Hosting in SiteGround and when trying to upgrade from PHP 7.0 to PHP 7.1 I get this messages:
FILE: /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/lib/less.php/Less.php
92 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
93 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
227 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
Many thanks
]]>I tried to test this: I put an alert, first inside the $(document).ready(function() { } and the second time, outside; but I never received my alert.
]]>Hey guys!
Someone have this same problem?
I cant change anything from the back-end of my site in this plugin. Every time I click to change some settings a white screen appears above the plugin settings.
Print Screen
Some help plz, this is an awesome plugin ??
]]>Dear Team,
Please Solve this issue quickly when i put wp custom login url tesla stop working and also auto redirect to wp-admin default login url then i try installing few new login url customizer plugin like : wp lockdown, i changed my default url and also put this url in tesla login put tesla not working with custom url and its not show theme i choose i also put both url with / and without / but still not working its only work with wp login default url
Hi there!
I have a page which it should be for access only (is the page I put on the link above), but the problem is that that page is accessible anyway. I put the link on Redirect after login located on general settings.
As you can see, you can click that page and you can enter without any problem, and if you can enter without credentials, then what is the purpose of the widget?
How can I make that page private to credentials? Doesn’t your widget have that option?
]]>I tried setting a Custom URL in the General Settings of Tesla Login Customizer, but soon as I put a different URL there, the customized login page stops working and there it reverts back to the default WP Login Page..
Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to use a different plugin to change the login page url?
]]>Hello can you help me fix it? when i activate the login and select the demo, nothing changes on my backend, and i’ve tried it on local site it works with the same version of WordPress and Theme i used.
Lots of SPAM registration even though there is a anti-spam i dont know how they where able to bye pass anti-spam.
]]>I installed this plug in keeping my website live. Now the wp-admin log in page is showing errors. Now I can’t log in to my website’s dashboard.
The following msg is showing:
ParseError: 0 in anonymous-file-0.less on line 1, column 839 1| @primary_color : #37e89b;@bg_image : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/static/themes/mercury/img/wordpress-login-theme-mercury.jpg’;@bg_image_repeat : no-repeat;@bg_image_size_type : cover;@bg_color : undefined;@font_family : Raleway;@font_variations : 100px 300px;@font_subset : undefined;@font_size : 20;@font_color : #ffffff;@redirect_login : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/’;@redirect_register : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/’;@custom_login_url : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/wp-admin’;@template : mercury;@logo_hide : undefined;@logo_image : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Logo.png’;@logo_bg_size_type : cover;@logo_width : 100;@logo_height : 100;@logo_link : ‘https://www.grambangla.com.bd/’;@logo_title : undefined;@form_placement : center;@form_heading : Member’s Login;@form_bg_image : undefined;@form_bg_size_type : cover;@form_bg_image_repeat : no-repeat;@form_bg_color : rgba(30,46,64,0.7);@form_padding : 40px 40px 40px 40px;@form_no_shake : undefined;@form_animation_in : undefined;@form_animation_out : undefined;@form_animation_error : undefined;@form_button_color : #ffffff;@form_button_bg_color : #37e89b;@form_captcha : undefined;@form_captcha_key : undefined;@form_captcha_theme : light;@form_captcha_type : image;@form_captcha_lang : undefined;@custom_css : undefined;@custom_js : undefined;
]]>When I arrive the New Password page for Terra it does not allow for setting the password. After clicking Reset Password, the page reloads and shows an error message “The passwords do not match”. I suspect this is happening because a second input box is not showing.
]]>One day ago the login redirection worked but now it just redirects people admins and members to /wp-admin how do i fix please?
]]>Hi, I’d like that after login the user gets redirected to the current page from where he activated the procedure. Can you help? Thanks
Thank’s for this plugin, i love it. But i have a littel problem.
Login page is ok https://world-nation.fr/login/
But “lost password” page, the custom doesn’t work (is the wordpress page) https://world-nation.fr/lostpassword/
Thank you very much if you can help me.
