Just wondering is there any support for this plugin, updates and fixes, responses ETC ?
Have A Good Day ??
This Plugin work good for single user.but i have use this plugin multiple user and multiple user create own shortcode.
1. admin: dnt -> do not disturb
2. other user: wp -> wordpress
Note: all user create different own shortcode in your dashboard.
Its possible call the plugin from index.php?
Thank you
]]>If you are getting a random has_cap deprecated error as below in debug mode (especially when you open Plugin Details):
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
Simply modify the following line (82)
$pageHook = add_management_page( 'Text Obfuscator admin', 'Text Obfuscator', 2, 'obfuscator', 'obfuscator_admin_page' );
To the following:
`$pageHook = add_management_page( ‘Text Obfuscator admin’, ‘Text Obfuscator’, ‘manage_options’, ‘obfuscator’, ‘obfuscator_admin_page’ );’
Hope the plugin creator can commit these changes ??
]]>When you upgrade, and make a save to ‘remove matched’ item, all your prefs, except the one you are editing, will be deleted.
make a copy first!
]]>Would it be possible to add a wildcard feature in your future releases? I would like to be able to filter an entire HTML tag even if some of its content is dynamic and changes across the posts.
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.advertisement-provider.com/*">*</a>
would change any link tag pointing to this site to the text entered in the “Replacement” field.
Above all, it would really enlarge the plugin capabilities and the available conditions… It could also sometimes reduce the number of rules to reach the same result.
Thanks a lot for your work, I really appreciate it. Waiting impatiently for the version 1.3 ??
]]>I had some minor problems with this plugin on one of my blogs but Jonathon Wardman helped me to solve this issues then it worked fine. So fine that I’ve decided to test Text Obfuscator on another blog. But now the post title and content contain the following error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/myname/domains/myblog.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/text-obfuscator/text-obfuscator.php on line 212
Here is the code from the line 208 to 224:
function obfuscator_filter( $content, $content_type = 'posts' ) {
$replacementData = get_option( 'obfuscator_replacements' );
$replacementTokens = $replacementValues = array();
foreach ( $replacementData AS $replacementItem ) {
if ( ! isset( $replacementItem['location'] ) || ( 'post' == $replacementItem['location'] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $replacementItem[$content_type] ) || ( true == $replacementItem[$content_type] ) ) {
if ( $replacementElements = obfuscator_build_replacement_elements( $replacementItem ) ) {
$replacementTokens[] = $replacementElements['token'];
$replacementValues[] = $replacementElements['value'];
return preg_replace( $replacementTokens, $replacementValues, $content );
I don’t know what to do but I know that I would really like to use this plugin on my pro blog. As I am a real PHP noob, I would appreciate any help to try resolving this problem. Thanks in advance ??
]]>I cant run it because of:
Cannot redeclare obfuscator_add_pages() (previously declared in /var/www/web22/html/wp-content/plugins/text-obfuscator.php:66) in /var/www/web2/html/wp-content/plugins/text-obfuscator/text-obfuscator.php on line 68