I added some CSS code to my Style.css but the tab doesn’t work. What to do now?
Thank you
I’ve used your Accordion Shortcodes and LOVE IT! I just discovered this Tabs Shortcodes and hope that some day you will decide to breathe life back into it or merge it into your Accordion Shortcodes somehow as a responsive solution?
::Slumps shoulders, drops head, and sulks knowing the journey to find a comparable plugin lies ahead::
( For humor only. =^D )
I Wish you the best with your pursuits and thanks for the excellent plugin(s) that you continue to support!! So clean, lean, and mean!
]]>Unfortunately going forward I will not be updating or supporting this plugin. I just don’t have the time required to properly give it the care it deserves.
There are numerous other plugins for adding tabs to your sites. If this plugin doesn’t meet your needs immediately I recommend looking into those.
]]>Hi, Phil. Really glad to find this. I use the Accordion plugin as well.
Is it possible to also add classes to a group of tabs, as one can with the Accordions?
]]>Hi Phil,
I love this plugin — thanks very much! I also use your Accordion Shortcodes plugin, which is equally awesome ??
I’ve been using the Tabs Shortcodes for about a year now and everything has been going well. But now I’ve come across a situation where I need to change the layout of a page that currently has two tabs. I need to move the second tab to a brand-new page, and break up the first tab into several others.
The problem I’m coming up against is that I link to that second tab from other posts and pages, so that link has been indexed by search engines. I can’t redirect it to the correct page because I need to add new content to that tab.
I can’t see a way to solve the issue for existing situations, but I’m sure that it would be possible to prevent it from occurring again by allowing tab URLs to be named rather than numbered.
Thanks very much for considering this request! I also noticed that the plugin hasn’t been updated in about a year. Any plans to indicate compatibility with the current WordPress version?
]]>URL : https://vonbraun.girly.jp/lucdnm/shop-list-2/
I’ve checked wp_footer() just before the </body>, seen that JS file of your plugin is called well, but it symply doesn’t work.
Can you check my code or page?
Code is below ————————————————–
[tab title=”JOURNAL STANDARD”]
<div style=”clear: both;”>
<h2 class=”shoptitle”>JOURNAL STANDARD</h2>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>札幌店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>北海道札幌市中央区南一条西3丁目 札幌パルコ B1?1F</span>
TEL: 011-214-2049</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルミネ大宮店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>埼玉県さいたま市大宮区錦町630 ルミネ大宮2 2F別館</span>
TEL: 048-631-3319</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>仙台店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-2-3 仙台パルコ 2F</span>
TEL: 022-212-5820</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>金沢店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>石川県金沢市香林坊2-4-30 香林坊ラモーダ 1?2F</span>
TEL: 076-233-2880</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>渋谷店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都渋谷区神南1-5-6</span>
TEL: 03-5457-0719</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>名古屋店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>愛知県名古屋市中区栄3-29-1 名古屋パルコ西館1F?2F</span>
TEL: 052-259-7352</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>表参道店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都渋谷区神宮前6丁目7-1</span>
TEL: 03-6418-7958</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>京都店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>京都府京都市下京区寺町通4条下ル貞安前之町605 藤井大丸 2F</span>
TEL: 075-211-0135</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>自由が丘店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都目黒区自由が丘1-8-71?2F</span>
TEL: 03-5731-1731</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルクア大阪店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市北区梅田3-1-3 ルクア大阪 3F>TEL: 06-6347-0296 </span></div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>二子玉川店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都世田谷区玉川2?21?1 二子玉川ライズ タウンフロント 1F</span>
TEL: 03-5797-5778</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>難波店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY B1F</span>
TEL: 06-6644-2419</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>新宿店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都新宿区新宿4-1-7</span>
TEL: 03-5367-0236</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>心斎橋店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-3-21</span>
TEL: 06-6253-8037</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>池袋店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都豊島区南池袋1-28-2 池袋パルコ本館 3F</span>
TEL: 03-5956-3595</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>神戸店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>兵庫県神戸市中央区三宮町3-5-4</span>
TEL: 078-327-8113</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルミネ立川店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都立川市曙町2-1-1 ルミネ立川 3F</span>
TEL: 042-548-5191</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>広島店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>広島県広島市中区新天地2-1 広島パルコ新館 2F</span>
