We were looking into performance issues on our site and narrowed it down to this plugin when toggling.
In our testing performance a blank page template took:
~400ms to load with this plugin installed
~200ms to load with this plugin disabled
We ran an AI scan of the code and received this analysis:
The?run?method indiscriminately registers all hooks globally. This behavior can cause significant performance issues, especially if:
? The plugin uses resource-intensive callbacks.
? The hooks are irrelevant on most pages (e.g., loading scripts/styles or querying the database unnecessarily).
I wasn’t sure if anyone else had run into this yet but wanted to put it out there in case performance can be improved in future releases or if others experience this.
To hear the speech I have to click on the speech button three times.
I made several (at least two) using text_to_read shortcodes. And, I inserted each shortcodes into the required positions within a page.
By the way, if there are several shortcodes, I would like to ask you because there is a problem that occurred to me.
For example, I’ll mention A, B, and C that I inserted as a shortcode.
Click the listen button on A. Then, after a while, press pause. Then, click the listen button on another B. Then, the other B’s voice does not proceed. It’s like there’s already a voice A that’s been executed, so B can’t proceed. The reason is that the ‘Start utternance’ that is displayed when the voice starts on the Chrome console does not proceed.
However, after listening to all the voices of button A, click another button B to make B’s voice progress normally. What was confirmed on the Chrome console was that the existing voice did not start until ‘Success!’
When I compared these two, I felt that to use two or more voice shortcodes on a page, I had to hear the first voice until the end to start another voice.
For your information, it works fine on mobile. In other words, if I pause one voice button and click another, the other immediately starts, and if I click the previously paused button again, the voice will play again from where it stopped. This is what I want.
How can I make this issue on my desktop work like a mobile?
If this is normal operation, does this not happen with the pro version?
Thank you.
TTS plugin is reading some wrong words on this page https://madzine.pk/investing-in-pakistan-12-7bn-rollovers-to-drive-growth/ I have written $12.7bn and it should be read twelve point seven billion dollars while it is reading twelve dollars seven billions which is wrong. Please give me solution to this problem.
]]>I Kept having a critical error on my site and I hired webpro after webro and they had no idea what was causing it because I was telling them that my TTS pro was one of my essential plugins. The last pro I hired figured out that my pro version was causing a conflict and was ultimately causing the critical error. The pro said I could try an updated version of my pro plugin, but I dont know if it’s been updated and the critical error has been removed, so I dont know how to proceed with getting my pro version. Wondering if anyone else has had issues like this. I use Divi Extra theme. I love this plugin I have to be able to customize the options. Hoping someone can shed some light. I also have no idea about in depth tech issues but I am doing the best I can. Any insight or assistance is greatly appreciate.
]]>The plugin does not seem to work in Edge. Is this a known issue with Edge or a possible plugin conflict?
]]>When we have the option “Stop Auto Play After Switching Tab” unchecked, the page still stops playing after switching tabs in any browser.
We have the following settings: WP version 6.6.1 / PHP 8.2.22 / Plugin version 1.7.10
We can send the page link privately if allowed.
]]>Hi, I’m using TTS in Brazilian Portuguese in my WordPress. Works nice in desktop devices, but in mobile devices, the voice is in pt-PT, not pt-BR. I’m using Google Chrome in my Android device.
Another mobile reports: TTS is not even working in Edge, Firefox works correctly with pt-BR.
In 9 devices tested, only 3 played the correctly language (ptBR). I know it could be a problem with API, but it is good to report.
I loved the plugin, but I can’t use because of this API problem. ??
Hello, I’m trying to put a margin in the bottom of the TTS box (20px), but I don’t understand how to customize the CSS in this plugin. ??
Can someone help me?
I’m wondering if this plugin utilises an external server, or a browser-based engine to convert the text to speech?
]]>Hi, can you help please? After the last update he reads the title of the article then skips to the end of the text and reads the copyright notice… there is no longer any way to make him read the post
Reading the code from the file:
i found at least 3 typo errors (pluin instead plugin)
One of these errors is on line 42 for required file.
Another problem is when i try to translate the po files for Spanish language with Loco Translate, the frontend button don’t refresh the text, just in the admin preview.
The irony that the video has no narration? ??
]]>Hi, why isn’t Lithuanian available and when will it be? Thanks
]]>The plugin is not functioning correctly, as the play button has suddenly become invisible. Please assist me as this is urgent.
Thanks for the help!
]]>I am reaching out to bring to your attention an urgent matter regarding the Text-to-Speech (TTS) plugin utilized for the blogs on our site.
