I don’t seem to be able to upload any image and therfore not create any lost items.
I found a ticket with the same issue, and you advised the user to deactivate the admin ssl.
I assume that was the sollution, because that was the end of the conversation.
however now that i’m experiancing the same issue and I’m unable to deactivate the admin ssl, I was wondering if you couldn’t rewrite the add item page so it uses SSL.
Maybe even a complete update to the atest wordpress version?
manny thanx
I try to check the “allow users to upload..” box but when I refresh, it returns to being unchecked.
I’ve added a plugin that allows me to give users permission to upload images. But the problem still exists.
Any idea?
My site has https and is completely private (need ID and password to enter).
I installed your plugin and try to test it. When I fill the form of a new item and click [submit] button, my website ask me to login again (I’m already logged in with admin account). I put again admin ID and password and the page refresh to wp-admin page. When I come back to the lost and found page, nothing is in there.
Thanks for your support.
When you add a lost object to the website, them someone claims it, you go to the admin page, and delete the claim information.
The object goes again the the lost page. But then when you try to claim it, it says that is was already claimed, and when you go to the admin page, you have no objects do edit. So now i got 1 object that cant be edited, and cant be claimed. Is this normal?
]]>error $lf_no_require_admin, you can edit a new item, but you can’t see it!
page: https://www.schnappzu.tv
best regards
Install and active the plugin normally. I insert the shortcode [lost_found] and created a page with the name of the lost and found.
However, when I click one of the items says that the page was not found.
If eestou logged in as administrator or not, gives plumb error. What’s going on?
]]>Here i use this plugin it was great but i need some changes , giving to all users to Add item.
]]>I installed this plugin and it was working great, but after I had to move the site to a new domain, I’ve had issues with the links within the plugin pointing to the old domain (and subsequently the user ends up on the old domain)…
I checked the php files, and it looks like everything is referring to a post GUID… example:
<td class=”lostfound lfitem” >
guid; ?>&action=claim&item=<?PHP echo $item->id ?>” class=”lostfound lfitem”>Click here to claim this item.</td>
Is there anyway to update this plugin to point towards my new domain? I tried deleting the plugin and reinstalling it, but it still has the same issue. I also tried manually putting the new url into where the PHP echo statement was, but that just threw me a 404 error. I would try to update the GUID in the database, but…
Any help would be appreciated, please and thank you!
I’ve just installed the plugin which is great for what we need it for but i was just wondering if there’s a way to reverse the list of items? We’re using it to list lost and found pets so it would make much more sense to hav the most recent at the top.
Many thanks
I’ve got errors when testing the plugin
Warning: Division by zero in /home/++/blogtest/wp-content/plugins/the-lost-and-found/lost-and-found.php on line 486
when there is no item left.
And the presentation is not very good under Twenty Ten
Got some issues, the upload image button doesn’t work. also no items are shown after creating a new lost & found item.
Please advise ??
Thank You