TEL: 082-504-0602</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>町田店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都町田市原町田6-2-6 町田modi 2F</span>
TEL: 042-739-3723</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>松山店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>愛媛県松山市一番町3-2-1 松山全日空ホテルAVA 3F</span>
TEL: 089-915-2883</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルミネ横浜店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県横浜市西区高島2-16-1 ルミネ横浜 B2F</span>
TEL: 045-440-1761</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>福岡店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>福岡県福岡市中央区天神2-11-1 福岡パルコ 2F</span>
TEL: 092-235-7162</div>
[tab title=”JOURNAL STANDARD relume”]
<div style=”clear: both;”>
<h2 class=”shoptitle”>JOURNAL STANDARD relume</h2>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>札幌店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>北海道札幌市中央区北5条西2-5 札幌ステラプレイス イースト 3F</span>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>表参道
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-18</span>
TEL: 03-6438-0401</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルミネ新宿店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都新宿区新宿3-38-2 ルミネ新宿2 4F</span>
TEL: 03-5909-4675</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>ルミネ有楽町店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都千代田区有楽町2-5-1 ルミネ有楽町1 4F</span>
TEL: 03-5222-1745</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>豊洲店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都江東区豊洲2-4-9 ららぽーと豊洲 1F SOUTH PORT</span>
TEL: 03-6910-1538</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>川崎店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県川崎市幸区堀川町72-1 ラゾーナ川崎プラザ 2F Plaza South</span>
TEL: 044-874-8453</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>みなとみらい店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい3-5 MARK IS みなとみらい1F</span>
TEL: 045-640-5622</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>湘南店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県藤沢市辻堂神台1-3-1 Terrace Mall 湘南 2F</span>
TEL: 0466-38-2148</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>名古屋店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>愛知県名古屋市中区栄3-6-1 ラシック 5F</span>
TEL: 052-238-2518</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>梅田店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-12-6 E-MA B1F</span>
TEL: 06-6456-4161</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>天王寺店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市天王寺区悲田院町10-48 Mioプラザ館 2F</span>
TEL: 06-6774-2380</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>博多店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1-1 アミュプラザ博多 6F</span>
TEL: 092-413-5656</div>
[tab title=”as know as de base”]
<div style=”clear: both;”>
<h2 class=”shoptitle”>as know as de base</h2>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>丸井今井函館
</span><span class=”addressphone”>北海道函館市本町32-15 2F</span>
TEL: 0138-31-3836</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>札幌ステラプレイス
</span><span class=”addressphone”>北海道札幌市中央区北五条西2-5 4F</span>
TEL: 011-209-5261</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>旭川西武
</span><span class=”addressphone”>北海道旭川市一条通8丁目右一号 2F</span>
TEL: 0166-26-5554</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>さくら野弘前
</span><span class=”addressphone”>青森県弘前市城東北3-10-1 2F</span>
TEL: 0172-26-9011</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>五所川原
</span><span class=”addressphone”>青森県五所川原市唐笠柳字藤巻517番地1 ELM街1F</span>
TEL: 0173-34-8841</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>仙台エスパル
</span><span class=”addressphone”>宮城県仙台市青葉区中央1-1-1 3F</span>
TEL: 022-217-0063</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>つくばクレオスクエア
</span><span class=”addressphone”>茨木市つくば市吾妻1-6-1 ???????Q’t2F</span>
TEL: 029-855-6541</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>オーロラモールジュンヌ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>千葉県千葉市中央区新町1001 3F</span>
TEL: 043-245-8484</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>船橋西武
</span><span class=”addressphone”>千葉県船橋市本町1-2-1 2F</span>
TEL: 047-422-2855</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>府中伊勢丹
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都府中市宮町1-41-2 2F</span>
TEL: 042-366-3777</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>グランデュオ立川
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都立川市柴崎町3-2-1 3F</span>
TEL: 042-521-3249</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>セレオ八王子
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都八王子市旭町1-1 北館3F</span>
TEL: 042-686-3277</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>北千住マルイ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都足立区千住3-92 4F</span>
TEL: 03-3870-5462</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>グランデュオ蒲田
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都大田区蒲田5-13-1 東館3F</span>
TEL: 03-5713-6397</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>明治通り店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都渋谷区神宮前6-19-12 青山??? 1F</span>
TEL: 03-5468-6834</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>新宿高島屋
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都渋谷区千駄ケ谷5-24-2 8F</span>
