanks for correcting the recording issue, with version 1.3.9.
Was wondering on the testing cycle of the update that is supposed to take care of the JQuery conflicts. Is there any ETA on its release? Testing has been going on the over a month.
I’m becoming concerned that this plugin has been tossed by the way-side.
I look forward to hearing from you and if we can be of assistance in testing the plugin, please let us know.
]]>Plugin version 1.3.8
WP version 3.0.4
After installing the plugin – and getting cURL enabled on our host, when selecting the ‘Record’ function, while attempting to add a new post, the plugin seems to either error or hang. As I’m not getting a complete error message (or what I’d like to think is an error message), I’m not sure it there is an error condition or that the plugin has just hung, for some reason.
The text that is show, beneath them Viddler plugin selections, is:
Record you video!
Easy: Click red record button, click stop when finished, click save to confirm.
Incidentally, the above information is being received on Mac OSX 10.5.8 and 10.6.6 clients, running both the latest versions of Safari and Chrome.
That’s it. Nothing more.
Any ideas, or thoughts?
Thank you.