This “Template Builder Elementor” seems very usefull, but I don’t get it to work.
I have made a template for some ACF posts but how to use it now? The ACF fields are set in a template. But how can I use this template now? How to load or integrate it?
I don’t understand how to use it?
On the webiste evomart, there is no documentation yet.
Thanks to give us some more instructions on how to use the templates.
Thanks in advance.
Tried your grid-designer and it seems to work fine. One thing, however: instead of the SEO-friendly slug (like configured) your plugin uses https://***.**/?post_type=post&p=1516.
I also would like to see an offset-option, to make more complex grids. Or did I oversee this?
An for the rest: great plugin, many thanks!