TEL: 03-3225-1032</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>新宿ミロード
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都新宿区西新宿1-1-3 5F</span>
TEL: 03-3349-5750</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>錦糸町マルイ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都墨田区江東橋3-9-10 2F</span>
TEL: 03-5600-9081</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>上野マルイ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都台東区上野6-15-1 2F</span>
TEL: 03-3837-5028</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>有楽町マルイ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都千代田区有楽町2-7-1 3F</span>
TEL: 03-6738-3802</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>池袋西武
</span><span class=”addressphone”>東京都豊島区南池袋1-28-1 3F</span>
TEL: 03-3983-4356</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>マルイシティ横浜
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県横浜市西区高島2-19-12 B1F</span>
TEL: 045-441-0454</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>横浜そごう
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県横浜市西区高島2-18-1 3F</span>
TEL: 045-465-3139</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>Terrace Mall湘南
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県藤沢市辻堂神台1-3-1 1F</span>
TEL: 0466-38-1864</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>相模原伊勢丹
</span><span class=”addressphone”>神奈川県相模原市南区相模大野4-4-3 1F</span>
TEL: 042-748-9979</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>新潟伊勢丹
</span><span class=”addressphone”>新潟県新潟市中央区八千代1丁目6番1号 3F</span>
TEL: 025-249-3185</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>福井西武
</span><span class=”addressphone”>福井県福井市中央1-8-1 2F</span>
TEL: 0776-29-1599</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>松本パルコ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>長野県松本市中央1-10-630 3F</span>
TEL: 0263-38-2191</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>名鉄百貨店
</span><span class=”addressphone”>愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1-2-1 本館4F</span>
TEL: 052-585-7408</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>四日市近鉄
</span><span class=”addressphone”>三重県四日市市諏訪栄町7-34 2階</span>
TEL: 059-356-0217</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>JR京都伊勢丹
</span><span class=”addressphone”>京都府京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町657 5F</span>
TEL: 075-352-6339</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>梅田阪神
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-13-13 3F</span>
TEL: 06-6344-6461</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>JR大阪三越伊勢丹
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市北区梅田3-1-3 4階</span>
TEL: 06-6341-9166</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>なんばマルイ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市中央区難波3-8-9 4F</span>
TEL: 06-6649-6881</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>心斎橋大丸
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-7-1 北館3F</span>
TEL: 06-6253-0205</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>あべのsolaha
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-1-43 3.5F</span>
TEL: 06-6623-5488</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>千里阪急
</span><span class=”addressphone”>大阪府豊中市新千里東町1-5-1 2F</span>
TEL: 06-6835-3501</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>神戸そごう
</span><span class=”addressphone”>兵庫県神戸市中央区小野柄通8-1-8 3F</span>
TEL: 078-272-4285</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>福山天満屋
</span><span class=”addressphone”>広島県福山市元町1-1 2F</span>
TEL: 084-927-2231</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>広島そごう
</span><span class=”addressphone”>広島県広島市中区基町6-27 5F</span>
TEL: 082-512-7478</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>いよてつ高島屋
</span><span class=”addressphone”>愛媛県松山市湊町5-1-1 4F</span>
TEL: 089-941-1511</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>JR博多シティアミュプラザ
</span><span class=”addressphone”>福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1-1 6F</span>
TEL: 092-473-0212</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>みらい長崎ココウォーク
</span><span class=”addressphone”>長崎県長崎市茂里町1-55 2F</span>
TEL: 095-814-0828</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>frill宮崎
</span><span class=”addressphone”>宮崎県宮崎市橘通西3-10-32 ???????橘西館 1F</span>
TEL: 0985-22-8553</div>
<div class=”shop”><span class=”shopname”>鹿児島山形屋
</span><span class=”addressphone”>鹿児島市金生町3-1-2号館 2F</span>
TEL: 099-227-6547</div>
]]>One feature that I see missing that would be a great asset is adding the tab url automatically when choosing a tab, just like an anchor link within a page.
mysite.com/somepage/ – would show the page with the first tab as default
clicking on tab 2 would change the url to,
and so on.
I have links on my page to open up different tabs. It is no longer working. I have set the url properly, but it will not open up the tab.
Here is my test site URL – https://wayoflife.net/dev/tab-test/
This plugin was working and was just what I needed, but no more ??
]]>If URLs ending by .html how choose active tab ?
This examples not works:
Hi, if i apply this shortcode to my page with some galleries, when i see the page, i cant see the image but only the shortcode of the gallery, what i can do?
