Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/tags-page/tags-page.php on line 19
]]>[11-Jul-2017 13:13:28 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: page in …/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/tags-page/tags-page.php on line 295
is seen when WordPress wp-config.php is set to debug mode.
Using Version 1.3.1 of this plugin.
]]>I have used your plugin for a while now and was very happy with it. However, I installed Simple Tags to enable me to make bulk edits to my tags; and have added a second language to my site using Polylang; and now the page no longer works. Has anyone else noticed this bug? I cannot find a reasonable replacement for your plugin, so I am really hoping that you might have a fix. Yours appreciatively, Drew Bergerson
how do i make this plugin to work with woocommerce product tags ?
i want to make a page with all my 65.000 product tags.
i use for woocommerce and not for wp blog .
thanks in advance
take care
Just wondering if you are going to update this plugin to compatibility the latest version of WordPress?
I use this plugin on multiple sites I build and maintain, and clients are asking if it is still safe to use.
I just installed this plugin, and see this strange behavior.
It created the virtual “all-tags” page, and when I click on it in the Tag Cloud, it shows the page using a featured image from one of the other pages/posts!
If I manually create a new page and add [get_tags], that displays fine – no featured image.
Would be nice to know why the virual page adds a image to the page… in my theme (twenty fourteen) it shows the image in large size on top of page, but I don’t want a image for the tags list…
]]>Hi there,
I’m using the videotube theme, so I want to show all the video tags on a single page as your plugin.
]]>Dobry den,
“tabulka” na stránce s vypisem v?ech ?títk? má v záhlaví i v zápatí li?tu s “tla?ítky” pro volbu zp?sobu t?ídění vzestupně/sestupně podle názvu nebo ?etnosti, ale fungují jen ty v záhlaví.
Plugin ve verzi 1.2, WP 4.4.2
When the table of tags is generated the lines are so close together that it’s virtually impossible to tap only a single result on a mobile device, especially an older iPhone. (5S in my case.) In a future update release could there be more line space between results in the table please?
]]>is there a way to have the plugin list the numbers last i have lot of tags that are numbers these numbers are important because they are part numbers but it would be good if they could be last instead of first to that visitors will see the worded tags first
Today i installed your great Plugin in a wp installation 3.5.1
and it worked great.
One issue – i have over 2 000 tags, how can i break them into more pages?
for example all 500 tags a new page? I think i need a pagination..
Thank you so much