Rating: 1 star
Sorry but this plugin does nothing, you need to go around and find that it is only (maybe) functional if you pay for a bunch of money.
Please remove it from www.remarpro.com
Rating: 1 star
You should indicate the price on the plugin front page.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Would prefer if details of any (paid or free) external services that may be required be put into the short description so I can more easily find exactly what i need at the time.
]]>Rating: 1 star
found this pluggin from a search on www.remarpro.com, i installed it
it didn’t seem to work
so i went to the readme.txt says go to your website, I get there and am told to pay 20 dollars ( I think is more than a fair asking price but why not tell us this in the first place )
wish i would have known all this before trying to install your plugin
please offer a free ver so we can try before we buy, then i will be more than happy to give you 5 stars
]]>Rating: 1 star
erst mal geht das und dann steht da Purchase to continue dann soll mal 20 doller bezahlen
wenn man das anders gemacht h?tte so wie andere Plugins das man für bestimmte sachen bezahlen muss aber das man den Plugin noch nutzen kann w?re das in Ordnung aber so ist das Mist
ich habe das wieder deinstalliert
Rating: 5 stars
ótimo plugin! Gostei muito.
Só tem um porém, na configura??o default dele, nem dá para vê-lo direito, é preciso desmarcar a primeira caixa das configura??es. Tem como fazer isso para deixá-lo visível para todos os usuários?
Rating: 5 stars
Este plugin va perfecto, lo hemos usado en https://www.mesabillar.es y va bien.
Rating: 5 stars
Great plugin
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Tawea is exactly this plugin what I was looking for. My website users are satisfied.
Rating: 5 stars
Work fantasticThanks for the simple way it works install activate and it runs straight out of the box.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
So, I was skeptical in first term because all that other chats you find in websites and no matter what you want they start spamming you while you are looking for other things in that web. But, just given a try to this plugin I found this was a nice, clean and minimalist way of having a Facebook Chat Window (!!!!!) in your very own blog. Not only that, it can be a point of meeting between all your visitors, with the Public Chat option. Anyone has a Facebook account so there’s no problem with that. I also use in my website Facebook Comments and are fluently used.
Sorry for the block of text. Things had to be said.