]]>Hi, forgive me if I’m not seeing where to do this, but is there a way to customize the URLs from “tab-1” to “whatever-i-want-to-call-the-tab”?
thanks for this great plugin. Can I somehow manually set the active tab so that it would be other than the first one? If not, would you please be able to add this function?
Could you please give an example of how to use this shortcode in a template file.I have been trying to use the shortcode in my index.php file to display tabs in my main content,but can’t seem to make it work.Thank you.
]]>Great plugin. My problem is that additional line feeds are added to the html.
<div class="entry-container fix">
<div class="entry fix">
<ul id="tabs" class="tabs"></ul>
<section id="tab-1" class="tab"></section>
<section id="tab-2" class="tab"></section>
<section id="tab-3" class="tab"></section>
<section id="tab-4" class="tab active"></section>
I am not sure whether this is because I am using dedicated css rather than adding css to theme style sheet.
My demo site is here.
I look forward to your input.
Says I have 3 tabs and when i click on the space after tab 3, it will shows the 3 tabs title /name and all the content is gone.
Is this a bug?
]]>How Can I get this to work in a template file, I am trying to add it via using do_shortcodes feature but it is not working.
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[tabs]”); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[tab title=’First Tab’]”); ?>Content for tab one goes here.<?php echo do_shortcode(“[/tab]”); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[tab title=’Second Tab’]”); ?>Content for tab two goes here.<?php echo do_shortcode(“[/tab]”); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[tab title=’Third Tab’]”); ?>Content for tab three goes here.<?php echo do_shortcode(“[/tab]”); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[/tabs]”); ?>
]]>After installing this plugin, I found it didn’t seem to work: the tabs appeared, but only the first was ever shown regardless of the one I clicked on.
Looking for an alternative, I came across your accordion tabs and that included the FAQ entry:
Why isn’t the JavaScript file loading on my site?
This is most likely caused by a poorly coded theme. The plugin makes use of the wp_footer() function to load the JavaScript file and it’s dependancy (jQuery). Check your theme to ensure that the wp_footer() function is being called right before the closing </body> tag in your themes footer.php file.
This turned out to also be the solution to my problem — I figure it may help to mention this on the Tabs Shortcodes page as well, since it’s not exactly something I’d have discovered otherwise ??
This plug-in works great for one set of tabs.
However when I add multiple tabbed areas on one page, only the first one works. Is that unavoidable? Any code tweaks I can make to allow multiple areas?
Thanks. Martin.
I am trying to make a tab open (or selected) with url. I thought taht adding the tab id at the end of the url (#-tab-2), like an anchor, would work but it does not seem to.
Is there a way to achieve this ?
Many thanks for your plugin, it is easy to setup and customized, it just works !
Best regards,
]]>A few major things stood out:
1) Where does the CSS go? Why not add a “default css” field to update the CSS from the front end? Or at least a file, so it can be edited easily?
2) It doesn’t work. I installed it in compliance with the instructions, turned it on, and added some shortcode to one of my posts. The post didn’t change.
3) No example. Does it work for anyone? How can anyone be sure if there’s no live example on the site.
4) What technology does this use? Is it AJAX-ready? I think most people will want to know.
<ul id="tabs" class="tabs"> <li><a href="#tab-1">1-местный</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-2">2-местный</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-3">2-местный (улучш.)</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-4">3-местный</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-5">4-местный</a></li> <section id="tab-1" class="tab active"> <?php query_posts('page_id=119' ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <?php endwhile; else: endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </section><section id="tab-2" class="tab"> <?php query_posts('page_id=120' ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <?php endwhile; else: endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </section><section id="tab-3" class="tab"> <?php query_posts('page_id=121' ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <?php endwhile; else: endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </section><section id="tab-4" class="tab"> <?php query_posts('page_id=122' ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <?php endwhile; else: endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </section><section id="tab-5" class="tab"> <?php query_posts('page_id=123' ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <?php endwhile; else: endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </section>
Что не так???
]]>Hi there,
I know it is ridiculous to support IE8 and XP but I have a client that needs to. Is there a way to provide support for this?
]]>We can’t seem to let the collapse function work properly. We can see the links, but nothing happens when you click them…
We used this code:
[tab title="Klassieke massage"]Strijken, ... vermoeidheid.[/tab]
[tab title="Voetreflexmassage"]Harmonie ... lichaam.[/tab]
Here’s the live-site:
Any idea what could be the cause of this problem?
Thanks in advance!