]]>Hi… great plugin, love it!
I’m wondering what your plans are to fix the PHP 7 compatibility errors?
Using the WPengine compatibility tester, these errors come up:
FILE: /***/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/lib/less.php/Less.php
92 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
93 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
227 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.internal_encoding’ is deprecated since PHP 5.6.
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
10115 | ERROR | Bitwise shifts by negative number will throw an ArithmeticError in PHP 7.0
Thank you!
Thank you so much for giving away such a great plugin. I got a problem in the alignment of the text “login”. Here is a screenshot (Link). I will be very helped if you could solve this problem.
Recaptcha was displaying correctly on my login form until a few days ago when it suddenly disappeared. At the time, no changes had been made on my end. I’ve tried more than one recaptcha key and it just doesn’t seem to show up ever.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
]]>is there an easy CSS code to get the text in the username and password fields align to the right?
]]>I am using WPS Hide Login to change my login URL. That same login URL is what I have put into the Tesla Login settings however, not of the changes are coming through. I have set up a custom logo and a captcha and that is not showing on the login screen. Changing templates or anything in tesla does not change my login page.
My site is Traincolorado.com and the login page is https://traincolorado.com/l0g1n/
Any help would be very appreciated.
I insttaled “Tesla Login Customizer” plugin login page, lost your password are working perfectlly but registration page is not showing.
please help me
]]>This plugin is working perfectly but some of my customers can’t follow the English instructions when recovering a password etc.
Is there a way to get a language selector? It would be cool if it was automatic but still had the option to be changed with a drop down option.
It does not support WordPress MU?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/templates/admin/options/font.php on line 12
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0104 1564928 {main}( ) …/admin.php:0
2 7.2914 52295440 do_action( ) …/admin.php:236
3 7.2914 52297024 call_user_func_array:{/www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-includes/plugin.php:525} ( ) …/plugin.php:525
4 7.2914 52297104 tt_login\admin\Page->plugin_options_page( ) …/plugin.php:525
5 7.2914 52297264 tt_login\View->load( ) …/Page.php:77
6 7.2915 52303808 include( ‘/www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/templates/admin/main.php’ ) …/View.php:38
7 7.2926 52306616 do_action( ) …/main.php:26
8 7.2927 52308232 call_user_func_array:{/www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-includes/plugin.php:525} ( ) …/plugin.php:525
9 7.2927 52308400 tt_login\admin\Tab->render_tab_content( ) …/plugin.php:525
10 7.2928 52308584 do_settings_sections( ) …/Tab.php:76
11 7.2928 52308992 do_settings_fields( ) …/template.php:1292
12 7.2949 52315104 call_user_func:{/www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1333} ( ) …/template.php:1333
13 7.2949 52315136 tt_login\admin\Option->option_render( ) …/template.php:1333
14 7.2949 52315496 tt_login\View->__construct( ) …/Option.php:149
15 7.2949 52315664 tt_login\View->load( ) …/View.php:19
16 7.2950 52324808 include( ‘/www/webroot/plpkj.com/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/templates/admin/options/font.php’ ) …/View.php:38
I installed the Tesla Login Customizer plugin and got the following error message at the top of my Dashboard:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$items in /home/lebanonb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/tt_login/admin/Option.php on line 159
Any idea as to what this means or how to fix it? Thanks!
]]>Hi, I want to add a Revslider to Mercury theme how can i add this slider to wp-login page with mercury theme?
]]>after I deactivate plugin, the website is still locked
please help
]]>I was doing some testing of this plugin and noticed that when I error it at all, the form disappears, the buttons are still there (also invisible), just the entire form is invisible as a whole. How can I resolve this?
]]>Good day
The plugin worked for 5 minutes, then I get an error message stating this:
Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
first of all my sincere congratulation for this plugin and for all your stuff: really cool!
I successfully installed Tesla Login plugin on a multisite WP instance and I was able to properly configure almost everything in order to match my needs, except for the “Register” and “Lost your password?” links in the login box.
