i am using the plugin “The Plus Visual Composer Addons 2.0” for some time and recently after i switched from php 7.4 to 8.1 i am facing the following error when trying to re-activate the plugin again.
[10-Nov-2022 21:48:11 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 26728.40625 to int loses precision in /var/www/html/dev/wp-content/themes/dt-the7/inc/vendor/lessphp/compiler.php on line 1528
Could anyone help how to fix this?
thanks in advance
]]>Hello my plugin has reported the verification has failed and I cannot re-verify it.? The provided URL requires a login to https://store.posimyth.com/login/ that I do not have since the plugin was purchased via theme forest. What can I do since I cannot create new pages in my WordPress.?
]]>With the last WP Update 5.5
Ayudante de migración de jQuery — Warnings encountered
https://www.driveart.es/wp-content/plugins/the-plus-visual-composer-addons//vc_elements/js/admin/pt-theplus-vc.js:99:12): jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
It says we talk with for an upgrade…
Por favor, asegúrate de que estás usando la última versión de todos tus plugins y de tu tema. Si así fuera, puedes pedir a los desarrolladores del código mencionado en las advertencias que hagan una actualización
]]>TP Tabs are not working! I am using the latest WP Build. The section id’s are visible but when you click the tab, nothing happens. It doesn’t move you to the tab content.
]]>I have written Posimyth directly, but it seems they don’t exit anymore, as I am not getting any response from them since weeks (written 3 emails). They are developers for both the Outset Theme and the The Plus Plugin.
Since the last update I am getting an error message on both my front end and back end relating to the plugin “The Plus Addon”.
“Warning: Declaration of Theplus_Column_Responsive::init() should be compatible with Elementor\Controls_Stack::init($data) in /home/.sites/37/site7139521/web/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/modules/controls/group/plus-column-width.php on line 842”
I have installed the latest WP, with Theme Outset from Posimyth. Unfortunately I have immense difficulty with the theme to date, and every time I update the problems dont get better but actually much worse.
In case anyone reads this from posimyth, please I would appreciate an response…
Thank you,
Hi there,
The plugin description page does describe what is included in free and what is in premium.
Can you please let me know all about?
I have the newest version of The Plus Visual Composer Addons and Visual Componser.
After first instalation od the plus VC i have this problem:
Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /wp-includes/pomo/translations.php on line 86
What should i do?
]]>I am using this plugin from the previous version, I have seen in your latest version 2.0.0, There are more options added and few removed. Does that will cause any issues in my previous sites?
Note: Thanks for making this amazing plugin, I loved it. I am very happy with this plugin.
I installed your plugin today, but I could not activate it, I have this message on my screen : “the extension does not have a valid header” (en fran?ais “l’extension ne dispose pas d’une entête valide”).
What can I do ?