The plugin is currently causing critical errors, and despite our efforts to isolate the issue by deactivating other plugins and the theme individually, the errors persist upon reactivating the TTS plugin. This indicates a potential conflict with either the theme or other plugins.
For your reference, I have attached a screenshot of the errors: https://i.imgur.com/IMarXMb.png
Thanks for the help in advance.
]]>Line 337 in helpers.php should be replaced to change the priority, this way:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'add_listen_button', 99 );
This is because as it’s right now, WordPress is using the wpautop
function and then the button is being inserted into a paragraph. With priority > 10 this is fixed.
]]>There are many reasons for not showing button on the post.
Hi team,
I have recently updated the plugin and now the whole TTS support for the website posts is gone. I saw a solution to reverting to a previous version manually and I can’t seem to find the directory to upload the details too. Would you be so kind as to suggest what is the easiest way to revert the changes and update for a more stable version over due course. Thank you
After updating the plugin, it is not working properly as the play button is not visible. Please help me as it is urgent.
Thanks for the help!
I would like to set up a shortcode that won’t read the entire page but will read only the text I will provide for the shortcode. Something like this:
[tta_listen_btn text_to_read=”testing test”]
Is it possible somehow?
Thank you
]]>After the last update, the shortcode stopped working on blog post pages. I`m using the last version of wp (6.3.1) and plugin (1.4.8).
My template code
if (shortcode_exists('tta_listen_btn')) {
echo do_shortcode('[tta_listen_btn listen_text=" " pause_text=" " resume_text=" " replay_text=" " start_text=" " stop_text=" " title="Para fins de acessibilidade, clique aqui para ouvir o texto em audio"]');
Plugin configs
Result on template
Text to speech TTS plugin gives users to change the button text according to users’ locale language.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to using filters for customizing button text:
add_filter( 'tta__button_text_arr', 'tta__button_text_arr_callback');
function tta__button_text_arr_callback( $text_arr ){
// Listen button
$text_arr['listen_text'] = 'Listen'; // paste custem text
$text_arr['pause_text'] = 'Pause'; // paste custem text
$text_arr['resume_text'] = 'Resume'; // paste custem text
$text_arr['replay_text'] = 'Replay'; // paste custem text
// Record button text
$text_arr['start_text'] = 'Start'; // paste custem text
$text_arr['stop_text'] = 'Stop'; // paste custem text
return $text_arr;
Save and Activate:?Save the snippet and activate it.
]]>I’m not sure why but the button is not being displayed on mobile devices, but it works fine on desktop. I’m using Newspaper theme. There is no Javascript errors when looking at the console, but the HTML structure is not being created into the wrapper.
]]>Text To Audio/ Text to speech plugin allows users to change the button text according As per suggested, I have added the below attributes to the shortcode. But the text is not changing. kindly me through. (Find the button text in the link shared)
[tta_listen_btn listen_text=”Listen to the Article” pause_text=”Pause” resume_text=”Resume” replay_text=”Replay” start_text=”Start” stop_text=”Stop”]
I had the plugin working on a client site, with the last update the button disappeared.
I’m using the shortcode on the php page:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[tta_listen_btn listen_text="Clique aqui e ou?a a matéria" pause_text="Pausar" resume_text="Tocar" replay_text="Tocar novamente" start_text="Come?ar" stop_text="Parar"]' ); ?>
is there any filter or hook to avoid displaying the button with code? What I’m trying to do is to NOT display the button only on certain post categories from code. It could be helpful any hint to accomplish this.
I’ve also noticed that the render method for the button, Javascript based, gives some problems so I’m wondering I there is any possibility to change this in future releases. I’m not sure why, but sometimes the button is not being rendered on the web page and the html contents inside the main container is empty. This is caused, almost sure, by some Javascript issues or may be, interferences with other scripts in same page.
]]>I’m not sure why but randomly there is posts where the button is not being displayed, but it works fine on others. The javascript error is always on text-to-audio-button.min.js in a line that says:
for (var o = window.TTS.contents, r = window.TTS.settings, a = Object.keys(o), c = function() {
and error message displayed by browser is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘contents’)
I hope that you can solve this ASAP.
]]>When trying to use the “font-family” attribute in CSS block, there is errors when using quotes with the font family name.
The custom labels for translating strings in button text doesn’t work. I’ve tried with hooks and also with shortcode.
Please, fix it ASAP
]]>Hi after update i have problems with plugin, don’t show in post but only on homepage. Where i can find the previous stable version? Thank You!