Using the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin to manage membership on a sub-site, I have custom Register and Password Recovery pages, so I would like to point to those pages from the links in the Tesla Login box.
By now, the “Register” link points to the sub-site wp-login.php?action=register url, but when clicking the user is sent to the root-site wp-signup.php, which is WP default behaviour, I guess.
Similar behaviour for the “Lost your password?” link, with the difference that it points directly to the root-site password recovery action url.
What I would like to achive is to customize those two links in the Tesla Login box in order to reach the custom Register and Password Recovery pages.
In pills:
(sub)website: https://athleticscoaches.eu
Tesla Login URL: https://athleticscoaches.eu/wp-login.php
Custom registration URL: http://athleticscoaches.eu/eaca-subscription-form/
Custom password recovery URL: https://athleticscoaches.eu/eaca-password-recovery/
Minor issue is that when users click on the Login menu item the Tesla Login page appears correctly but the url in browser’s address bar reports the root-site url with site’s subdir instead of the mapped domain.
Hope to have been enough clear, I am a WP rookie actually.
I’ve installed the plugin and when I choose a custom logo (format png), a strange error message appear :
ParseError: Unexpected input in anonymous-file-0.less on line 1, column 587 1| @primary_color : #dae4ce;@bg_image : **********/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/static/themes/mars/img/wordpress-login-theme-four.jpg’;@bg_image_repeat : undefined;@bg_image_size_type : cover;@bg_color : undefined;@font_family : Lato;@font_variations : 100px 300px;@font_subset : undefined;@font_size : 18;@font_color : #ffffff;@redirect_login : undefined;@redirect_register : undefined;@custom_login_url : undefined;@template : mars;@logo_hide : 1;@logo_image : undefined;@logo_bg_size_type : contain;@logo_width : 100;@logo_height : 100;@logo_link : undefined;@logo_title : **********;@form_placement : center;@form_heading : Connection;@form_bg_image : ********/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/static/themes/mars/img/theme-mars-form-bg.jpg’;@form_bg_size_type : cover;@form_bg_image_repeat : undefined;@form_bg_color : undefined;@form_padding : 50px 50px 50px 50px;@form_no_shake : undefined;@form_animation_in : zoomInDown;@form_animation_out : zoomOutDown;@form_animation_error : wobble;@form_button_color : #ffffff;@form_button_bg_color : #a3c2be;@form_captcha : 1;@form_captcha_key : ********************;@form_captcha_theme : light;@form_captcha_type : image;@form_captcha_lang : fr;@custom_css : undefined;@custom_js : undefined;
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at *********/htdocs/wp/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/tt_login/front/Templates.php:140) in /*********/wp-login.php on line 390
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at ********/wp-content/plugins/tesla-login-customizer/tt_login/front/Templates.php:140) in /*********/wp-login.php on line 403
I begin on wordpress, I don’t understand what’s mean. Sorry and thank
Thanks for a great plugin.
I note that you have made provision for setting a redirection page after login and logout.
However, is there a url, text or code that you can enter so that upon login the user is redirected back to the page they were last viewing before they logged on. And similarly, is there a url, text or code that can also be entered so that upon logout they are returned to the page they last viewed before logging out.
There is a plugin to achieve the login redirection called SKY LOGIN REDIRECT but I was hoping I could achieve the same result just using your plugin.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Kind Regards
Thanks for a good plugin.
I am developing a site locally on xampp using Generate Press theme.
I have installed your plugin and am using the wordpress template, with my own color scheme. There are two bugs:
1. I have set a color (green) for the form and it appears fine on the login and register pages, however on the lost your password page the form appears white. The color I have set for the text also appear correct on the L and R pages but on on the P page.
2. There is no hover color on the links on the bottom of the L and R pages, however the links on the bottom of the R page have light blue on hover.
I tried switching out the GP theme for twenty fifteen however the bugs remain.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Kind Regards